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bathing lake Badesee {m}
bathing machine Badekarren {m}
bathing machine Kabane {f} [Badekarre]
bathing machine Bademaschine {f}
bathing machineBadekarre {f}
bathing place Badeort {m}
bathing placeBadeplatz {m}
bathing place Badestelle {f}
bathing pondBadesee {m} [kleiner See, Weiher]
bathing pond Badeweiher {m}
bathing pondBadeteich {m}
bathing poolSchwimmbecken {n}
bathing pool Badebecken {n}
Bathing prohibited! [sign] Baden verboten! [Schild]
bathing raftBadefloß {n}
bathing resort Badeort {m}
bathing resort [dated] [seaside resort]Kurort {m} [am Meer]
bathing ring Schwimmring {m}
bathing season Badesaison {f}
bathing season Badezeit {f}
bathing sessionBadegang {m}
bathing shipBadeschiff {n}
bathing shoe Badeschuh {m}
bathing shoe <Br.> Badeschlappen {m} [ugs.]
bathing shoe <Br.> Badeschlapfen {m} [österr.]
bathing siteBadestelle {f}
bathing slip [dated or rare] [similar to swim briefs] Badehose {f} [kurze, anliegende Herrenbadehose]
bathing slipperBadepantoffel {m}
bathing slipperBadepantolette {f}
bathing slippers Badepantoffeln {pl}
bathing slippers Badepantoletten {pl}
bathing suit [esp. Am.]Badeanzug {m}
bathing suits [esp. Am.]Badeanzüge {pl}
bathing temperatureBadetemperatur {f}
bathing thingsBadesachen {pl}
bathing things {pl} Badezeug {n}
bathing towelBadehandtuch {n}
bathing trunk naevus [Br.]Tierfellnävus {m} [veraltend] [Riesennävus]
bathing trunk nevus [Am.]Tierfellnävus {m} [veraltend] [Riesennävus]
bathing trunks {pl} Badehose {f}
bathing trunks {pl}Schwimmhose {f} [Badehose]
bathing waterBadegewässer {n}
bathing wearBadebekleidung {f}
bathing wear Badekleidung {f}
bathing woman Badende {f} [auch als Titel eines Gemäldes]
bathing wrapBadeumhang {m}
bathing wrapBademantel {m}
bathing-dress Badeanzug {m}
bathmat Badematte {f}
bathmatBadewannenvorleger {m}
bathmophobia Bathmophobie {f}
bathochromic bathochrom
bathochromic effectbathochromer Effekt {m}
bathochromic shift bathochrome Verschiebung {f}
bathochromic shift (effect)bathochromer Effekt {m}
bathochromismBathochromie {f}
batholith Batholith {m}
bathometerMeerestiefenmesser {m}
bathometer Tiefenlot {n}
Bathonian Bewohner {m} von Bath
Bathonian [geologic age] Bathonium {n}
Bathonian [geologic age] Bathon {n} [kurz für: Bathonium]
bathophobiaBathophobie {f}
bathophobic bathophob
bathos Gemeinplatz {m}
bathosBathos {m} [Wechsel von Todernst ins Lächerliche]
bathrobe Bademantel {m} [Morgenmantel]
bathrobe belt Bademantelgürtel {m}
bathrobes Bademäntel {pl}
bath-room Badezimmer {n}
bathroomBad {n} [Badezimmer]
bathroom [Am.]Klosett {n} [veraltend] [Toilettenraum]
bathroom [Am.] [room containing a toilet] Toilette {f} [Raum]
bathroom [Am.] [toilet]Klo {n} [ugs.] [Raum mit Klosettbecken (und Waschgelegenheit)]
bathroom [Br.] [room containing a bath or shower and typically a washbasin and sometimes a toilet]Badezimmer {n}
bathroom airBadezimmerluft {f}
bathroom attendant Toilettenwärter {m}
bathroom cabinet Badezimmerschrank {m}
bathroom cartel Badewannenkartell {n}
bathroom ceilingBadezimmerdecke {f}
bathroom designBaddesign {n}
bathroom doorBadezimmertür {f}
bathroom equipment Badezimmereinrichtung {f}
bathroom equipment Badezimmerausstattung {f}
bathroom fittingsBadarmaturen {pl}
bathroom fittings company Sanitärfirma {f}
bathroom floor Badezimmerboden {m}
bathroom furniture {sg}Badmöbel {pl}
bathroom furniture {sg}Badezimmermöbel {pl}
bathroom installations sanitäre Anlagen {pl}
bathroom lampBadezimmerlampe {f}
bathroom manufacturerBadhersteller {m}
bathroom manufacturerostereiBadhersteller {m}
bathroom mats Badezimmermatten {pl}
bathroom mirror Badezimmerspiegel {m}
bathroom mirrorBadspiegel {m}
bathroom planning Badezimmerplanung {f}
bathroom planning Badplanung {f} [Badezimmerplanung]
bathroom retailer [firm; shop]Sanitärhandel {m} [Firma; Geschäft]
bathroom rug Badvorleger {m}
« bastbat batcbatcbathbathbathbatobattbattbatt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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