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English-German Dictionary

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avalanche of ash [sometimes also: avalanche of ashes] Aschelawine {f}
avalanche of (job) applications Bewerbungslawine {f}
avalanche of letters Briefflut {f}
avalanche of rocks Felslawine {f}
avalanche of rocks Gerölllawine {f}
avalanche of stones Steinhagel {m}
avalanche of words [pej.] [fig.] Wortlawine {f} [pej.] [fig.]
avalanche photodiode <APD>Lawinenphotodiode {f}
avalanche photodiode <APD> Lawinenfotodiode {f}
avalanche photodiode <APD> Avalanche-Photodiode {f} <APD>
avalanche photodiodesLawinenfotodioden {pl}
avalanche predictorLawinenprognostiker {m}
avalanche probe Lawinensonde {f}
avalanche protection Lawinenschutz {m} [Maßnahmen]
avalanche (protection) gallery Lawinengalerie {f}
avalanche protector Lawinenschutz {m} [Vorrichtung]
avalanche reflector Lawinenreflektor {m}
avalanche rescue dogLawinenrettungshund {m}
avalanche rescue vehicle Lawinenrettungsfahrzeug {n}
avalanche researchLawinenforschung {f}
avalanche researcher Lawinenforscher {m}
avalanche researcher [female] Lawinenforscherin {f}
avalanche riskLawinengefahr {f}
avalanche runout zone [runout zone of an avalanche] Auslaufbereich {m} einer Lawine
avalanche runout zone [runout zone of the avalanche]Auslaufbereich {m} der Lawine
avalanche search dogLawinensuchhund {m}
avalanche shovelLawinenschaufel {f}
avalanche track Sturzbahn {f} [einer Lawine]
avalanche transceiverLawinenpieps {m} [ugs.]
avalanche transceiverLawinen-Verschütteten-Suchgerät {n} <LVS>
avalanche transceiver Lawinenverschütteten-Suchgerät {n} <LVS>
avalanche transceiverLawinenverschüttetensuchgerät {n}
avalanche transceiver Lawinenpiepser {m} [ugs.]
avalanche transceiver Lawinenpiepsgerät {n}
avalanche transceiver Lawinen-Pieps-Gerät {n}
avalanche transistor Lawinentransistor {m}
avalanche transistorAvalanche-Transistor {m} [auch: Avalanchetransistor]
avalanche victimLawinenverschütteter {m}
avalanche victimLawinenopfer {n}
avalanche victim rescueVerschüttetenbergung {f}
avalanche warning Lawinenlagebericht {m}
avalanche warning Lawinenwarnung {f}
avalanche warning level Lawinenwarnstufe {f}
avalanche warning serviceLawinenwarndienst {m}
[avalanche] runout distance Auslaufstrecke {f} [einer Lawine]
(avalanche) deposition zone Auslaufstrecke {f} (einer Lawine)
(avalanche) deposition zone [runout zone] Ablagerungsgebiet {n} [einer Lawine]
(avalanche) runout zone Auslaufgebiet {n} [einer Lawine]
(avalanche) starting zone Anbruchgebiet {m} [einer Lawine]
(avalanche) victim searchVerschüttetensuche {f}
avalanche-buried lawinenverschüttet
avalanche-like wie eine Lawine
avalanche-like lawinenartig
avalanche-prone lawinengefährdet
avalanche-prone lawinös
avalanche-prone area lawinengefährdetes Gebiet {n}
avalanche-prone area Lawinengebiet {n}
avalanche-prone slopeLawinenhang {m}
avalanches Lawinen {pl}
avalanchesStoßentladungen {pl}
avalisation [Br.] Avalisierung {f}
avalizationAvalisierung {f}
Avalon [Welsh otherworld] Avalon {n} [Anderwelt in der walisischen Mythologie]
Avalon Explosion Avalon-Explosion {f}
Avalon High [novel: Meg Cabot, film: Stuart Gillard]Die Tochter von Avalon
Avalon PeninsulaHalbinsel {f} Avalon
Avalonia Avalonia {n}
avanafil Avanafil {n}
avant garde Avantgarde {f}
avant rock Avant-Rock {m}
avant-corps Fassadenvorsprung {m} [Risalit]
avant-gardeAvantgarde {f}
avant-gardeVorhut {f}
avant-garde avantgardistisch
avant-garde fortschrittlich
avant-garde architect Avantgarde-Architekt {m}
avant-garde architectAvantgardearchitekt {m}
avant-garde architect [female] Avantgarde-Architektin {f}
avant-garde architect [female] Avantgardearchitektin {f}
avant-garde architecture Avantgardearchitektur {f}
avant-garde architectureAvantgarde-Architektur {f}
avant-garde art Avantgardekunst {f}
avant-garde art Avantgarde-Kunst {f}
avant-garde artistAvantgardekünstler {m}
avant-garde artist Avantgarde-Künstler {m}
avant-garde artist [female] Avantgardekünstlerin {f}
avant-garde artist [female] Avantgarde-Künstlerin {f}
avant-garde composer Avantgarde-Komponist {m}
avant-garde composer Avantgardekomponist {m}
avant-garde composer [female] Avantgarde-Komponistin {f}
avant-garde composer [female] Avantgardekomponistin {f}
avant-garde film director Avantgarde-Regisseur {m}
avant-garde film directorAvantgarderegisseur {m}
avant-garde film director [female]Avantgarde-Regisseurin {f}
avant-garde film director [female] Avantgarderegisseurin {f}
avant-garde filmmakerAvantgarde-Filmer {m}
avant-garde filmmakerAvantgardefilmer {m}
avant-garde filmmaker [female] Avantgardefilmerin {f}
avant-garde filmmaker [female] Avantgarde-Filmerin {f}
« autuauxiauxiavaiavaiavalavanavenaveraveraver »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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