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English-German Dictionary

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accompanying illnessBegleiterkrankung {f}
accompanying injuryBegleitverletzung {f}
accompanying instrumentBegleitinstrument {n}
accompanying landscape preservation measures landschaftspflegerische Begleitmaßnahmen {pl}
accompanying letterBegleitschreiben {n}
accompanying letter Begleitbrief {m}
accompanying list Begleitliste {f}
accompanying measures begleitende Maßnahmen {pl}
accompanying measuresflankierende Maßnahmen {pl}
accompanying measures Begleitmaßnahmen {pl}
accompanying media Begleitmedien {pl}
accompanying messageBegleitmeldung {f}
accompanying mineral Begleitmineral {n}
accompanying musiciansBegleitmusiker {pl}
accompanying orderbeiliegender Auftrag {m}
accompanying papers Begleitpapiere {pl}
accompanying person Begleitperson {f}
accompanying physician Begleitarzt {m}
accompanying program [Am.] Begleitprogramm {n}
accompanying program [Am.]Rahmenprogramm {n} [Begleitprogramm]
accompanying programme [Br.] Begleitprogramm {n}
accompanying programme [Br.] Rahmenprogramm {n} [Begleitprogramm]
accompanying prospectusbeiliegender Prospekt {m}
accompanying research Begleitforschung {f}
accompanying samplebeiliegendes Muster {n}
accompanying software begleitende Software {f}
accompanying staff [on trains, airplanes, etc.]Begleitpersonal {n} [in Zügen, Flugzeugen etc.]
accompanying symptomBegleiterscheinung {f} [einer Krankheit]
accompanying symptom Begleitsymptom {n}
accompanying symptoms Begleiterscheinungen {pl}
accompanying tectonics [usually treated as sg.] Begleittektonik {f}
accompanying textBegleittext {m}
accompanying the exhibition [postpos.] ausstellungsbegleitend
accompanying the planning [postpos.]planungsbegleitend
accompanying vein [Vena comitans]Begleitvene {f}
accompanying voice Nebenstimme {f}
accompanyist Begleiter {m}
accompanyistAkkompagnist {m}
accompanyist [female] Begleiterin {f}
accompanyist [female]Akkompagnistin {f}
accompliceKomplize {m}
accomplice Mitschuldiger {m}
accompliceHelfershelfer {m}
accompliceMittäter {m}
accomplice Spießgeselle {m}
accomplice Erfüllungsgehilfe {m} [bei Verbrechen, auch fig.]
accompliceTatbeteiligter {m}
accomplice Helfer {m} [eines Verbrechens]
accompliceKomplice {m} [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Komplize]
accomplice [female] Erfüllungsgehilfin {f} [auch fig.]
accomplice [female] Tatbeteiligte {f}
accomplice [female] Mittäterin {f}
accomplice [female] Komplizin {f}
accomplice [female]Helfershelferin {f}
accomplice [female]Mitschuldige {f}
accomplice in crime Teilnehmer {m} an einer strafbaren Handlung
accomplice in crime [female] Teilnehmerin {f} an einer strafbaren Handlung
accomplice witnessKronzeuge {m}
accomplice witness [female] Kronzeugin {f} [geständige Mittäterin]
accomplices Komplizen {pl}
accomplices [female] Komplizinnen {pl}
accompliceshipBeteiligung {f} an der Tat
accompliceshipMittäterschaft {f}
accomplishable erreichbar
accomplished ausgeführt
accomplished vollendet
accomplished geleistet
accomplished versiert
accomplished [player, etc.] fähig [Spieler etc.]
accomplished [task, aim] erfüllt [Aufgabe, Zweck]
accomplished actorvollkommener Schauspieler {m}
accomplished actor versierter Schauspieler {m}
accomplished artist perfekter Künstler {m}
accomplished artist vollkommener Künstler {m}
accomplished combinationgelungene Mischung {f}
accomplished cookperfekter Koch {m}
accomplished fact vollendete Tatsache {f}
accomplished in several languages versiert in mehreren Sprachen
accomplished ladyfeine Dame {f}
accomplished lady perfekte Dame {f}
accomplished liarvollkommener Lügner {m}
accomplished marksmanperfekter Schütze {m}
accomplished offence [Br.] vollendete Tat {f}
accomplished offense [Am.] vollendete Tat {f}
accomplished villaindurchtriebener Schurke {m}
accomplished villainvollkommener Schurke {m}
accomplishing vollbringend
accomplishing [performing]ausführend
accomplishment Ausführung {f}
accomplishment Fähigkeit {f}
accomplishment Vollbringung {f}
accomplishmentBewerkstelligung {f}
accomplishment Bewältigung {f}
accomplishmentDurchführung {f}
accomplishment Erfüllung {f}
accomplishment Leistung {f}
« acciacciacclaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoacco »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers