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art patronage Mäzenatentum {n}
art philosopher Kunstphilosoph {m}
art photographerKunstfotograf {m}
art photographer [female] Kunstfotografin {f}
art photography künstlerische Fotografie {f}
art piece Kunstwerk {n}
art poetry Kunstdichtung {f}
art policyKunstpolitik {f}
art print Kunstdruck {m}
art productionKunstproduktion {f}
art project Kunstprojekt {n}
art public Kunstpublikum {n}
art publisher Kunstverleger {m}
art purchases Kunstankäufe {pl}
art reception Kunstrezeption {f}
art repatriation Kunstrückführung {f}
art repatriationRückgabe {f} von Kunstwerken
art repatriationKunstrückgabe {f}
art restorer [female] Kunstrestauratorin {f}
art reviewerKunstkritiker {m}
art robbery Kunstraub {m}
art rock Artrock {m} [progressiver Musikstil]
art roomZeichensaal {m}
art roomKunstsaal {m} [Zeichensaal]
art room Kunstraum {m}
art room(Mal- und) Zeichenraum {m} [Kunstraum]
art salon Kunstsalon {m}
art sceneKunstszene {f}
art sceneKunstbetrieb {m}
art scene Künstlerszene {f}
art school Kunstakademie {f}
art school [painting and drawing] Malschule {f}
art school for ladies Damenkunstschule {f}
art shopKunstladen {m}
art silk Kunstseide {f}
art smugglingSchmuggel {m} von Kunstgegenständen
art society Kunstverein {m}
art song Kunstlied {n}
art songLied {n} [Kunstlied]
art studentKunstschüler {m}
art studentKunststudent {m}
art student [female]Kunstschülerin {f}
art student [female] Kunststudentin {f}
art studies {pl} Kunststudium {n}
art studio Kunstwerkstatt {f}
art studio Kunstatelier {n}
art style Kunststil {m}
art subject Kunstfach {n}
art supplies {pl} Künstlerbedarf {m}
art supplies shopBastelladen {m}
art supplies shopBastelgeschäft {n}
art supply store [Am.] Bastelgeschäft {n}
art supply store [Am.]Bastelladen {m}
art teacherKunsterzieher {m}
art teacherKunsterziehungslehrer {m}
art teacher Zeichenlehrer {m}
art teacherKunstlehrer {m}
art teacher [female]Kunsterzieherin {f}
art teacher [female] Zeichenlehrerin {f}
art teacher [female] Kunsterziehungslehrerin {f}
art teacher [female]Kunstlehrerin {f}
art technologyKunsttechnologie {f}
art term Kunstbegriff {m}
art theftKunstdiebstahl {m}
art theft Kunstraub {m}
art theorist Kunsttheoretiker {m}
art theory [aesthetics] Kunsttheorie {f}
art therapyGestaltungstherapie {f}
art therapy Kunsttherapie {f}
art thiefKunstdieb {m}
art tradeKunsthandel {m}
art traditionKunsttradition {f}
art treasure Kunstschatz {m}
art treasures Kunstschätze {pl}
art trendsKunstströmungen {pl}
art trove Kunstfund {m}
art wareskunsthandwerkliche Waren {pl}
art with no inward contentKunst {f} ohne Inhalt
art work Kunstwerk {n}
art world Kunstwelt {f}
artard [Am.] [sl.]Vollhonk {m} [ugs.] [Vollidiot]
artard [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [r-tard, retard] absoluter Vollidiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Artashat Artaschat {n}
Artax [The Neverending Story] Artax [Die unendliche Geschichte]
artboardZeichenfläche {f}
art-dealing Kunsthandel {m}
Arte Deco [Disney] Arti
Arte Povera Arte Povera {f}
artefac [rare] [artefact] Artefakt {n}
artefact [Br.] [image artefact] Bildfehler {m}
artefact [esp. Br.] Artefakt {n}
artefact [esp. Br.] [polluting signal, distortion] Störsignal {n} [Artefakt]
artefact [metrology] [Br.]Prüfkörper {m} [Messtechnik]
artefact assemblageArtefaktensammlung {f}
artefacted [esp. Br.] artefaktiert
artefact-free [Br.] artefaktfrei
artefacts [Br.] Artefakte {pl}
artel Artel {n} [Arbeitergenossenschaft]
artellia [Varanus salvadorii] Papuawaran {m}
artellia [Varanus salvadorii] Baumkrokodil {n} [Papuawaran]
« ArroarsearseartdArtNartpArteartearthartiarti »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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