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auxiliary fieldHilfsfeld {n}
auxiliary file Hilfsdatei {f}
auxiliary finding Zufallsbefund {m}
auxiliary finding Nebenbefund {m} <NB>
auxiliary fire tenderHilfeleistungslöschfahrzeug {n} <HLF>
auxiliary force {sg} Hilfsstreitkräfte {pl}
auxiliary forcesHilfstruppen {pl}
auxiliary functionHilfsfunktion {f}
auxiliary generator Hilfsgenerator {m}
auxiliary heating Zusatzheizung {f}
auxiliary hoist Hilfshubwerk {n}
auxiliary hole Hilfsbohrung {f}
auxiliary hypothesis Hilfshypothese {f}
auxiliary industriesZulieferindustrie {f}
auxiliary interface Parallelschnittstelle {f}
auxiliary labor {sg} [Am.] Hilfslöhne {pl}
auxiliary lampWeitstrahler {m}
auxiliary language Hilfssprache {f}
auxiliary lightingNotbeleuchtung {f}
auxiliary lineHilfslinie {f}
auxiliary materialHilfsmaterial {n}
auxiliary material {sg}Hilfsstoffe {pl}
auxiliary matrixHilfsmatrix {f}
auxiliary means Hilfsmittel {n}
auxiliary member Nachrückmitglied {n}
auxiliary memory Seitenwechselspeicher {m}
auxiliary metal Hilfsmetall {n}
auxiliary model Hilfsmodell {n}
auxiliary module Zusatzmodul {n}
auxiliary motorHilfsmotor {m}
auxiliary nationsHilfsvölker {pl}
auxiliary note Hilfsnote {f}
auxiliary nurse [female] Hilfsschwester {f}
auxiliary nurse [female] Hilfskrankenschwester {f}
auxiliary nurse [female] Schwesternhelferin {f}
auxiliary nurse [male]Hilfskrankenpfleger {m}
auxiliary nurse [male] Krankenpflegehelfer {m}
auxiliary oil pumpHilfsölpumpe {f}
auxiliary operationsHilfsoperationen {pl}
auxiliary packaging materials Verpackungshilfsmittel {pl}
auxiliary peoplesHilfsvölker {pl}
auxiliary percussion Effektinstrument {n}
auxiliary personnelHilfspersonal {n}
auxiliary plant Hilfsbetrieb {m}
auxiliary plastering work {sg} Beiputzarbeiten {pl}
auxiliary point Hilfspunkt {m}
auxiliary police [treated as pl.]Hilfspolizei {f}
auxiliary policeman Hilfspolizist {m}
auxiliary postmanAushilfspostbote {m}
auxiliary powerHilfsenergie {f}
auxiliary powerHilfsstrom {m}
auxiliary power converterHilfsbetriebeumrichter {m}
auxiliary power supply Betriebsstromversorgung {f}
auxiliary power supplyHilfsspannungsversorgung {f}
auxiliary power supplyHilfsstromquelle {f}
auxiliary power unit <APU> Notaggregat {n} [nur bei manchen Flugzeugtypen, ansonsten Hilfstriebwerk]
auxiliary power unit <APU> Hilfsaggregat {n}
auxiliary power unit <APU> Hilfsturbine {f}
auxiliary power unit <APU> Zusatzstromversorgung {f}
auxiliary power unit <APU>Hilfskrafterzeuger {m}
auxiliary power unit <APU> Hilfsgasturbine {f} [Hilfstriebwerk]
auxiliary power unit <APU>Hilfsenergiequelle {f}
auxiliary power unit <APU> [device on a vehicle that provides energy for functions other than propulsion] Hilfstriebwerk {n} [Hilfskrafterzeuger]
auxiliary (power) converterBordnetzumrichter {m}
auxiliary process Hilfsprozess {m}
auxiliary process time Nebenzeit {f}
auxiliary process time Hilfszeit {f}
auxiliary programHilfsprogramm {n}
auxiliary pump Hilfspumpe {f}
auxiliary relay Hilfsrelais {n}
auxiliary requestHilfsantrag {m}
auxiliary respiratory muscles {pl} Atemhilfsmuskulatur {f}
auxiliary resultHilfsresultat {n}
auxiliary rocket Zusatzrakete {f}
auxiliary rotor Hilfsrotor {m}
auxiliary route Nebenstraße {f}
auxiliary routine Hilfsprogramm {n}
auxiliary sails Hilfsbesegelung {f}
auxiliary scaleNebentonart {f}
auxiliary science Hilfswissenschaft {f}
auxiliary science of historyhistorische Hilfswissenschaften {pl}
auxiliary service Zusatzleistung {f}
Auxiliary Service Law Hilfsdienstgesetz {n} [Gesetz über den vaterländischen Hilfsdienst, 1916]
auxiliary shaftNebenwelle {f}
auxiliary shaft Hilfswelle {f}
auxiliary shipHilfsschiff {n}
auxiliary signalHilfssignal {n}
auxiliary speaker Zusatzlautsprecher {m}
auxiliary spirit Hilfsgeist {m}
auxiliary storageZusatzspeicher {m}
auxiliary storage Reservevorrat {m}
auxiliary storage externer Speicher {m} [anderer Datenspeicher als der Hauptspeicher, z. B. Disketten und Bänder]
auxiliary store Hilfsspeicher {m}
auxiliary store Reservelager {n}
auxiliary structure Hilfskonstruktion {f}
auxiliary substance Hilfssubstanz {f}
auxiliary suppliesHilfsstoffe {pl}
auxiliary support [e.g. a steel beam]Hilfsstütze {f}
auxiliary switch Hilfsschalter {m}
auxiliary table Hilfstisch {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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