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Asian red-cheeked squirrel [Dremomys rufigenis]Echtes Rotwangenhörnchen {n}
Asian rosefinch [Leucosticte arctoa] Rosenbauchschneegimpel {m} [auch: Rosenbauch-Schneegimpel]
Asian rosy finch / rosy-finch [Leucosticte arctoa]Rosenbauch-Schneegimpel {m}
Asian salamanders [genus Hynobius]Echte Winkelzahnmolche {pl}
Asian sand viper [Eristicophis macmahonii]MacMahon-Viper {f}
Asian seabass [Lates calcarifer] Barramundi {m}
Asian seabass [Lates calcarifer]Baramundi {m}
Asian serviceberry [Amelanchier asiatica]Asiatische Felsenbirne {f}
Asian serviceberry [Amelanchier asiatica] Japan-Felsenbirne {f}
Asian serviceberry [Amelanchier asiatica] Japanische Felsenbirne {f}
Asian shore crab [Hemigrapsus sanguineus, syn.: Grapsus (Grapsus) sanguineus, Heterograpsus maculatus]Asiatische Strandkrabbe {f}
Asian short-toed lark [Alaudala cheleensis, syn.: Calandrella cheleensis] Salzlerche {f}
Asian skunk cabbage [Lysichiton camtchatcensis]Weiße Scheincalla {f}
Asian skunk cabbage [Lysichiton camtchatcensis] Weiße Scheinkalla {f}
Asian small-clawed otter [Aonyx cinerea]Zwergotter {m}
Asian small-clawed otter [Aonyx cinerea]Kurzkrallenotter {m}
Asian snake-eyed skink [Ablepharus pannonicus, syn.: A. brandti, A. persicus, A. pusillus, Riopa rueppelli] Asiatisches Natterauge / Natternauge {n}
Asian snake-eyed skink [Ablepharus pannonicus, syn.: A. brandti, A. persicus, A. pusillus, Riopa rueppelli]Asiatischer Natternaugen-Skink {m}
Asian soft-furred rats [genus Millardia] Asiatische Weichratten {pl}
Asian sooty flycatcher [Muscicapa sibirica] Rußschnäpper {m}
Asian sooty flycatcher [Muscicapa sibirica] Sibirischer Grauschnäpper {m}
Asian sooty flycatcher [Muscicapa sibirica] Sibirischer Fliegenschnäpper {m}
Asian spider flower [Cleome viscosa, syn.: C. icosandra, Polanisia icosandra, P. viscosa] Klebrige Spinnenpflanze {f}
Asian spikemoss / spike-moss / spike moss [Selaginella plana] Flacher Moosfarn {m}
Asian spindle tree [Euonymus sachalinensis, syn.: Euonymus planipes, E. latifolius var. planipes] Flachstieliger Spindelstrauch {m}
Asian spindle tree [Euonymus sachalinensis, syn.: Euonymus planipes, E. latifolius var. planipes] Breitblättriges Pfaffenhütchen {n}
Asian spindle tree [Euonymus sachalinensis, syn.: Euonymus planipes, E. latifolius var. planipes]Großfrüchtiges Pfaffenhütchen {n}
Asian spotted woodpecker [Dendrocopos cathpharius, syn.: Picoides cathpharius] Rotbrustspecht {m}
Asian spruce [Picea schrenkiana]Schrenks Fichte {f}
Asian spruce [Picea schrenkiana] Schrenk-Fichte {f}
Asian spruce [Picea schrenkiana] Tien-Shan-Fichte {f}
Asian spruce grouse [Falcipennis falcipennis, syn.: Canachites falcipennis, Dendragapus falcipennis] Sichelhuhn {n}
Asian steppe wildcat [Felis silvestris ornata] Steppenkatze {f}
Asian steppe wildcat [Felis silvestris ornata] Asiatische Wildkatze {f}
Asian stocksasiatische Aktien {pl}
Asian stonechat [Saxicola maurus, syn.: S. maura] Sibirisches Schwarzkehlchen {n}
Asian stubtail [Urosphena squameiceps] Stummelsänger {m}
Asian studies Asienwissenschaften {pl}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Wimpelkarpfen {m}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausfisch {m}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fadenalgenfresser {m}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Steilflossen-Saugkarpfen {m}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausschmerle {f}
Asian sucker fish [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Dschunken-Schmerle {f}
Asian supermarketAsialaden {m}
Asian supermarketAsia-Markt {m}
Asian swallowtail (butterfly) [Papilio xuthus]Japanischer Schwalbenschwanz {m}
Asian swamp eel [Monopterus albus, syn.: Fluta alba] Ostasiatischer Kiemenschlitzaal {m}
Asian tapir [Acrocodia indica, syn.: Tapirus indicus] Asiatischer Tapir {m}
Asian tapir [Acrocodia indica, syn.: Tapirus indicus] Malaysischer Tapir {m}
Asian tapir [Tapirus indicus, syn.: Acrocodia indica]Schabrackentapir {m}
Asian tawny-eagle / tawny eagle [Aquila (rapax) vindhiana]Raubadler {m}
Asian tawny-eagle / tawny eagle [Aquila (rapax) vindhiana] Savannenadler {m}
