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as quickly as possiblemöglichst schnell
as quickly as possible so rasch wie möglich
as quickly as possible schnellstmöglichst [ugs.] [schnellstmöglich]
as quickly as possible auf dem schnellsten Weg
as quickly as possibleauf schnellstem Weg / Wege
as quietly as may beso still wie möglich
as rare as a blue diamond so selten wie ein blauer Diamant
as rare as hen's teeth [idiom]so selten wie ein weißer Rabe [Redewendung]
as recent as yesterday erst gestern
as recently aserst
as recently as ... ago noch (bis) vor ...
as recently as 20 years agovor 20 Jahren noch
as recently as last month, I couldn't have imagined ... noch letzten Monat hätte ich mir nicht vorstellen können ...
as recently as this yearerst dieses Jahr
as recently as three weeks ago erst vor drei Wochen
as recommended by Mr. Smith wie von Herrn Smith vorgeschlagen
as recompense for your efforts als Lohn für deine Mühen
as red as a beetroot [postpos.] knallrot [ugs.] [Gesicht]
as red as a cherry kirschrot
as red as a lobster [postpos.] krebsrot
as red as fire [fig.] feuerrot [fig.]
as reflected in sth.im Spiegel von etw. [Dat.] [fig.]
as reflected in sth.im Spiegel etw. [Gen.] [fig.]
as regards betreffend [+Akk.]
as regards ... was ... anbetrifft
as regards ... was ... betrifft
as regards in puncto [+Gen.]
as regards ...was ... angeht
as regards betreffs [+Gen.]
as regards content was den Inhalt betrifft
as regards contentinhaltlich
as regards foreign policyaußenpolitisch
as regards language was die Sprache betrifft
as regards me / myself was mich betrifft
as regards price was den Preis betrifft
as regards quality was die Qualität betrifft
as regards some of themwas einige von ihnen betrifft
as regards stylewas den Stil betrifft
as regards subject matter thematisch [was das Thema betrifft]
as regards subject matterwas das Thema betrifft
as regards tastewas den Geschmack betrifft
as regards taste geschmacklich
as regards techniquewas die Methode betrifft
as regards thatwas das betrifft
as regards that plan was jenen Plan betrifft
as regards the contentswas den Inhalt betrifft
as regards the money was das Geld betrifft
as regards the substance inhaltlich
as regards this subject was diese Sache betrifft
as regards you was dich betrifft
as regards your request was deine Anfrage betrifft
as regular as clockwork [postpos.] [idiom] mit der Genauigkeit eines Uhrwerks [nachgestellt]
as related (by sb.) wie (von jdm.) berichtet
as related to in Bezug auf [+Akk.]
as reliable suppliers of als verlässliche Lieferanten von
as reported (by sb./sth.) wie (von jdm./etw.) berichtet
as representative of sb./sth. in Vertretung von jdm./etw.
as representative of sb./sth.in Vertretung jds./etw.
as represented [postpos.] wie vorgelegt
as requestednach Wunsch
as requestedwie gewünscht
as requested wunschgemäß
as requestedwie angefordert
as requestedwie beantragt
as requested wie gefordert
as requested wie verlangt
as requested (by sb.)wie (von jdm.) erbeten
as requested in your letter ofwie in Ihrem Schreiben vom ... gewünscht
as required je nach Bedarf
as requiredwie angefordert
as required wie benötigt
as requiredwie erforderlich
as requiredwie gewünscht
as required wie vorgeschrieben
as required nach Wunsch
as required wenn benötigt
as required nach Bedarf
as required by the regulations dem Reglement entsprechend
as respectswas betrifft
as rich as so reich wie
as right as a rivet [idiom]in schönster Ordnung [ugs.] [Redewendung]
as right as a trivet [idiom]in schönster Ordnung [ugs.] [Redewendung]
as right as ninepence [Br.] [coll.] [fit and well] quicklebendig
as right as rain [idiom]pudelwohl [ugs.]
as rumor has it [it is rumored that]gerüchteweise
as safe as houses [idiom] so sicher wie Immobilien [Redewendung]
as safe as the Bank of England [idiom] so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche [Redewendung]
as safe as the Bank of England [pred.] [idiom]so sicher wie die Bank von England [prädikativ] [Redewendung]
as said by sb. wie von jdm. gesagt
as sailors do nach der Art von Seeleuten
as sampleals Muster
as sb. kept [bills, receipts] da jd. aufhob [aufbewahrte]
as sb. puts itwie jd. es ausdrückt
as sb. reasonably sees fit nach jds. billigem Ermessen
as sb. rightly said wie jd. ganz richtig sagte
as sb. wants / wanted nach jds. Willen
as sb./sth. cancelled sth. outda jd./etw. etw. aufwog
as sb./sth. slid da jd./etw. abglitt
as sb.'s agentals jds. Vertreter
as sb.'s property als jds. Besitz
« asisaslaasmuasofaspeasquassbassoasthastoaswe »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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