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English-German Dictionary

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(as) pissed as a fart [Br.] [sl.] [vulg.] total besoffen [ugs.]
(as) pissed as a newt [pred. or postpos.] [Br.] [sl.] [idiom]sturzbesoffen [ugs.] [derb]
(as) pissed as a newt / fart [Br.] [vulg.]stockbesoffen [ugs.]
(as) pissed as a rat [Br.] [vulg.] [sl.]total besoffen [ugs.]
(as) plain as a pikestaff [Br.] [pred.] [idiom](so) klar wie Kloßbrühe [ugs.] [völlig klar] [Redewendung]
(as) prescribedvorschriftsmäßig
(as) pretty as a picture [coll.] bildhübsch
(as) pretty as a picture [postpos.] [idiom] bildschön
(as) quick as a bunny [idiom](so) flink wie ein Wiesel [Redewendung]
(as) quick as a flash [idiom](so) flink wie ein Wiesel [Redewendung]
(as) quick as lightning blitzschnell [ugs.]
(as) quiet as a mousemucksmäuschenstill [ugs.]
(as) quiet as a mousemäuschenstill
(as) sharp as a razor (so) scharf wie ein Rasiermesser
(as) sharp as a tack [coll.] [fig.] [pred.] [very intelligent] blitzgescheit [ugs.]
(as) sick as a dog [Am.] [Aus.] [coll.] hundeelend [ugs.]
(as) sick as a dog [Am.] [Aus.] [coll.] [pred.]hundselend [ugs.]
(as) silent as the grave [idiom]stumm wie ein Fisch [Redewendung]
(as) slippery as an eel(so) schlüpfrig wie ein Aal
(as) sly as a fox [idiom] (so) schlau wie ein Fuchs [Redewendung]
(as) soft as butter [fig.]wachsweich [fig.]
(as) soft as down [pred.] daunenweich
(as) soft as silk [fig.] seidenweich [fig.]
(as) soft as silk [idiom](so) weich wie Seide [Redewendung]
(as) soft as velvet (so) weich wie Samt
(as) soft as velvet [fig.]samtweich [fig.]
(as) soft as wax (so) weich wie Wachs
(as) solid as a rock wie ein Fels in der Brandung
(as) stiff as a poker stocksteif [fig.]
(as) stiff as a statuestocksteif [ugs.]
(as) still as the grave [idiom](so) still wie ein Grab [Redewendung]
(as) straight as a die gerade wie ein Strich
(as) straight as a die kerzengerade
(as) straight as a dieschnurgerade
(as) straight as a poker [postpos.] [idiom] kerzengerade
(as) strong as a horse [idiom](so) stark wie ein Pferd [Redewendung]
(as) strong as an ox [postpos.] [idiom](so) stark wie ein Ochse [Redewendung]
(as) stubborn as a mule [idiom] (so) störrisch wie ein Maultier [Redewendung]
(as) stubborn as a mule [idiom](so) störrisch wie ein Esel [Redewendung]
(as) sure / certain as death and taxes [idiom] so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche [Redewendung]
(as) sweet as honey [also fig.] (so) süß wie Honig [auch fig.]
(as) sweet as sugar [idiom] (so) süß wie Zucker [Redewendung]
(as) thick as a brick [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] dumm wie Bohnenstroh [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(as) thick as a thumb [also: (as) thick as one's thumb] daumendick
(as) thick as pea soup [postpos.] [idiom] (so) dick wie Erbsensuppe [nachgestellt] [Redewendung]
(as) thick as two short planks [Br.] [coll.] grottendoof [ugs.]
(as) thick as two short planks [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] dumm wie Bohnenstroh [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(as) thick as two short planks [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] dumm wie Brot [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(as) thick as two short planks [pred. or postpos.] [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]strohdoof [ugs.]
(as) thin as a lath [postpos.] [idiom](so) dünn wie eine Latte [nachgestellt] [Redewendung]
(as) thin as hair [postpos.]haardünn
(as) timid as a hare [idiom] (so) furchtsam wie ein Hase [Redewendung]
(as) timid as a rabbit [idiom] (so) furchtsam wie ein Kaninchen [Redewendung]
(as) tough as an old boot [idiom](so) zäh wie altes Schuhleder [Redewendung]
(as) tough as leather [idiom](so) zäh wie Leder [Redewendung]
(as) tough as nails [fig.]knallhart [ugs.]
(as) tough as old boots [idiom](so) zäh wie altes Schuhleder [Redewendung]
(as) ugly as the devil hässlich wie die Sünde
(as) white as a ghostleichenblass
(as) white as a ghost [postpos.] [idiom] [white with fear] schreckensblass
(as) white as a sheet leichenblass
(as) white as a sheet totenbleich
(as) white as a sheet [postpos.] kreidebleich
(as) white as a sheet [idiom](so) weiß wie ein Leichentuch [Redewendung]
(as) white as a sheet [idiom]todesbleich [seltener für: totenbleich]
(as) white as a sheet [postpos.] käseweiß
(as) white as chalk [postpos.] kreidebleich
(as) white as chalk [postpos.] kreideweiß
(as) white as snow [postpos.] schneeweiß
(as) wise as an owl [postpos.] [idiom](so) weise wie eine Eule [nachgestellt] [Redewendung]
AS/RS (area)Hochregallagerbereich {m}
ASA classificationASA-Klassifizierung {f}
(Asa) Gray's sedge [Carex grayi] Morgenstern-Segge {f}
asafetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Asant {m}
asafetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Stinkasant {m}
asafetida [Ferula assa-foetida]Teufelsdreck {m}
asafoetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Asant {m}
asafoetida [Ferula assa-foetida]Stinkasant {m}
asafoetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Teufelsdreck {m}
asana [yoga posture]Asana {n} [auch {f}] [Körperhaltung im Yoga]
asant [Ferula assa-foetida]Asant {m}
asant [Ferula assa-foetida] Stinkasant {m}
asant [Ferula assa-foetida]Teufelsdreck {m}
asap asap [engl. Abk. für: so bald wie möglich]
asarabacca [Asarum europaeum](Gewöhnliche) Haselwurz {f}
asarabacca [Asarum europaeum]Braune Haselwurz {f}
asarabacca [Asarum europaeum] Europäische Haselwurz {f}
ASA-rating systemASA-Empfindlichkeitssystem {n}
asarone [C12H16O3] Asaron {n}
asbecasite [Ca3(Ti,Fe,Sn)(Be,B,Al)2(As,Sb)3O6(SiO4)2]Asbecasit {m}
asbestine Asbest-
asbestine asbestartig
asbestosAsbest {m} {n}
asbestos abatementAsbestsanierung {f}
asbestos articles Asbestartikel {pl}
asbestos banAsbestverbot {n}
asbestos blanketFeuerschutzdecke {f}
asbestos boardAsbestpappe {f}
asbestos board Asbestplatte {f}
« assoasthastiasweasyoas)pasbeasceasceas-cashc »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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