Asian tiger keelback [Rhabdophis tigrinus]Tigernatter {f}
Asian tiger keelback [Rhabdophis tigrinus]Tiger-Wassernatter {f}
Asian tiger mosquito [Aedes albopictus, syn.: Stegomyia albopicta]Asiatische Tigermücke {f}
Asian trampsnail / tramp snail [Bradybaena similaris]Bradybaena similaris {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Asian trillium [Trillium camschatcense, syn.: T. kamtschaticum] Kamtschatka-Dreizipfellilie {f}
Asian Turkey Anatolien {n}
Asian Turkey Kleinasien {n}
Asian two-horned rhinoceros [Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, syn.: Rhinoceros crossii] Sumatra-Nashorn {n}
Asian unicorn [Pseudoryx nghetinhensis] Vu-Quang-Antilope {f}
Asian unicorn [Pseudoryx nghetinhensis]Vietnamesisches Waldrind {n}
Asian verditer flycatcher / verditer-flycatcher [Eumyias thalassinus, syn.: E. thalassina, M. melanops, M. thalassina, M. thallasina, Stoparola melanops] Lazulischnäpper {m}
Asian vine snake [Ahaetulla nasuta, syn.: Dryophis nasuta, Dryophis mycterizans]Baumschnüffler {m} [Schlangenart]
Asian vine snake [Ahaetulla nasuta, syn.: Dryophis nasuta, Dryophis mycterizans] Nasen-Peitschennatter {f} [auch: Nasenpeitschennatter]
Asian vine snake [Ahaetulla prasina] Grüne Peitschennatter {f}
Asian vine snake [Ahaetulla prasina] Grüner Baumschnüffler {m} [Schlange]
Asian virginsbower / virgin's bower [Clematis florida]Reichblütige Waldrebe {f}
Asian vomit button tree [Strychnos nux-vomica, syn.: Strychnos colubrina, S. lucida, S. spireana, S. vomica] [strychnine tree](Gewöhnliche) Brechnuss {f} [Brechnussbaum]
Asian vomit button tree [Strychnos nux-vomica, syn.: Strychnos colubrina, S. lucida, S. spireana, S. vomica] [strychnine tree] Strychninbaum {m} [Gewöhnliche Brechnuss]
Asian water dragon [Physignathus cocincinus]Grüne Wasseragame {f}
Asian water dragon [Physignathus cocincinus] Grüner Wasserdrache {m}
Asian water dragon [Physignathus cocincinus] Hinterindische Wasseragame {f}
Asian waterwort [Elatine ambigua] Verkannter Tännel {m}
Asian white birch [Betula platyphylla, syn.: B. platyphylla var. platyphylla, B. mandshurica]Mandschurische Birke {f}
Asian white-backed vulture [Gyps bengalensis] Bengalgeier {m}
Asian white-backed vulture [Gyps bengalensis] Bengalengeier {m}
Asian white-backed vulture [Gyps bengalensis]Weißrückengeier {m} [Bengalgeier]
Asian white-winged scoter [Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri]Asiatische Samtente {f}
Asian white-winged scoter [Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri]Kamtschatkasamtente {f}
Asian white-winged scoter [Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri]Sibirien-Samtente {f}
Asian white-winged scoter [Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri] Weißschwingenente {f}
Asian wild ass [Equus hemionus] Asiatischer Esel {m}
Asian wild horse [Equus (Equus) przewalskii, syn.: Equus caballus przewalskii, E. ferus przewalskii] Takhi {n}
Asian wild horse [Equus ferus przewalskii]Przewalski-Pferd {n}
Asian wild horse [Equus ferus przewalskii]Asiatisches Wildpferd {n}
Asian wild horse [Equus ferus przewalskii] Mongolisches Wildpferd {n}
Asian wild raspberry [Rubus ellipticus] Himalaya-Wildhimbeere {f}
Asian women Asiatinnen {pl}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Dschunken-Schmerle {f}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fledermausschmerle {f}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Steilflossen-Saugkarpfen {m}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Fadenalgenfresser {m}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus]Fledermausfisch {m}
Asian zebra high-fin shark [Myxocyprinus asiaticus] Wimpelkarpfen {m}
(Asian) black birch [Betula davurica, syn.: B. maximowiczii] Mongolische Schwarzbirke {f}
(Asian) black birch [Betula davurica, syn.: B. maximowiczii] Dahurische Birke {f}
(Asian) black hornbill [Anthracoceros malayanus]Malaienhornvogel {m}
(Asian) bleeding heart [Lamprocapnos spectabilis, syn.: Dicentra spectabilis]Tränendes Herz {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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