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ascertainment of pricePreisermittlung {f}
ascertainment of profits Gewinnermittlung {f}
ascertainment of the factsFeststellung {f} der Tatsachen
ascertainment of the truth Wahrheitsfindung {f}
ascertainments Ermittlungen {pl}
ascesis Aszese {f}
ascesis Askese {f}
ascesis enthaltsame Lebensweise {f}
ascetic enthaltsam
ascetic Büßer {m}
ascetic Einsiedlermönch {m}
ascetic mönchisch streng
ascetic Weltflüchtling {m}
ascetic Asket {m}
ascetic Asketiker {m}
ascetic [female]Asketin {f}
ascetic exercises Askeseübungen {pl}
ascetical asketisch
ascetically asketisch
asceticism Askese {f}
asceticism Kasteiung {f}
asceticismmönchische Enthaltsamkeit {f}
asceticism Asketentum {n}
asceticism Aszetik {f}
asceticismAsketismus {m}
asceticism Weltentsagung {f} [extreme Askese]
asceticism [self-denial] (mönchische) Entsagung {f} [geh.] [Askese]
ascetics Asketen {pl}
ascetism [rare] Asketismus {m}
AschaffenburgAschaffenburg {n}
aschamalmite [Pb6Bi2S9]Aschamalmit {m}
ascharite [MgBO2(OH)] Ascharit {m}
Ascher's syndrome [also: Ascher syndrome, Laffer-Ascher syndrome]Ascher-Syndrom {n} [auch: Laffer-Ascher-Syndrom]
Aschheim-Zondek pregnancy reactionAschheim-Zondek-Schwangerschaftstest {m}
Aschheim-Zondek pregnancy test Mäusetest {m} [ugs.] [Schwangerschaftstest nach Aschheim und Zondek]
Aschheim-Zondek test (for pregnancy)Schwangerschaftstest {m} nach Aschheim und Zondek
Aschoff bodies [also: Aschoff's bodies]Aschoff-Knötchen {pl}
Aschoff body [also: Aschoff's body] Aschoff-Knoten {m}
Aschoff-Geipel bodies [less common] [Aschoff's bodies] Aschoff-Geipel-Knötchen {pl}
Aschoff-Geipel bodies [less common] [Aschoff's bodies] Aschoff-Knoten {pl}
Aschoff's nodules [also: Aschoff nodules] [Aschoff's bodies] Aschoff-Knötchen {pl}
Aschoff-Talalaev bodies [Aschoff bodies] Aschoff-Talajew-Knoten {pl} [Aschoff-Knoten]
ASCII character set ASCII-Zeichensatz {m}
ASCII code ASCII-Code {m}
ASCII data file ASCII-Datei {f}
ASCII keyboard ASCII-Tastatur {f}
asciminib [C20H18ClF2N5O3]Asciminib {n}
ascites Aszites {m}
ascites Ascites {m} [Rsv.]
ascites [peritoneal effusion]Peritonealerguss {m}
ascites fluid Aszitesflüssigkeit {f}
ascites punctureAszitespunktion {f}
ascitic fluidAszitesflüssigkeit {f}
ascitis fluid [rare] [ascitic fluid]Aszitesflüssigkeit {f}
asclepain Asclepain {n}
Asclepiad [Asclepiadean verse]asklepiadeische Strophe {f}
Asclepiad [Asclepiadean verse] asklepiadeischer Vers {m}
Asclepiad [Asclepiadean verse]Asklepiadeus {m}
Asclepiadean asklepiadeisch
Asclepiadeanasklepiadeische Strophe {f}
Asclepiadeanasklepiadeischer Vers {m}
Asclepiadean Asklepiadeus {m}
Asclepiadean stropheasklepiadeische Strophe {f}
Asclepiadean verseasklepiadeische Strophe {f}
Asclepiadean verse asklepiadeischer Vers {m}
Asclepiadean verse Asklepiadeus {m}
Asclepiadic verse Asklepiadeus {m}
Asclepiadic verse asklepiadeische Strophe {f}
Asclepiadic verseasklepiadeischer Vers {m}
Asclepius Asklepios {m}
Asclepius Asklepius {m}
Asclepius Äskulap {m}
ascogenous hyphae ascogene Hyphen {pl}
ascogoniumAscogonium {n}
as-completed drawingBestandsplan {m}
as-completed drawingBestandszeichnung {f}
ascomycetous fungi [genus Xylaria]Holzkeulen {pl} [Schlauchpilzgattung aus der Unterabteilung Pezizomycotina]
ascoporeAscoporus {m}
ascorbic acid [E-300] [C6H8O6] Askorbinsäure {f} [Rsv.] [Ascorbinsäure] [Vitamin C]
ascorbic acid [E-300] [C6H8O6]Ascorbinsäure {f} [Vitamin C]
ascorbyl palmitate [E-304]Ascorbylpalmitat {n}
ascospore Askospore {f}
ascospore Ascospore {f}
ascospore formationAscosporenbildung {f}
ascospore germination Ascosporenkeimung {f}
ascosporogenesis Ascosporogenese {f}
ascot Ascotkrawatte {f}
ascot Plastron {m} {n}
ascot cravatAscot {f} [Ascotkrawatte]
ascot tieAscotkrawatte {f}
ascot (tie)Krawattenschal {m}
ascribed zugeschrieben
« asweasloas)sasbeasceasceascrashfasheAshwAsia »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers