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aspiration [striving, desire] Verlangen {n} [Sehnsucht, Streben (nach etw.)]
aspiration after Streben {n} nach
aspiration biopsy Aspirationsbiopsie {f}
aspiration capacitorAspirationskondensator {m}
aspiration condenser [for determination of electrical conductivity of air] Aspirationskondensator {m}
aspiration cytology Aspirationszytologie {f}
aspiration for Streben {n} nach
aspiration level Anspruchsniveau {n}
aspiration lipectomy [liposuction]Aspirationslipektomie {f}
aspiration of gastric contents Aspiration {f} von Mageninhalt / des Mageninhalts
aspiration of stomach contents Aspiration {f} von Mageninhalt / des Mageninhalts
aspiration of stomach contents Mageninhaltsaspiration {f}
aspiration pneumonia Aspirationspneumonie {f}
aspiration portAnsaugstutzen {m}
aspiration psychrometerAspirationspsychrometer {n}
aspiration syringeAspirationsspritze {f}
aspiration to powerMachtstreben {n}
aspiration to sth. Streben {n} nach etw.
aspiration towards sth. Streben {n} nach etw.
aspirationalauf sozialen Aufstieg bedacht
aspirational [ambitious]ehrgeizig
aspirationsAspirationen {pl}
aspirationsSehnsüchte {pl}
aspirations {pl} Anspruch {m}
aspirations {pl} [collectively] Streben {n}
aspiratorSaugapparat {m}
aspiratorAspirator {m}
aspirator Absaugvorrichtung {f}
aspirator Absaugegerät {n}
aspiratorSauger {m}
aspirator [grain cleaning machine] Tarar {m} [Maschine zur Getreidereinigung]
aspirator for pediatric surgery [Am.] Sauger {m} für Kinderchirurgie
aspirator hoseAbsaugschlauch {m}
aspirator silencer Luftansauggeräuschdämpfer {m}
aspirator tube Absaugschlauch {m}
aspirator valveAnsaugventil {n}
aspirators Saugapparate {pl}
aspiratory aspiratorisch
aspiratorymit Behauchung gesprochen
aspired aufgestrebt
aspirin Aspirin ® {n}
aspirinSchmerztablette {f}
aspirin {sg}Schmerztabletten {pl}
aspirin tablet Aspirintablette {f}
aspirin triad <AT>Aspirintrias {f} [auch: Aspirin-Trias] [Samter-Trias, Morbus Widal]
aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease <AERD> ASS-Intoleranz-Syndrom {n} [Samter-Trias]
aspiring strebend
aspiring aufstrebend
aspiring ehrgeizig
aspiring hochstrebend
aspiring adventurer Abenteurer {m} mit hohen Zielen
aspiring husbandEheaspirant {m}
aspiring to an office sich um ein Amt bemühend
aspiring wifeEheaspirantin {f}
aspirin-induced Aspirin-induziert
aspirin-induced aspirininduziert
aspirin-induced asthma Aspirin-induziertes Asthma {n}
aspirin-induced asthma [Samter's triad] ASS-Intoleranz-Syndrom {n} [Samter-Trias]
aspirins Schmerztabletten {pl}
aspiroteleAspirotele {f}
aspis viper [Vipera aspis] Alpenviper {f}
aspis viper [Vipera aspis]Juraviper {f}
aspis viper [Vipera aspis] Aspisviper {f}
asplenia Asplenie {f}
asplenia Fehlen {n} der Milz
asplenic splenektomiert
aspondylous aspondyl
asporogenous asporogen
asporous sporenlos
asportation [rare] Diebstahl {m}
asprete [Romanichthys valsanicola] Groppenbarsch {m}
aspro [Aus.] [coll.] [associate professor]Extraordinarius {m} [außerordentlicher Professor]
asprosin Asprosin {n}
asps Nattern {pl}
asquat hockend
asquint schief
asquint schielend
as-received condition Anlieferungszustand {m}
assEsel {m}
ass [Am.] [sl.] [buttocks]Futt {m} [regional, bes. rheinisch] [Hintern]
ass [Am.] [vulg.]Arsch {m} [vulg.]
ass [Am.] [vulg.] Hintern {m} [ugs.]
ass [Am.] [vulg.] Oasch {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [vulg.] [Arsch]
ass [Br.] [fig.]Esel {m} [fig.]
-ass [sl.] [Suffix zur Intensivierung des vorangestellten Adjektives]
ass [sl.] [pej.] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
ass bandit [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [pederast][Päderast]
ass cheek [vulg.] [Am.]Arschbacke {f} [vulg.]
ass cheeks [Am.] [vulg.] Arschbacken {pl} [vulg.]
ass cold [esp. Am.] [vulg.]arschkalt [ugs.]
ass crack [Am.] [vulg.] Arschspalte {f} [vulg.]
ass crack [Am.] [vulg.] [gluteal cleft]Arschritze {f} [ugs.] [derb]
ass kisser [vulg.] [Am.] Arschlecker {m} [vulg.]
ass liquid [vulg.] Dünnschiss {m} [vulg.]
Assad's regime(das) Assad-Regime {n}
Assafetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Asant {m}
Assafetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Stinkasant {m}
Assafetida [Ferula assa-foetida] Teufelsdreck {m}
« Asiaaskeaspaaspeasphaspiassaassaasseasseasse »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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