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English-German Dictionary

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automobile [esp. Am.]Kraftwagen {m} [Amtsspr.] [Auto]
automobile accessories [esp. Am.] Kraftfahrzeugzubehör {n}
automobile accident [Am.]Verkehrsunfall {m}
automobile accident [Am.] Autounfall {m}
automobile association [esp. Am.] Automobilclub {m}
Automobile Association <AA> [britischer Automobilclub]
automobile battery [Am.] Autobatterie {f}
automobile club [esp. Am.] Automobilklub {m}
automobile components [esp. Am.] Kraftfahrzeugteile {pl}
automobile components industry Kraftfahrzeugzulieferindustrie {f} <Kfz-Zulieferindustrie>
automobile designer [esp. Am.]Automobilkonstrukteur {m}
automobile designer [female] [esp. Am.] Automobilkonstrukteurin {f}
automobile economistAutomobilwirtschaftler {m}
automobile electronicsKfz-Elektronik {f}
automobile enthusiast [esp. Am.]Autofreak {m} [ugs.]
automobile exhaust Autoabgas {n}
automobile exhaust {sg} [esp. Am.] Autoabgase {pl}
automobile exhibition [esp. Am.]Automobilausstellung {f}
automobile factory [esp. Am.]Autofabrik {f}
automobile fleet Fahrzeugpark {m}
automobile giant [esp. Am.] Autoriese {m}
automobile group [esp. Am.] Autokonzern {m}
automobile group [esp. Am.]Automobilkonzern {m}
automobile industrialist Automobilindustrieller {m}
automobile industrialist [female] Automobilindustrielle {f}
automobile industry [Am.] Automobilindustrie {f}
automobile industry [Am.] Kraftfahrzeugsektor {m}
automobile industry [Am.] Automobilsektor {m}
automobile industry [Am.] Autobranche {f}
automobile industry [esp. Am.] Autoindustrie {f}
automobile industry [esp. Am.] Kraftfahrzeugindustrie {f}
automobile industry [esp. Am.]Automobilbranche {f}
automobile insuranceKraftverkehrsversicherung {f}
automobile insurance [esp. Am.] Kfz-Versicherung {f}
automobile insurance [esp. Am.]Kraftfahrzeugversicherung {f}
automobile insurer [esp. Am.] Autoversicherer {m}
automobile jack [Am.]Wagenheber {m}
automobile magazine [chiefly Am.] Autozeitschrift {f}
automobile magazine [chiefly Am.]Autozeitung {f} [ugs.] [Autozeitschrift]
automobile magazine [chiefly Am.]Automobilzeitschrift {f}
automobile management Automobilmanagement {n} [Management in der Automobilindustrie]
automobile manufacture Automobilbau {m}
automobile manufacturer [Am.]Kraftfahrzeughersteller {m}
automobile manufacturer [esp. Am.] Automobilhersteller {m}
automobile manufacturer [esp. Am.]Autohersteller {m}
automobile market Automobilmarkt {m}
automobile market Automarkt {m}
automobile marketPkw-Markt {m}
automobile museum Auto- und Motorradmuseum {n}
automobile museum [esp. Am.] Automuseum {n}
automobile parts [esp. Am.]Autoteile {pl}
automobile pioneer Automobilpionier {m}
automobile pioneer [female] Automobilpionierin {f}
automobile plant [esp. Am.] Autofabrik {f}
automobile plant [esp. Am.] Automobilwerk {n}
automobile production Kraftfahrzeugherstellung {f}
automobile race [Am.] Automobilrennen {n}
automobile racing Autorennsport {m}
automobile racing Automobilsport {m}
automobile radio Autoradio {n}
automobile sales management assistant [female] [Am.]Automobilkauffrau {f}
automobile sales management assistant [male] [Am.] Automobilkaufmann {m}
automobile salesperson Automobilkaufmann {m}
automobile salesperson [female] Automobilkauffrau {f}
automobile sector Kraftfahrzeugbereich {m}
automobile sector [Am.] Kraftfahrzeugsektor {m}
automobile sector [esp. Am.]Automobilsektor {m}
automobile show [Am.]Automobilausstellung {f}
automobile sundries {pl} Automobilzubehör {n} [seltener auch {m}]
automobile tax [Am.] Kraftfahrzeugsteuer {f}
automobile technologyKraftfahrzeugtechnik {f}
automobile third party insurance Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung {f}
automobile third party insurance Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung {f}
automobile tire [Am.] Personenkraftwagenreifen {m}
automobile tire [Am.] Pkw-Reifen {m}
automobile tradeKraftfahrzeugbranche {f}
automobile trade Kraftfahrzeughandel {m}
automobile trade [esp. Am.]Kfz-Handel {m}
automobile traffic [Am.] Autoverkehr {m}
automobile traffic [esp. Am.] Automobilverkehr {m}
automobile traffic [esp. Am.] Pkw-Verkehr {m}
automobile transport Kraftwagentransport {m}
automobile upholstery workshop Autosattlerei {f}
automobiles [esp. Am.] Autos {pl}
automobiles [esp. Am.] Kraftfahrzeuge {pl} [bes. amtsspr.]
automobiles [esp. Am.] Automobile {pl} [veraltend] [noch geh. od. hum.]
automobiles [esp. Am.]Pkws {pl}
automobiles [esp. Am.] Pkw {pl}
automobilityAutomobilität {f}
automorphic formautomorphe Form {f}
automorphism Automorphismus {m}
automorphism group Automorphismengruppe {f}
automotive Fahrzeug-
automotive selbstbewegend
automotive selbstbeweglich
automotivemit Eigenantrieb [nachgestellt]
« autoautoautoautoautoautoautoautoautoautoautu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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