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atelic atelisch
atelids [family Atelidae]Klammerschwanzaffen {pl}
atelier Werkstatt {f}
atelisite-(Y) [Y4Si3O8(OH)8] Atelisit-(Y) {m}
atelomictic atelomiktisch
atelophobia Atelophobie {f}
atelosteogenesisAtelosteogenesis {f}
atemoya [Annona × atemoya]Atemoya {f}
Aten Aton {m} [ägyptischer Sonnengott]
Aten group Aten-Gruppe {f}
atencioite [Ca2Fe?Mg2Fe2Be4(PO4)6(OH)4·6H2O]Atencioit {m}
at-end addressEndeadresse {f} bei einer Eingabedatei
at-end conditionEndebedingung {f} einer Programmschleife
Atenism Atonismus {m}
atenololAtenolol {n}
A-tent [wedge tent] A-Zelt {n} [Keilzelt, Wedge-Zelt]
atentebenAtenteben {f}
ATEX directive concerning equipment and protective systems ATEX-Richtlinie {f} für Geräte und Schutzsysteme
at-fault accidentselbstverschuldeter Unfall {m}
at-fault party Schädiger {m}
at-grade [junction]höhengleich [Straßenkreuzung]
at-grade crossinghöhengleicher Bahnübergang {m}
AT-gun [anti-tank gun] Pak {f} [Panzerabwehrkanone]
Athabasca [Alistair MacLean]Die Hölle von Athabasca
Athabasca rainbow trout [Can.] [Oncorhynchus mykiss (spp.)]Athabasca-Regenbogenforelle {f}
athabascaite [Cu5Se4]Athabascait {m}
Athabaskan languages athapaskische Sprachen {pl} [auch: Athabaskisch oder Athapaskisch]
Athaliah [queen of Judah] Atalja {f} [Königin von Juda]
Athamas Athamas {m}
athameAthame {n} {m} [selten {f}] [doppelschneidiger Zeremonialdolch]
athan [adhan, azaan] [Islamic call to worship]Azan {m} [Adhān, Azān] [islamischer Gebetsruf]
Athanaric [also: Atanaric] Athanarich {m}
athanasia Unsterblichkeit {f}
athanasia Athanasie {f}
Athanasian athanasianisch
Athanasian Creed Athanasianisches Glaubensbekenntnis {n}
Athanasian Creed Athanasianum {n}
AthanasiansAthanasianer {pl}
athanatism Athanatismus {m} [Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele]
athanorAthanor {m}
Athapaskan [also: Athapascan, Athabascan, Dene]Athapaskisch {n}
Atharvaveda [sacred text of Hinduism] Atharvaveda {m}
Atharvaveda [sacred text of Hinduism] Atharwaweda {m}
athazagoraphobia Athazagoraphobie {f}
athecate hydroids [order Anthomedusae or Anthomedusa] Blumenquallen {pl}
atheismAtheismus {m}
atheismGottesleugnung {f}
atheism Gottlosigkeit {f}
atheism Atheisterei {f} [veraltet] [pej.] [Atheisterey in sources]
atheism dispute / controversyAtheismusstreit {m}
atheistAtheist {m}
atheistGottesleugner {m}
atheist Gottloser {m}
atheistHeide {m} [Atheist]
atheist [female]Atheistin {f}
atheist [female] Gottlose {f}
atheist [female] Gottesleugnerin {f}
atheist bus Atheistenbus {m}
[atheist counter-celebration to Easter] Hasenfest {n}
atheistic gottesleugnerisch
atheistical atheistisch
atheists Atheisten {pl}
atheists [female] Atheistinnen {pl}
atheliaAthelie {f}
atheliaFehlen {n} der Brustwarze
atheliaFehlen {n} der Brustwarzen
Athelia epiphylla [a wood-inhabiting fungus]Weißer Rindenpilz {m}
athematic athematisch
Athena Athene {f}
Athena [John Banville] Athena
athenaeumAthenäum {n}
atheneite [[Pd2] [As0,75Hg0,25]] Atheneit {m}
Athenian Athener {m}
Athenian athenisch
Athenian [female] Athenerin {f}
Athenian Academy athenische Akademie {f}
Athenian AssemblyAthener Versammlung {f}
Athenian Treasury (of / at Delphi) Schatzhaus {n} der Athener (in Delphi)
AtheniansAthener {pl}
AthensAthen {n}
Athens [attr.] Athener
Athens-born in Athen geboren
atherectomyAtherektomie {f}
athericids [family Athericidae]Ibisfliegen {pl}
atherinids [family Atherinidae] Altweltliche Ährenfische {pl}
atherinids [family Atherinidae] Atheriniden {pl}
atherinids [family Atherinidae] Ährenfische {pl}
atheriniforms [order Atheriniformes] Ährenfischartige {pl}
athermalization Athermalisierung {f}
athermanous atherman
atherogenesisAtherogenese {f} [Entstehung der Arteriosklerose]
atherogenic risk atherogenes Risiko {n}
« atthatthatthattwatyoatelatheat-hAtlaAtlaatla »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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