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English-German Dictionary

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battery dischargeBatterieentladung {f}
battery disposal Batterieentsorgung {f}
battery distribution panel Batterieschalttafel {f}
battery drainBatterieentladung {f}
battery drain Batterieverbrauch {m}
battery drain Energieverbrauch {m} [bei batteriebetriebenen Geräten]
battery drain Stromverbrauch {m} [bei batteriebetriebenen Geräten]
battery drainEntladen {n} der Batterie
battery egg Batterieei {n}
battery electric vehicle <BEV>Elektrofahrzeug {n} [Batterie-Elektrofahrzeug]
battery electrode Batterieelektrode {f}
battery electrolyte Akkusäure {f}
battery electrolyte Batterieelektrolyt {m} [selten]
battery eliminated circuit[Huckepack-Stromversorgung ohne eigene Stromquelle]
battery eliminator circuit <BEC> Battery Eliminator Circuit {m} <BEC>
battery factoryBatteriefabrik {f}
battery farmLegebatterie {f}
battery farming {sg} Legebatterien {pl}
battery fire Geschützfeuer {n}
battery fluidBatterieflüssigkeit {f}
battery grip Batteriegriff {m}
battery henBatteriehenne {f}
battery hen Batteriehuhn {n}
battery hens Batteriehühner {pl}
battery holder Batteriefassung {f}
battery hydrometerAkkusäureprüfer {m} [auch Akku-Säureprüfer]
battery icon Batterie-Icon {n}
battery ignitionBatteriezündung {f}
battery indicatorBatterieanzeige {f}
battery indicator Batteriezustandsanzeige {f}
battery (indicator) icon Batteriesymbol {n}
battery insertBatterieeinschub {m}
battery juice [coll.] [electric potential] Batteriesaft {m} [Jargon] [elektrische Spannung]
battery law <BattG> [Germany]Batteriegesetz {n} <BattG> [Kurztitel]
battery levelAkkustand {m} [kurz für: Akkumulatorstand]
battery level [level of charge] Akkuladestand {m}
battery level [of a rechargeable battery] Ladezustand {m} [eines Akkus, einer Batterie]
battery level indicatorBatteriezustandanzeige {f}
battery level indicatorAkku-Ladestandsanzeige {f} [auch: Akkuladestandsanzeige / Akkuladestandanzeige / Akku-Ladestandanzeige]
battery level indicator [also: charge level indicator]Batterieladezustandsanzeige {f} [auch: Ladestandsanzeige]
battery life Batterielebensdauer {f}
battery life Batteriedauer {f}
battery lifeBatterielaufzeit {f}
battery lifeAkkulaufzeit {f}
battery lifeAkkulebensdauer {f}
battery magazine Batteriemagazin {n}
battery maintenance Batteriewartung {f}
battery maker Batteriefirma {f}
battery management system <BMS> Batteriemanagementsystem {n} <BMS>
battery manufacturerBatteriehersteller {m}
battery metalBatteriemetall {n}
battery modeAkkumodus {m}
battery moduleBatteriemodul {n}
battery monitor Batteriemonitor {m}
battery of filtersFilterbrunnenaggregat {n}
battery of questions Fragenkomplex {m}
battery operation Batteriebetrieb {m}
battery pack Akkusatz {m}
battery pack Batteriepack {m}
battery pack Batterienpack {m}
battery pole Batteriepol {m}
battery pole greaseBatteriepolfett {n}
battery position Batteriestellung {f}
battery post Batteriepol {m}
battery power Batteriestrom {m}
battery power supply Batteriestromversorgung {f}
battery rack Batteriegestell {n}
battery receiver Batterie-Empfänger {m}
battery recharge time Batterieaufladezeit {f}
battery rechargerLadegerät {n}
battery recycling Akku-Recycling {n} [ugs.]
battery recycling Batterie-Recycling {n}
battery regulator [battery charging]Ausgleichsregler {m} [Batterieladetechnik]
battery replacement Batteriewechsel {m}
battery replacementBatterieaustausch {m}
battery replacementBatterietausch {m}
battery screwdriver [less frequent than: cordless screwdriver] Batterie-Schraubendreher {m} [auch: Batterieschraubendreher] [fachspr. nach DIN]
battery sergeant major <BSM> Batteriefeldwebel {m} <BttrFw>
battery service life [of a rechargeable battery] Akkulaufzeit {f}
battery setBatteriesatz {m}
battery set [radio] Batteriegerät {n}
battery shelf life Batterielebensdauer {f} [Lagerungsfähigkeit]
battery state of charge Akkuladestand {m}
battery statusAkkustand {m}
battery statusBatteriestatus {m}
battery status Akkustatus {m}
battery status Batteriezustand {m}
battery statusAkkuzustand {m}
battery statusBatteriestand {m} [Ladestand]
battery status [status of charge]Akkuladestand {m}
battery storage device Batteriespeicher {m} [batteriegestützter Stromspeicher z. B. für Wind- und Solarstrom]
battery swap Batteriewechsel {m}
battery swap station Batteriewechselstation {f}
battery swapping Batteriewechsel {m}
battery swapping station Batteriewechselstation {f}
battery switchBatteriehauptschalter {m}
battery switching station Batteriewechselstation {f}
battery symbol Batteriesymbol {n}
battery syringeBatteriesäureheber {m}
battery syringeSäureheber {m} [für Batteriesäure]
« bathbathbathbatrbattbattbattbattBattBattBatt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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