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English-German Dictionary

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as required by the regulationsdem Reglement entsprechend
as respectswas betrifft
as rich asso reich wie
as right as a rivet [idiom] in schönster Ordnung [ugs.] [Redewendung]
as right as a trivet [idiom] in schönster Ordnung [ugs.] [Redewendung]
as right as ninepence [Br.] [coll.] [fit and well]quicklebendig
as right as rain [idiom] pudelwohl [ugs.]
as rumor has it [it is rumored that] gerüchteweise
as safe as houses [idiom] so sicher wie Immobilien [Redewendung]
as safe as the Bank of England [idiom] so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche [Redewendung]
as safe as the Bank of England [pred.] [idiom] so sicher wie die Bank von England [prädikativ] [Redewendung]
as said by sb. wie von jdm. gesagt
as sailors do nach der Art von Seeleuten
as sample als Muster
as sb. kept [bills, receipts]da jd. aufhob [aufbewahrte]
as sb. puts it wie jd. es ausdrückt
as sb. reasonably sees fit nach jds. billigem Ermessen
as sb. rightly said wie jd. ganz richtig sagte
as sb. wants / wantednach jds. Willen
as sb. was wont to say [dated] [literary] wie jd. zu sagen pflegte
as sb./sth. cancelled sth. out da jd./etw. etw. aufwog
as sb./sth. slid da jd./etw. abglitt
as sb.'s agent als jds. Vertreter
as sb.'s property als jds. Besitz
as sb.'s responsibility als jds. Verantwortung
A-S scale [short for: antisemitism scale] A-S-Skala {f} [kurz für: Antisemitismusskala]
as scheduledwie geplant
as scheduled wie vorgesehen
as second chamber [in a bicameral legislative authority]als Zweitrat [schweiz.]
as second climber im Nachstieg
as security for als Sicherheit für
as security for the sum als Sicherheit für den Betrag
as seen wie gesehen
as seen at the fair wie auf der Messe gesehen
as seen from Earth von der Erde aus gesehen
as seen from the front of sth. [e.g. right, left, clockwise]von der Vorderseite etw. [Gen.] (aus) gesehen [z. B. rechts, links, im Uhrzeigersinn]
as seen from the perspective [of] aus Sicht [von, vom, des, der]
as seen from without [archaic or literary]wie von außen ersichtlich
as seen in ...wie zu sehen an ...
as set outwie oben erklärt
as set out above wie oben dargelegt
as Shakespeare has itwie es bei Shakespeare steht
as short as possible kürzestmöglich
as shown [as depicted]wie abgebildet
as shown in [e.g. in the books] ausweislich [+Gen.] [z. B. der Geschäftsbücher]
as shown in the drawing wie aus der Zeichnung ersichtlich
as sick as a parrot [Br.]extrem enttäuscht
as slender as a withy schlank wie eine Weidenrute
as slim as a wand gertenschlank
as slow as a dead snail [fig.] im Schneckentempo [fig.]
as small as possiblemöglichst klein
as smart as a fox [idiom]so schlau wie ein Fuchs [Redewendung]
as smooth as a millpond [idiom] so ruhig wie ein Mühlweiher [Redewendung] [selten]
as smooth as a mirror [idiom]so glatt wie ein Spiegel [Redewendung]
as smooth as glass spiegelglatt
as soft as a baby's bottom [coll.] [idiom] so weich wie ein Babypo [ugs.] [Redewendung]
as soft as butter [idiom]butterweich [auch fig.]
as soft as silkseidenweich
as soft as velvetsamtweich
as soft as waxwachsweich
as solemn as a judge [pred.] [idiom] todernst
as solid as a tower sicher und solide
as soon assowie
as soon asso bald wie
as soon asgleich als
as soon as sobald
as soon as a vacancy occurs [a job opening, an apartment, etc.]sobald etwas frei wird [eine Arbeitsstelle, eine Wohnung etc.]
as soon as an opportunity arisessobald sich eine Möglichkeit ergibt
as soon as an opportunity arisessobald sich eine Gelegenheit ergibt
as soon as circumstances allowsobald die Umstände es erlauben
as soon as circumstances permit sobald die Umstände es erlauben
as soon as day broke(gleich) bei Tagesanbruch
as soon as ever [archaic]sobald
as soon as he arrived sobald er ankam
as soon as he comes home sobald er heimkommt
as soon as he had gone sobald er gegangen war
as soon as he returned sobald er zurückkam
as soon as he saw her sobald er sie sah
as soon as he saw them sobald er sie sah [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as he sees themsobald er sie sieht [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as I am backsobald ich zurück bin
as soon as I can sobald ich kann
as soon as I caught sight of itsobald ich es sah
as soon as I feel bettersobald ich mich wohler fühle
as soon as I get back sobald ich zurück bin
as soon as I get the moneysobald ich das Geld habe
as soon as I got the telegram sobald ich das Telegramm bekam
as soon as I had set eyes on him sobald ich ihn erblickte
as soon as I have finished sobald ich fertig bin
as soon as I have put this away sobald ich das auf die Seite gelegt habe
as soon as I hear anythingsobald ich etwas höre
as soon as I possibly can so bald wie möglich
as soon as I receive the letter sobald ich den Brief erhalte
as soon as I saw him sobald ich ihn sah
as soon as it suits me sobald es mir passt
as soon as may be sobald wie möglich [alt]
as soon as may beso bald wie möglich
as soon as my back was turnedsobald ich mich umgedreht hatte
as soon as my time allowssobald meine Zeit mir erlaubt
as soon as possibleehestens [österr.] [baldigst, baldmöglichst]
« Asitasmaasofaspeasprasreassoasthastiasweasyo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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