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attainabilities Erreichungen {pl}
attainabilityErreichung {f}
attainability Erreichbarkeit {f}
attainable erlangbar
attainable erzielbar
attainableness Erreichbarkeit {f}
attainder Entziehung {f}
attained erlangt
attainment Erreichung {f}
attainment Errungenschaft {f}
attainmentErwerbung {f}
attainment Erzielung {f}
attainment Leistung {f} [Fertigkeit, Errungenschaft]
attainment Verwirklichung {f}
attainmentErlangung {f}
attainment Erreichnis {n} [sehr selten, z. B. bei Goethe]
attainment [of target, peace, etc.]Erreichen {n} [von Ziel, Frieden usw.]
attainment gap Bildungsabstand {m}
attainmentsKenntnisse {pl}
attainments Bildung {f}
attainments Fertigkeiten {pl}
attaintSchandfleck {m}
attaintErniedrigung {f}
attainting befallend
attakolite [(Ca,Sr)Mn(Al,Fe)4 [(Si,P)O4]H(PO4)3(OH)4] Attakolith {m}
Attalid attalidisch
Attalids Attaliden {pl}
attap palm [Nypa fruticans, syn.: Nipa fruticans] Mangrovenpalme {f}
attapulgite [(Mg,Al)2Si4O10(OH)·4H2O]Palygorskit {m}
attarBlumenessenz {f}
attar Öl {n}
attar (of roses) Rosenöl {n}
attars Blumenessenzen {pl}
attempt Bestreben {n}
attemptBestrebung {f} [Versuch]
attempt Unternehmung {f} [Versuch]
attempt Versuch {m}
attempt Bemühen {n}
attemptProbe {f} [Versuch]
attemptAnsatz {m} [fig.] [Versuch]
attempt Anlauf {m} [fig.] [Versuch]
attempt Vorstoß {m} [Versuch]
attempt Versuchen {n}
attempt [attack on sb.'s life] Anschlag {m} [gescheiterter Angriff]
attempt at a solutionLösungsansatz {m}
attempt at a translation Übersetzungsversuch {m}
attempt at an explanation Erklärungsversuch {m}
attempt at (an) interpretationDeutungsversuch {m}
attempt at arbitration Schlichtungsversuch {m}
attempt at blackmailVersuch {m} der Erpressung
attempt at blackmail Erpressungsversuch {m}
attempt at briberyBestechungsversuch {m}
attempt at conciliation Schlichtungsversuch {m}
attempt at consolationTrostversuch {m}
attempt at correctionKorrekturversuch {m}
attempt at deceptionTäuschungsversuch {m}
attempt at defence [Br.]Verteidigungsversuch {m}
attempt at dialogue Dialogversuch {m}
attempt at drawing Malversuch {m}
attempt at escapingAusbruchsversuch {m}
attempt at flightFluchtversuch {m}
attempt at interpretation Interpretationsversuch {m}
attempt at intimidationEinschüchterungsversuch {m}
attempt at invasionVersuch {m} der Invasion
attempt at leniency Versuch {m}, jdn. milde zu stimmen
attempt at mediation Vermittlungsversuch {m}
attempt at mutinyingVersuch {m} der Meuterei
attempt at persuasionÜberredungsversuch {m}
attempt at rapprochementAnnäherungsversuch {m}
attempt at rebellion Versuch {m} des Aufruhrs
attempt at reconciliation Schlichtungsversuch {m}
attempt at reformReformversuch {m}
attempt at rescue Rettungsversuch {m}
attempt at resuscitationWiederbelebungsversuch {m}
attempt at revoltVersuch {m} des Aufstandes
attempt at salvage Rettungsversuch {m}
attempt at suicide Selbstmordversuch {m}
attempt at treatmentBehandlungsversuch {m}
attempt at walking Gehversuch {m}
attempt doomed to failure zum Scheitern verurteilter Versuch {m}
attempt of conspiracy to commit an offenceVersuch {m} der Verabredung einer Straftat
attempt on a person's lifeMordversuch {m}
attempt on sb.'s life Attentat {n} auf jdn.
attempt on sb.'s life Anschlag {m} auf jdn.
attempt on sb.'s life Angriff {m} auf jds. Leben
attempt on sb.'s life Anschlag {m} auf jds. Leben
attempt on sb.'s life Mordversuch {m}
attempt on sb.'s lifeMordanschlag {m}
attempt on sb.'s life Mordanschlag {m} auf jdn.
attempt on the record Rekordversuch {m}
attempt to abscond Fluchtversuch {m}
attempt to administer the law Versuch {m} das Gesetz anzuwenden
attempt to alter something Änderungsversuch {m}
attempt to boss people around Versuch {m} Leute herumzukommandieren
attempt to break outAusbruchsversuch {m}
attempt to change somethingÄnderungsversuch {m}
attempt to commit a crime Versuch {m} eine Straftat zu begehen
attempt to commit an offence [Br.]Versuch {m} der Begehung einer Straftat
« atonatriatroattaattaattaatteatteatteatteatte »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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