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English-German Dictionary

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audio amplifier Audioverstärker {m}
audio amplifierTonfrequenzverstärker {m}
audio assignment Hörauftrag {m}
audio bandTonfrequenzband {n}
audio band Sprachband {n}
audio book Hörbuch {n}
audio book Audiobook {n}
audio book fanHörbuch-Fan {m}
audio book narratorHörbuchsprecher {m}
audio book narrator [female]Hörbuchsprecherin {f}
audio booksHörbücher {pl}
audio branding Markenklang {m} [akustische Repräsentation von Marken]
audio cableAudiokabel {n}
audio cableTonkabel {n}
audio card Soundkarte {f}
audio card Audiokarte {f}
audio cassette Kassette {f} [Audiokassette]
audio cassetteTonkassette {f}
audio cassette Audiokassette {f}
audio channel Audiokanal {m}
audio channelTonkanal {m}
audio channel Tonfrequenzkanal {m}
audio clip Audiodatei {f}
audio clip Audioclip {m} [auch: Audio-Clip]
audio clippingAudioclipping {n}
audio commentaryAudiokommentar {m}
audio compressionAudiodatenkompression {f}
audio compressionAudiokompression {f} [kurz für: Audiodatenkompression]
audio conference <AC> Telefonkonferenz {f}
audio conference <AC>Telko {f} [ugs.] [Telefonkonferenz]
audio converterAudiokonvertierer {m}
audio crossover Frequenzweiche {f}
audio cueAudiosignal {n}
audio described film [esp. for blind people] Hörfilm {m}
audio descriptionAudiodeskription {f}
audio descriptionAudiokommentierung {f}
audio description Blindenton {m} [ugs.] [Audiodeskription]
audio detectorLuftschallmelder {m}
audio device Audiogerät {n}
audio device Tonvorrichtung {f}
audio devicesAudiogeräte {pl}
audio dramaHörspiel {n}
audio dramatization Hörspielumsetzung {f} [eines Theaterstücks, Romans etc.]
audio editingAudio-Editing {n}
audio editingAudio-Editieren {n}
audio editingKlangbearbeitung {f}
audio effectsToneffekte {pl}
audio effectsKlangeffekte {pl}
audio effectsAudioeffekte {pl}
audio engineerToningenieur {m}
audio engineer [female] Toningenieurin {f}
audio engineering Tontechnik {f}
audio engineeringsTontechniken {pl}
audio equipment Stereoanlage {f}
audio equipmentAudioanlage {f}
audio equipment {sg}Audiogeräte {pl}
audio equipment {sg}Tongeräte {pl}
audio equipment {sg} [in recording studio] Tonaufzeichnungsgeräte {pl}
audio exampleHörbeispiel {n}
audio fileAudiodatei {f}
audio filesAudiodateien {pl}
audio filter Audiofilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
audio format Audioformat {n}
audio frequencies Tonfrequenzen {pl}
audio frequency <AF> Niederfrequenz {f} <NF>
audio frequency <AF>Tonfrequenz {f}
audio frequency <AF> Hörfrequenz {f}
audio frequency <AF>Klangfrequenz {f}
audio frequency <AF> Audiofrequenz {f} <AF>
audio gainAudioverstärkung {f}
audio guide Audioführung {f}
audio guide [audio tour] Audioguide {m} [Audioführung]
audio induction loop system <AILS> induktive Höranlage {f}
audio inputAudioeingang {m}
audio interchange file format <AIFF> AIFF {n} [Audio-Dateiformat]
audio interfaceAudioschnittstelle {f}
audio interface Audiointerface {n}
audio jack [coll.] Klinkenstecker {m}
audio letter Audiobrief {m}
audio library Audiothek {f}
audio masteringMastering {n}
audio mastering Audio-Mastering {n}
audio materialTonmaterial {n}
audio medium Hörmedium {n}
audio message Audiobotschaft {f}
audio mixing console Tonmischpult {n}
audio oscillographAudiooszillograph {m}
audio oscilloscopeAudiooszilloskop {n}
audio output Audioausgang {m}
audio output Sprachausgabe {f}
audio output format Sprachausgabeformat {n}
audio panel Lautsprecherbedientafel {f}
audio performance Audioleistung {f}
audio player Audio-Player {m} [Abspielgerät, -software]
audio playerAudio-Spieler {m} [Abspielgerät, -software]
audio processingTonbearbeitung {f}
audio processing unit <APU>Audiobeschleuniger {m}
audio processor Audioprozessor {m}
audio publisher [firm]Hörverlag {m}
audio publisher [firm] Hörbuchverlag {m}
« attoattrattraubeaudaaudiaudiaudiaudiaudiAudu »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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