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awkward dispositionschwierige Lage {f}
awkward gait schwerer Gang {m}
awkward gait schwerfälliger Gang {m}
awkward location [hard to get at]schwer zugängliche Stelle {f}
awkward mannersschlechte Manieren {pl}
awkward mannersunbeholfene Manieren {pl}
awkward movements unbeholfene Bewegungen {pl}
awkward person unbeholfene Person {f}
awkward person ungeschickte Person {f}
awkward position schwierige Stellung {f}
awkward positionKlemme {f} [fig.]
awkward position unbehagliche Lage {f}
awkward query unbequeme Frage {f}
awkward question schwierige Frage {f}
awkward question peinliche Frage {f}
awkward remark peinliche Bemerkung {f}
awkward sentencepeinliche Äußerung {f}
awkward silence beschämte Stille {f}
awkward silencepeinliche Stille {f}
awkward silence betretenes Schweigen {n}
awkward situationVerlegenheit {f} [peinliche Situation]
awkward situationheikle Situation {f}
awkward situationpeinliche Lage {f}
awkward situation unangenehme Lage {f}
awkward situation missliche Lage {f}
awkward squadverlorene Rotte {f}
awkward to handle schwierig zu handhaben [nur prädikativ]
awkward to handle [postpos.]schwierig zu handhabend [attr.]
awkward workman ungeschickter Arbeiter {m}
awkward years schwierige Jahre {pl}
awkwardly ungeschickt
awkwardly [embarrassedly]verlegen
awkwardly [embarrassedly]betreten
awkwardly [embarrassingly] peinlicherweise
awkwardly [inconveniently] ungünstig
awkwardly [clumsily] unbeholfen
awkwardly [clumsily]tapsig [ugs.]
awkwardly [clumsily]ungelenk
awkwardly [complicated, long-winded] umständlich
awkwardly situated in einer schwierigen Lage
awkwardly situatedin schwieriger Lage [nachgestellt]
awkwardness Unannehmlichkeit {f}
awkwardnessUngeschicklichkeit {f}
awkwardnessHilflosigkeit {f}
awkwardness Schwerfälligkeit {f}
awkwardnessUnbehaglichkeit {f}
awkwardness Unbeholfenheit {f}
awkwardness Unbequemlichkeit {f} [Lästigkeit]
awkwardness Peinlichkeit {f}
awl Ahle {f}
awlPfriem {m}
awl Ort {m} [auch {n}] [veraltet] [Ahle]
awl pike [also: awl-pike]Ahlspieß {m}
awl-flies [family Xylophagidae]Holzfliegen {pl}
awl-headed snake [Lytorhynchus diadema] Gekrönte Schnauzennatter {f}
awlleaf / awl-leaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Wasserschlammkraut {n}
awl-leaf / awlleaf pearlwort [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera] Pfriemen-Mastkraut / Pfriemenmastkraut {n}
awl-leaf / awlleaf pearlwort [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera] Sternmoos {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Kleines Pfeilkraut {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Flutendes Pfeilkraut {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Schmalblättriges Pfeilkraut {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Zwergpfeilkraut {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata] Pfriemenpfeilkraut {n}
awl-leaf arrowhead [Sagittaria subulata, syn.: S. lorata]Pfriemenblättriges Pfeilkraut {n} [Pfriemenpfeilkraut]
awl-leaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Schlammglöckchen {n}
awl-leaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammkraut {n}
awl-leaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammling {m}
awlleaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammling {m}
awlleaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammkraut {n}
awlleaf mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Schlammglöckchen {n}
awl-leaved / awl leaved mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammglöckchen {n}
awl-leaved / awl leaved mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Schlammkraut {n}
awl-leaved / awl leaved mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica] Schlammling {m}
awl-leaved / awl leaved mudwort [Limosella aquatica, syn.: Danubiunculus acaulis, Mutafinia silesiaca, Plantaginella aquatica]Wasserschlammkraut {n}
awl-leaved pearlwort [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera] Pfriemen-Mastkraut / Pfriemenmastkraut {n}
awl-leaved pearlwort [Sagina subulata, syn.: S. pilifera] Sternmoos {n}
awl-leaved swan-neck moss [Campylopus subulatus]Pfriemen-Krummstielmoos {n}
awls Ahlen {pl}
awl-shaped wie eine Ahle geformt
(awl-shaped) pygmy grasshopper [Tetrix subulata] Säbeldornschrecke / Säbel-Dornschrecke {f}
awn Granne {f}
awnKelchborste {f}
awn hairs Grannenhaare {pl}
awned bedstraw [Galium aristatum] Grannen-Labkraut {n}
awned bedstraw [Galium aristatum] Granniges Wald-Labkraut {n}
awned sedge [Carex atherodes, syn.: C. aristata, C. trichocarpa] (Große) Grannensegge / Grannen-Segge {f}
awned wheat grass [Agropyron caninum, syn.: Elymus caninus, Elytrigia canina, Roegneria canina] Hunds-Quecke / Hundsquecke {f}
awningMarkise {f}
awning Plane {f}
awningSonnensegel {n}
awningSonnendach {n}
awningSonnenverdeck {n}
awningVordach {n}
awning Vorzelt {n}
awningSonnenstoren {m} [schweiz.] [Markise]
awningStoren {m} [schweiz.] [aufrollbares schräges Sonnendach; Markise]
awning clothMarkisenstoff {m}
awning deck Markisendeck {n}
awning fabricMarkisenstoff {m}
« avoiawarawarAwayawfuawkwawniaxiaaxilaxioaxle »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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