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as faithful as possible, as free as necessary [pred. or postpos.] [translation]so treu wie möglich, so frei wie nötig [Übersetzung]
as far afield asbis nach [örtlich]
as far and as soon as sofern und sobald
as far asbis zu
as far as so weit wie
as far as sofern
as far assoweit
as far asbis
as far as ... is concernedwas ... angeht
as far as domestic policy is concerned innenpolitisch gesehen
as far as he is concernedseinetwegen [von ihm aus]
as far as home affairs are concerned innenpolitisch gesehen
as far as I am aware soweit ich weiß
As far as I am concerned, ... Was mich anbelangt, ...
as far as I am concernedwas mich anbetrifft
as far as I am concerned wenn es nach mir ginge
as far as I am concernedwas mich betrifft
As far as I can ascertain, ... Soweit ich in Erfahrung bringen konnte, ...
As far as I can gather ... So wie ich es sehe ...
as far as I can judge soweit ich es beurteilen kann
As far as I can remember ...Soviel mir erinnerlich ist, ...
As far as I can remember ... Soweit mir erinnerlich ist, ...
as far as I can remember <AFAICR> soweit ich mich erinnern kann
as far as I can see meiner Meinung nach
as far as I can see nach meiner Ansicht
as far as I can seemeiner Ansicht nach
as far as I can see <AFAICS> so, wie ich die Sache sehe
as far as I can see <AFAICS> soweit ich sehe
as far as I can tell <AFAICT>soweit ich sagen kann
as far as I know <AFAIK> meines Wissens <m. W.>
as far as I know <AFAIK>soviel ich weiß
as far as I know <AFAIK> soweit ich weiß
as far as I recollect soweit ich mich erinnern kann
as far as I remember <AFAIR> soweit ich mich erinnern kann
as far as I'm concerned was mich betrifft
as far as I'm concernedmeinerseits
as far as I'm concerned meinetwegen
as far as I'm concerned von mir aus [ugs.]
as far as I'm concernedich für meine Person
as far as I'm concernedich persönlich
as far as I'm concerned <AFAIC>soweit es mich angeht
as far as I'm concerned <AFAIC> soweit es mich betrifft
as far as is humanly possible to judge nach Menschenermessen
as far as is humanly possible to tell nach menschlichem Ermessen
as far as is humanly possible to tell nach Menschenermessen
as far as is known soweit bekannt ist
as far as it goes so weit
as far as it is concernedderetwegen [{f} {sg}]
as far as my experience goes soweit ich aus persönlicher Erfahrung weiß
As Far as My Feet Will Carry MeSo weit die Füße tragen [Roman: Josef Martin Bauer; TV: Fritz Umgelter (1959), Film: Hardy Martins (2001)]
as far as our experience goesnach unserer Erfahrung
as far as possible weitestgehend
as far as possible nach Möglichkeit
as far as possibleso weit wie möglich
as far as possible weitgehendst [ugs.]
as far as possibletunlichst [möglichst]
as far as possible weitestmöglich
as far as possibleweitmöglichst
as far as possible [in the past]so weit es ging
as far as possible [in the present]so weit es geht
as far as practicablesoweit möglich
as far as rain goes was den Regen betrifft
as far as sb./sth. is / are concerned was jdn./etw. betrifft / anbetrifft
as far as she is concerned deretwegen [{f} {sg}]
as far as space allows soweit der Platz reicht
as far as style is concernedwas den Stil betrifft
as far as that goesso weit es reicht
as far as that goes [idiom] was das angeht [Redewendung]
as far as the bank is concerned soweit es die Bank betrifft
as far as the bone bis auf den Knochen
as far as the endbis zum Ende
as far as the eye can reach [idiom]so weit das Auge reicht [Redewendung]
as far as the eye can see [idiom] so weit das Auge reicht [Redewendung]
as far as the eye can see [idiom]so weit der Blick reicht [Redewendung]
as far as the eye could reach [idiom] so weit das Auge reichte [Redewendung]
as far as the eye could see [idiom] so weit das Auge reichte [Redewendung]
as far as the eyes could reach soweit die Augen reichen konnten
as far as the gate bis zum Tor
as far as the quality is concernedwas die Qualität betrifft
as far as the style goes was den Stil betrifft
as far as the text is concernedwas den Text betrifft
as far as there bis dorthin
as far as there is room soweit der Platz reicht
as far as they are concerned deretwegen [{pl}]
As far as this but no farther. Bis hierher, aber nicht weiter.
as far as this is necessary (to) soweit dies erforderlich ist (um zu)
as far as ventilation and air conditioning are concerned raumlufttechnisch
as far as we are concernedunseretwegen
as far as we can see soviel wir sehen
as far as we knowsoviel wir wissen
as far as we knowsoweit wir wissen
as far as we know nach unserem Kenntnisstand
as far as yon tree [archaic]bis zu jenem Baum
as far away as ... bis nach ...
as far back asschon [damals]
as far back as he can remembersoweit er sich erinnern kann
as far down as the valley bis ins Tal hinab
as fast as can be so schnell es geht
as fast as customary so schnell wie üblich
as fast as he can so schnell er kann
« asaGasanasasasamasbyasfaasfaasheasisaslaasmu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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