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English-German Dictionary

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atherinids [family Atherinidae]Atheriniden {pl}
atherinids [family Atherinidae] Ährenfische {pl}
atheriniforms [order Atheriniformes]Ährenfischartige {pl}
athermal athermisch
athermal anisotherm
athermalization Athermalisierung {f}
atherogenesisAtherogenese {f} [Entstehung der Arteriosklerose]
atherogenic atherogen
atherogenic risk atherogenes Risiko {n}
atheroma Grützbeutel {m} [ugs.] [Atherom]
atheromaTalgzyste {f} [ugs.] [Talgretentionszyste]
atheroma [fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries]Atherom {n} [atheromatöse Plaque]
atheroma [fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries] atheromatöse Plaque {f}
atheroma [rare] [atheromatous / sebaceous cyst]Atherom {n}
atheromataAtherome {pl}
atheromatous grützbeutelartig [ugs.] [atheromatös]
atheromatous cyst [sebaceous cyst] Balggeschwulst {f} [ugs.] [Atherom]
atheromatous cyst [sebaceous cyst] Talgzyste {f}
atheromatous plaqueatheromatöse Plaque {f}
atherosclerosis Gefäßverkalkung {f}
atherosclerosisAtherosklerose {f}
atherosclerosisArteriosklerose {f}
atherosclerotic plaqueatherosklerotische Plaque {f}
atherosclerotic plaqueGefäßplaque {f}
atherosclerotic plaque arteriosklerotische Plaque {f}
atherosclerotic plaque [atheroma]atheromatöse Plaque {f}
atherosclerotical atherosklerotisch
atherothrombosis Atherothrombose {f}
atherothrombotic atherothrombotisch
Atherton antechinus [Antechinus godmani] Queensland-Breitfußbeutelmaus {f}
Atherton scrubwren / scrub-wren [Sericornis keri]Rotstirnsericornis / Rotstirn-Sericornis {m}
Atherton sericornis [Sericornis keri]Rotstirnsericornis / Rotstirn-Sericornis {m}
athetoid athetotisch
athetoid athetoid
athetosis Athetose {f}
Athi (short-toed) lark [Alaudala athensis, syn.: Alaudala somalica athensis, Calandrella athensis, Calandrella rufescens athensis, Calandrella somalica athensis, Spizocorys athensis]Kenialerche {f}
Athi (short-toed) lark [Alaudala athensis, syn.: Alaudala somalica athensis, Calandrella athensis, Calandrella rufescens athensis, Calandrella somalica athensis, Spizocorys athensis] Bensonlerche {f}
a'thing [Scot.]alles
athirst [archaic]durstig
athirst for [freedom etc.] [archaic]durstig / dürstend nach [Freiheit etc.]
athleisure Athleisure {n} [alltagstaugliche Sportbekleidung]
athletae [obs.]Athleten {pl}
athlete Athlet {m}
athleteSportler {m}
athleteWettkämpfer {m}
athleteAthletiker {m}
athlete [female]Sportlerin {f}
athlete [female]Athletin {f}
athlete [track and field athletics] Leichtathlet {m}
athletesAthleten {pl}
athletesLeichtathleten {pl}
athletes Sportler {pl}
athletesWettkämpfer {pl}
athlete's foot [Tinea pedis] Fußpilz {m}
athlete's foot [Tinea pedis] Athletenfuß {m} [Fußpilz]
athlete's foot [Tinea pedis]Sportlerfuß {m} [Fußpilz]
athlete's heart Sportlerherz {n}
athlete's heart Sportherz {n}
athlete's heart Athletenherz {n} [Sportherz]
Athlete's Oath Olympischer Eid {m}
athletes' oathEid {m} der Athleten
athletic athletisch
athletic kräftig
athletic [figure, build, person]sportlich [durchtrainiert, athletisch]
athletic [of or relating to athletics]leichtathletisch
athletic accomplishments sportliche Leistungen {pl}
athletic bradycardia [athlete's heart] Leistungsherz {n} [Sportherz]
athletic competition Sportwettkampf {m}
athletic contest Sportwettkampf {m}
athletic eventSportereignis {n}
athletic event Sportveranstaltung {f}
athletic field Sportplatz {m}
athletic ground Sportanlage {f}
athletic heart syndrome <AHS> Sportherz {n} [nicht-pathologische Vergrößerung des Herzens]
athletic man sportlicher Mann {m}
athletic prowesssportliches Können {n}
athletic pubalgia [Pupalgia athletica] Sportlerleiste {f}
athletic scholarshipSportstipendium {n}
athletic shoe Sportschuh {m}
athletic shoe Turnschuh {m}
athletic shoes Sportschuhe {pl}
athletic sports {pl}Kraftsport {m}
athletic sports {pl} Leichtathletik {f}
athletic supporter [jockstrap] [Am.] Genitalschutz {m}
athletic tape Tapeverband {m}
athletic union Sportverband {m}
athletic vest [for men]Achselhemd {n} [für Herren]
[athletic triathlon (sprinting, jumping, throwing) for all school children] Reichsjugendwettkämpfe {pl} [erstmals 1920; jetzt Bundesjugendspiele]
(athletic) cupCup {m} [Hodenschutz]
athletically athletisch
athletically trainedathletisch trainiert
athleticism Athletik {f}
athletics {pl} [Br.] [treated as sg.]Leichtathletik {f}
athletics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Athletik {f}
« atthatthattoatyoAtbaatheathlAtlaAtlaatlaatmo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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