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« backPage 126 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
basin wrenchStandhahnmutterschlüssel {m}
basinal basinal
basinetKesselhaube {f}
basinful Becken {n} voll
basinfulSchüssel {f} voll
basing gründend
basing point Referenzpunkt {m}
basing rate Referenzfrachtsatz {m}
basinsBecken {pl}
basinsStromgebiete {pl}
basin-shaped beckenförmig
basin-shaped valley Talbecken {n}
basion-bregma height Basion-Bregma-Höhe {f}
basionym Basionym {n}
basipetal basipetal
basipetal maturation basipetale Effloration {f}
basiphyteBasiphyt {m}
basiphytic basiphytisch
basipod Basipodit {m} {n}
basipoditeBasipodit {m} {n}
basisBasis {f}
basis Ausgangsebene {f}
basisAusgangspunkt {m}
basis Ausgangsstellung {f}
basis Fundament {n}
basisGrund {m}
basisGrundfläche {f}
basis Grundlage {f}
basisGrundlinie {f}
basis Hauptbestandteil {m}
basis Kursunterschied {m}
basis Sockel {m}
basis Urgrund {m}
basis Grundstein {m} [fig.]
basisGrundstock {m}
basis {sg}Grundlagen {pl} [insgesamt]
basis [foundation] Fundierung {f}
basis date Untersuchungsstichtag {m}
basis effect [rare] [base effect] Basiseffekt {m}
basis fertiliser solution [Br.] Stammlösung {f}
basis fertilizer solutionStammlösung {f}
basis for Grundlage {f} für
basis for Voraussetzung {f} für
basis for / of assessmentBemessungsgrundlage {f}
basis for a / the claim Anspruchsgrundlage {f}
basis for a specific decisionEntscheidungsgrundlage {f}
basis for argumentation Argumentationsgrundlage {f}
basis for decisions Entscheidungsgrundlage {f}
basis for discussion Diskussionsgrundlage {f}
basis for documentation Dokumentationsgrundlage {f}
basis for knowingErkenntnisgrund {m}
basis for negotiationVerhandlungsgrundlage {f}
basis for successErfolgsgrundlage {f}
basis for talks Gesprächsbasis {f}
basis for testingPrüfgrundlage {f}
basis function Basisfunktion {f}
basis gradeStandardqualität {f}
basis material Grundwerkstoff {m}
basis of / for development Entwicklungsgrundlage {f}
basis of a calculation Kalkulationsbasis {f}
basis of a contractGrundlage {f} eines Vertrags
basis of a transactionGeschäftsgrundlage {f}
basis of allocation Verteilungsschlüssel {m}
basis of an agreementGrundlage {f} einer Vereinbarung
basis of an argument Kern {m} eines Einwands
basis of articulation Grundlage {f} der Aussprache
basis of assessment Bemessungsgrundlage {f}
basis of assessmentVeranlagungsgrundlage {f}
basis of assessment Bewertungsgrundlage {f}
basis of assessment [for taxation, insurance]Berechnungsgrundlage {f} [für Besteuerung, Versicherung]
basis of calculation Berechnungsgrundlage {f}
basis of calculation Kalkulationsgrundlage {f}
basis of comparison Vergleichsbasis {f}
basis of comparison Vergleichsgrundlage {f}
basis of computationBerechnungsgrundlage {f}
basis of contract Vertragsgrundlage {f}
basis of decisionmaking Entscheidungsgrundlage {f}
basis of decision-making Entscheidungsgrundlage {f}
basis of discussion Gesprächsbasis {f}
basis of documentation Grundlage {f} der Dokumentation
basis of existenceExistenzgrundlage {f}
basis of existence Lebensgrundlage {f}
basis of legitimacyLegitimationsgrundlage {f}
basis of lifeLebensgrundlage {f}
basis of negotiationVerhandlungsgrundlage {f}
basis of operationOperationsbasis {f}
basis of rating [for employees] Beurteilungsgrundlage {f} [für Angestellte]
basis of tax assessmentBesteuerungsgrundlage {f}
basis of taxation Besteuerungsgrundlage {f}
basis of the index Index-Basis {f}
basis of trust Vertrauensbasis {f}
basis of validity Geltungsgrund {m}
basis of valuationBeurteilungsgrundlage {f}
basis of valuationBewertungsgrundlage {f}
basis point 1/100 {n} [schweiz. meist {m}] von einem Prozent
basis pointVergleichspunkt {m}
basis point <bp> Basispunkt {m} <BP>
basis point of reference Bezugspunkt {m}
basis points <bps>Basispunkte {pl} <BP>
« basibasibasibasibasibasibasibaskBasqbassbast »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers