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English-German Dictionary

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basic process Basisprozess {m}
basic process Elementarvorgang {m}
basic process Grundverfahren {n}
basic product Basisprodukt {n}
basic (product) rangeGrundsortiment {n}
basic programBasisprogramm {n}
basic program [Am.] Grundsatzprogramm {n}
basic programme [Br.] Grundsatzprogramm {n}
basic programme [Br.] Basisprogramm {n}
basic properties Grundeigenschaften {pl}
basic property [in physics, chemistry, etc.]Grundeigenschaft {f}
basic protection device Basisschutzgerät {n}
basic pulse codeGrundtakt {m}
basic purl bind-offAbketten {n} durch Überziehen [linke Maschen]
basic quantity Grundmenge {f}
basic questionprimäre Frage {f}
basic questiongrundlegende Frage {f}
basic question Grundfrage {f}
basic questions of regional planning grundsätzliche Fragen {pl} der Raumordnung und Landesplanung
basic quotaGrundkontingent {n}
basic raster [e.g. grid template used in printing] Grundraster {n}
basic rateGrundlohn {m}
basic rate Grundpreis {m}
basic rate Grundtarif {m}
basic rate Grundzins {m}
basic rate [lowest level on a scale of money payable, esp in taxation] Basissatz {m} [Grundtarif]
basic rate of interest Basiszinssatz {m}
basic raw material Ausgangsmaterial {n}
basic recipe Grundrezept {n}
basic regulation Grundverordnung {f}
basic regulatory measuresordnungspolitische Maßnahmen {pl}
basic relationshipGrundbeziehung {f}
basic remunerationGrundvergütung {f}
basic rent Grundmiete {f}
basic rent Nettokaltmiete {f}
basic reproduction number <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] Basisreproduktionszahl {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie]
basic reproductive rate <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] Basisreproduktionsrate {f} [Epidemiologie]
basic reproductive ratio <R0, r nought> [epidemiology]Basisreproduktionsrate {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie]
basic requirementGrundanforderung {f}
basic requirement Grundvoraussetzung {f}
basic requirement Grunderfordernis {n}
basic requirement Basisanforderung {f}
basic requirementsGrundanforderungen {pl}
basic requirements {pl} Grundbedarf {m}
basic research Grundlagenforschung {f}
basic research Quellenforschung {f}
basic research Basisforschung {f}
basic research {sg}Quellenstudien {pl}
basic research project Grundlagenprojekt {n}
basic restrictionBasisgrenzwert {m}
basic right [fundamental right] Grundrecht {n}
basic rightsGrundrechte {pl}
basic ring Basisring {m} [z. B. bei Schmuckstücken]
basic rock basisches Gestein {n}
basic routineGrundprogrammroutine {f}
basic rule Grundregel {f}
basic rules Grundregeln {pl}
basic rules {pl} Regelwerk {n}
basic salaryGrundgehalt {n}
basic salaryGrundlohn {m}
basic sanding Grundschliff {m}
basic sauce Grundsoße {f}
basic savings rateSpareckzins {m}
basic scale Grundmaßstab {m}
basic scenarios Grundszenarien {pl}
basic schema Basisschema {n}
basic school Grundschule {f}
basic scienceGrundlagenwissenschaft {f}
basic securities zugrunde liegende Basiswerte {pl}
basic security Grundsicherheit {f}
basic security benefits for job seekers [in Germany] Grundsicherung {f} für Arbeitssuchende [Arbeitslosengeld II, Bürgergeld]
basic sensitivity Grundempfindlichkeit {f}
basic seriesHauptwerk {n}
basic series [e.g. a basic series of math books]Grundreihe {f}
basic service Grundversorgung {f} [bes. im Radio-Fernseh-Bereich]
basic services Basisdienstleistungen {pl}
basic services {pl} Grundversorgung {f}
basic set Grundgestalt {f}
basic setGrundset {n} [auch {m}]
basic setting Grundeinstellung {f}
basic setting value Grundeinstellwert {m}
basic settings Grundeinstellungen {pl}
basic set-upGrundaufbau {m}
basic set-up Grundschaltung {f}
basic shapeGrundgestalt {f}
basic situation Grundsituation {f}
basic sizeNennmaß {n}
basic skill Grundfertigkeit {f}
basic skills Grundfertigkeiten {pl}
basic skillsGrundfähigkeiten {pl}
basic skills Basisfähigkeiten {pl}
basic skills Grundkompetenzen {pl}
basic social care soziale Grundversorgung {f}
basic social services {pl}soziale Grundversorgung {f}
basic software wesentliche Software {f}
basic software Basissoftware {f}
basic solutionBasislösung {f}
basic solution Lauge {f} [basische Lösung]
basic soundGrundton {m}
basic soundGrundklang {m}
« basebasibasibasibasibasibasibasibasibasibask »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers