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arthrogramArthrogramm {n}
arthrographic arthrografisch
arthrographical arthrographisch
arthrographical arthrografisch
arthrographically arthrographisch
arthrographically arthrografisch
arthrographyArthrographie {f}
arthrography Arthrografie {f}
arthrogryposis Arthrogryposis {f}
arthrogryposis [Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita]Arthrogrypose {f}
arthrokinematics [treated as sg.] Arthrokinematik {f}
arthrology Arthrologie {f}
arthrology Gelenklehre {f}
arthrologyGelenkkunde {f}
arthrometry Arthrometrie {f}
arthro-osteo-onychodysplasiaArthroosteoonychodysplasie {f}
arthropathic psoriasis [Arthritis psoriatica] Psoriasis-Arthropathie {f} [Psoriasis-Arthritis]
arthropathyArthropathie {f}
arthropathy Gelenkerkrankung {f}
arthroplasty Arthroplastik {f}
arthroplasty Gelenkplastik {f}
arthropneumography [rare] [air-contrast arthrography] Arthropneumographie {f}
arthropod [phylum Arthropoda] Gliederfüßer {m}
arthropod [phylum Arthropoda]Arthropode {m}
arthropod collectionArthropodensammlung {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Sammlung]
arthropod community Arthropodengemeinschaft {f}
arthropod diversity Arthropodenvielfalt {f}
arthropod evolution Evolution {f} der Arthropoden
arthropod faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Arthropodenkot {m}
arthropod faunaArthropodenfauna {f}
arthropod genus Arthropodengattung {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Gattung]
arthropod group Arthropodengruppe {f}
arthropod infestationArthropodenbefall {m}
arthropod morphology Arthropodenmorphologie {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Morphologie]
arthropod species Arthropodenart {f}
arthropod species Gliederfüßerart {f}
arthropod vectorArthropodenvektor {m}
Arthropoda fauna Arthropodenfauna {f}
Arthropoda speciesArthropodenart {f}
Arthropoda speciesGliederfüßerart {f}
arthropodinArthropodin {n}
arthropodization Arthropodisierung {f}
arthropodology Arthropodologie {f}
arthropods [phylum Arthropoda]Gliederfüßer {pl}
arthropods [phylum Arthropoda]Arthropoden {pl}
arthroscope Arthroskop {n}
arthroscopic arthroskopisch
arthroscopic biceps tenodesis arthroskopische Bizepssehnentenodese {f}
arthroscopic examination [arthroscopy]Arthroskopie {f} [Untersuchung eines Gelenkinnenraums mit dem Arthroskop]
arthroscopic findings arthroskopische Befunde {pl}
arthroscopic punch Arthroskopiestanze {f}
arthroscopic reconstructionarthroskopische Rekonstruktion {f}
arthroscopic stabilisation of the shoulder [Br.]arthroskopische Schulterstabilisierung {f}
arthroscopic stabilization of the shoulderarthroskopische Schulterstabilisierung {f}
arthroscopic surgery Arthroskopie {f} [arthroskopische Chirurgie / Operation]
arthroscopic techniques arthroskopische Techniken {pl}
arthroscopic techniques arthroskopische Verfahren {pl}
arthroscopyArthroskopie {f}
arthroscopyGelenkspiegelung {f}
arthroscopy [e.g. of the shoulder, knee joint] Spiegelung {f} [eines Gelenkes]
arthroscopy of the knee jointKniegelenkspiegelung {f}
arthroscopy probeArthroskopiesonde {f}
arthrosis [osteoarthritis] Arthrose {f}
arthrosis therapy Arthrosetherapie {f}
arthrotome Gelenkmesser {n} [Chirurgie]
arthrotomyArthrotomie {f}
Arthur Erdferkel Arthur und seine Freunde
Arthur [Steve Gordon] Arthur – Kein Kind von Traurigkeit
Arthur 2: On the Rocks [Bud Yorkin] Arthur 2 – On the Rocks
Arthur Christmas [Sarah Smith] Arthur Weihnachtsmann
Arthur hearing [Am.] [bond hearing in Florida] Kautionsanhörung {f} [in Florida]
Arthurian arturisch [auch: arthurisch]
Arthurian LegendArtuslegende {f}
Arthurian romanceArtussage {f}
Arthurian tale Artuserzählung {f}
arthurite [CuFe2(AsO4,PO4,SO4)2(O,OH)2·4H2O]Arthurit {m}
Arthurs paragalaxias [Paragalaxias mesotes] Tasmanische Paragalaxie {m}
Arthurson Bluff Arthurson Bluff {n}
Arthus reaction Arthus-Reaktion {f}
artic [Br.] [coll.]Sattelzug {m}
artic [Br.] [coll.] Sattelschlepper {m}
artic [Br.] [coll.] [articulated truck]Zug {m}
artichoke Artischocke {f}
artichoke aphid [Capitophorus elaeagni, syn.: Capitophorus braggi, C. cirsii, Myzus elaeagni]Artischockenblattlaus {f}
artichoke aphid [Capitophorus elaeagni, syn.: Capitophorus braggi, C. cirsii, Myzus elaeagni] Ölweidenblattlaus {f}
artichoke beetle [Sphaeroderma testaceum]Distel-Flohkäfer {m} [auch: Distelflohkäfer]
artichoke beetle [Sphaeroderma testaceum] Artischockenerdfloh {m} [Käferart]
artichoke betony [Stachys affinis, syn.: Stachys sieboldii, Stachys tuberifera] Knollen-Ziest {m}
artichoke betony [Stachys affinis, syn.: Stachys sieboldii, Stachys tuberifera]Chinesische Artischocke {f}
artichoke betony [Stachys affinis, syn.: Stachys sieboldii, Stachys tuberifera] Japanische Kartoffel {f}
artichoke betony [Stachys affinis, syn.: Stachys sieboldii, Stachys tuberifera]Knollenkartoffel {f}
artichoke blossom Artischockenblüte {f} [einzelne Blüte]
artichoke bottomArtischockenboden {m}
artichoke bottoms Artischockenböden {pl}
artichoke dipArtischockendip {m}
artichoke hearts Artischockenherzen {pl}
artichoke moth [Gortyna xanthenes, syn.: Hydraecia xanthenes] (Gelbe) Artischockeneule {f}
« arteartoartrarteartearthartiartiartiartiarti »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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