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aurally handicappedhörgeschädigt
Aurangzeb [Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad] Aurangzeb {m}
aurasDüfte {pl}
auras Fluida {pl}
aurateAurat {n}
auratic auratisch
auratizationAuratisierung {f}
auratus cichlid [Melanochromis auratus]Türkisgoldbarsch {m}
aureate sponge [Aplysina aerophoba, syn.: A. carnosa, Verongia aerophoba] Goldschwamm {m}
aureate sponge [Aplysina aerophoba, syn.: A. carnosa, Verongia aerophoba]Goldener Zapfenschwamm {m}
aureate sponge [Aplysina aerophoba, syn.: A. carnosa, Verongia aerophoba]Farbwechselnder Zylinderschwamm {m}
Aurelio's rock lizard [Iberolacerta aurelioi]Aurelios Gebirgseidechse {f}
aureolaStrahlenkranz {m}
aureole Strahlenkrone {f}
aureole Heiligenschein {m}
aureole Strahlenkranz {m}
aureole Aureole {f}
aureole Korona {f}
aureole [because of haze] Hof {m}
aureolesStrahlenkronen {pl}
Aureomycin Aureomycin {n}
aureusAureus {m} [römische Goldmünze]
auri [Acacia auriculiformis, syn.: Racosperma auriculiforme] Ohrförmige Akazie {f}
auriacusite [Fe3Cu2(As,Sb)O4O]Auriacusit {m}
auriasis [Pigmentatio aurosa] Auriasis {f}
auric [of, relating to, or derived from gold]Gold-
auric fluoride [AuF3] Gold(III)-fluorid {n}
auric fluoride [AuF3] Goldtrifluorid {n}
aurichalcite [(Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6] Aurichalcit {f}
aurichalcite [(Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6]Messingblüte {f}
auricleäußeres Ohr {n}
auricleAuricula {f}
auricle Aurikula {f}
auricle [Auricula auris]Ohrmuschel {f}
auricle [of heart] Herzohr {m}
auricle of (the) right atrium [Auricula (atrii) dextra] rechtes Herzohr {n}
auriclesOhrmuscheln {pl}
auricula [Primula auricula] Aurikel {f}
auricula [Primula auricula] Alpenaurikel {f}
auricula [Primula auricula] Alpenschlüsselblume {f}
auricula [Primula auricula] Frühblume {f}
auricula of the heart [Auricula atrii, Auricula cordis] Herzohr {n}
auricula of the heart [Auricula atrii, Auricula cordis] Vorhofohr {n} [Herzohr]
auricula tree [Calotropis procera, syn.: Asclepias procera, Asclepias gigantea]Oscherstrauch {m}
auricula tree [Calotropis procera, syn.: Asclepias procera, Asclepias gigantea] Fettblattbaum {m}
auricula tree [Calotropis procera, syn.: Asclepias procera, Asclepias gigantea] Oscher {m}
auricular [das Ohr betreffend]
auricular aurikular
auricular Aurikular-
auricular aurikulär
auricular [e.g. nerve, tube] Hör- [z. B. Nerv, Rohr]
auricular appendage Aurikularanhang {m}
auricular appendage [heart]Herzohr {n}
auricular appendix [heart] Herzohr {n}
auricular canal Aurikularkanal {m}
auricular cartilage [Cartilago auriculae / Cartilago auricularis] Ohrknorpel {m}
auricular cavity [Cavum conchae]Cavum conchae {n} [Ohrmuscheltrichter vor dem Gehörgangseingang]
auricular complex [ECG] Vorhofkomplex {m} [EKG]
auricular confessionOhrenbeichte {f}
auricular confession geheime Beichte {f}
auricular fibrillation <AF>Vorhofflimmern {n} <VHF>
auricular finger [Digitus auricularis, Digitus minimus (manus), Digitus quintus] [little finger] kleiner Finger {m}
auricular flutter Vorhofflattern {n}
auricular fossaOhrmuschelgrube {f}
auricular hematoma [Am.]Bluterguss {m} am Ohr [Othämatom]
auricular nerveHörnerv {m}
auricular perichondritis [Perichondritis auriculae] Ohrmuschelperichondritis {f}
auricular temperature measurement aurikulare Temperaturmessung {f} [auch: aurikuläre ...] [selten]
auricular temperature measurementTemperaturmessung {f} im Gehörgang
auricular tube Hörrohr {n}
auricular witness Ohrenzeuge {m}
(auricular) hillocks of His Aurikularhöcker {pl}
auriculate ohrförmig
auriculectomy Aurikulektomie {f}
auriculotemporal aurikulotemporal
auriculotemporal nerve [Nervus auriculotemporalis] Ohr-Schläfen-Nerv {m}
auriculotherapyOhrakupunktur {f}
auriculotherapy Aurikulotherapie {f}
auriculotherapy Auriculotherapie {f}
auricupride [Cu3Au]Auricuprid {m}
auriferous goldhaltig
auriferous landgoldhaltiges Land {n}
auriferous quartz goldhaltiger Quarz {m}
auriferous sand goldhaltiger Sand {m}
auriform ohrförmig
Auriga <Aur> [constellation]Fuhrmann {m} [lat. Auriga] <Aur> [Sternbild]
auriga butterfly [Chaetodon auriga]Fähnchen-Falterfisch {m}
AurignacianAurignacien- [extrem selten: aurignacisch]
Aurignacian art Kunst {f} des Aurignacien [auch: Kunst des Aurignaciens]
Aurignacian art Aurignacien-Kunst {f} [auch: Aurignacienkunst]
Aurignacian cultureKultur {f} des Aurignacien [auch Kultur des Aurignaciens]
Aurignacian (culture) Aurignacien {n} [als Kultur]
Aurignacian industryAurignacien-Industrie {f}
Aurignacian layersAurignacien-Schichten {pl} [auch: Aurignacienschichten]
Aurignacian layers Aurignacien-Fundschichten {pl}
Aurignacian period Aurignacien {n} [als Zeithorizont]
Aurignacian siteAurignacien-Fundstelle {f} [auch: Aurignacienfundstelle]
« audiaudiaugeAugsaulaauraauriAussAustAustAust »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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