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bayonet grip Bajonettgriff {m}
bayonet groove Bajonettbahn {f}
bayonet guard Parierstange {f} [an Blankwaffen]
bayonet holder Bajonettfassung {f}
bayonet joint Bajonettverschluss {m}
bayonet jointBajonettverbindung {f}
bayonet knifeBajonettmesser {n}
bayonet lockBajonettverschluss {m}
bayonet lock Renkverschluss {m} [Bajonettverschluss]
bayonet mount Bajonetthalterung {f}
bayonet mountBajonettverschluss {m}
Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector <BNC connector>BNC-Steckverbinder {m}
bayonet nut connector <BNC>Steckverbinder {m} mit Bajonett-Verschluss
bayonet pinBajonettstift {m}
bayonet plugGriff {m} am Spundbajonett
bayonet rongeurBajonettzange {f}
bayonet scabbard Bajonettscheide {f}
bayonet screw Bajonettschraube {f}
bayonet sheathBajonettscheide {f}
bayonet slots {pl} Bajonettrahmen {m}
bayonet socketBajonetthülle {f}
bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus]Segelfisch {m}
bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus] Fächerfisch {m}
bayonet-grass / bayonet grass [Bolboschoenus maritimus, syn.: Reigera maritima, Schoenoplectus maritimus, Scirpus maritimus] Meerstrand-Simse {f}
bayonet-grass / bayonet grass [Bolboschoenus maritimus, syn.: Reigera maritima, Schoenoplectus maritimus, Scirpus maritimus] (Gemeine) Strandsimse {f}
bayonet-grass / bayonet grass [Bolboschoenus maritimus, syn.: Reigera maritima, Schoenoplectus maritimus, Scirpus maritimus] Meersimse {f}
bayonet-grass / bayonet grass [Bolboschoenus maritimus, syn.: Reigera maritima, Schoenoplectus maritimus, Scirpus maritimus] Meerbinse {f}
bayoneting bajonettierend
bayonetsSeitengewehre {pl}
bayonetsBajonette {pl}
bayonet-shaped bajonettförmig
bayonet-type temple [straight temple arm] Steckbügel {m} [gerader Brillenbügel]
bayou sumpfiger Flussarm {m}
bayouSumpfstelle {f} [an einem See oder Fluss]
bayou [Am.] Bayou {m} [z. B. in Louisiana, Texas]
Bayou State [nickname] [Louisiana] Bayou-Staat {m} [Spitzname für Louisiana, USA]
bayou violet [Am.] [Viola sororia, syn.: V. affinis , V. missouriensis, V. novae-angliae, V. nephrophylla, V. papilionacea, V. pratincola, V. priceana, V. septentrionalis] Pfingst-Veilchen {n}
bayous sumpfige Flussarme {pl}
Bayram Bayram {m} {n}
Bayram Bairam {m}
Bayreuth Bayreuth {n}
Bayreuth FestivalBayreuther Festspiele {pl}
Bayreuth Festival Orchestra Bayreuther Festspielorchester {n}
Bayreuth Festival Theatre Bayreuther Festspielhaus {n}
bay-ringed tyrannulet [Phylloscartes sylviolus, syn.: Leptotriccus sylviolus] Braunzügel-Borstentyrann {m}
bay-ringed tyrannulet [Phylloscartes sylviolus, syn.: Leptotriccus sylviolus]Rostring-Laubtyrann {m}
bay-rum tree [Myrica pensylvanica, syn.: M. caroliniensis, Morella caroliniensis] Amerikanischer / Pennsylvanischer Gagelstrauch {m}
bays Buchten {pl}
bay-tree scale [Dynaspidiotus britannicus, syn.: Aspidiotus britannicus] Ilexschildlaus / Ilex-Schildlaus {f}
bay-vented cotinga [Ampelion sclateri]Rotsteißkotinga {f}
bay-vented cotinga [Doliornis sclateri] Braunbauchkotinga {f}
BaywatchBaywatch – Die Rettungsschwimmer von Malibu
Baywatch HawaiiBaywatch Hawaii
baywing [Agelaioides badius] Braunkuhstärling {m}
baywing [Molothrus badius, syn.: Agelaioides badius] Graukuhstärling {m}
bay-winged bunting [Pooecetes gramineus, syn.: P. grammineus] Abendammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
bay-winged cowbird [Agelaioides badius] Braunkuhstärling {m}
bay-winged cowbird [Molothrus badius, syn.: Agelaioides badius] Graukuhstärling {m}
Baz' egg-eating snake [Dasypeltis bazi] Ägyptische Eierschlange {f}
bazaar Basar {m}
bazaar billiges Warenhaus {n}
bazaar orientalische Ladenstraße {f}
bazaarWohltätigkeitsbasar {m}
bazaar Bazar {m} [Rsv.]
bazaar laneBasargasse {f}
Bazaar Malay Basarmalaiisch {n}
bazaar street Basarstraße {f}
bazar [spv.]Basar {m}
Bazett equationBazett-Formel {f}
Bazett's formula [also: Bazett formula] Bazett-Formel {f}
bazhenovite [CaS5·CaS2O3·6Ca(OH)2·20H2O]Bazhenovit {m}
bazillions of sth. [Am.] [coll.] ein Haufen {m} etw. [Nom./Gen.] [ugs.] [große Anzahl]
bazirite [BaZrSi3O9]Bazirit {m}
bazooka Bazooka {f}
bazooka [a crude wind instrument] Bazooka {f} [Blasinstrument]
bazooka [coll.] [WWII, common name of man-portable recoilless antitank rocket launchers] [also referred to as: stovepipe] [2. WK, Synonym für tragbare reaktive Panzerabwehrbüchse der US-Streitkräfte]
Bazooka® [American brand of bubble gum]Bazooka® {m} [rosaroter Kaugummi, aromatisiert mit Wintergrünöl]
bazookasBazookas {pl}
bazookas [coll.] [breasts] Brüste {pl}
bazoomas [sl.] [pej.]volle Brüste {pl} [in pej. Sinn]
bazoomas [sl.] [vulg.]dicke Memmen {pl} [regional] [derb] [große Brüste]
bazoomas [sl.] [vulg.]dicke Tutteln {pl} [österr.] [derb] [große Brüste]
bazooms [sl.]Brüste {pl}
bazzite [Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6O18] Bazzit {m}
BB gunLuftpistole {f} [für kugelförmige Metallgeschosse ("ballistic balls")]
BBC Asian Network [radio] [Sender von / für asiatische Minderheiten in Großbritannien]
B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet]Verzweigerkasten {m}
B-boyBreakdancer {m}
b-boying [breakdance] B-Boying {n} [Breakdance]
BBQ gloveGrillhandschuh {m}
BCC [Boa constrictor constrictor] [pet trade abbreviation] Königsboa {f}
B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>
B-cell growth factor <BCGF>B-Zell-Wachstumsfaktor {m}
B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL> B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>
BCS pair [Cooper pair]Cooper-Paar {n}
b-day [birthday] [sl.]Geburtstag {m}
bdellion Bedolachharz {n}
bdelliumBedolachharz {n}
bdelliumBdelliumharz {n}
bdellium Bdellium {n}
« battbaulBavabay[bayabayobdelBethbeacbeacbead »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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