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English-German Dictionary

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Be quick about it! Aber ein bisschen dalli! [ugs.]
Be quiet already! [Am.] [coll.] Sei schon ruhig!
Be quiet for once! Sei endlich ruhig!
Be quiet, or else!Sei still, sonst gibts was!
Be quiet, will you! Sei doch mal still!
Be quiet, you little know-all!Sei still, du Grünschnabel! [ugs.]
Be quiet! Sei still!
Be quiet!Schweig still!
Be quiet!Bi staad! [bayer.] [Sei still]
Be ready! - Always ready! [Pioneers' slogan in the GDR] Seid bereit! - Immer bereit! [Pioniergruß in der DDR]
Be safe! [parting phrase] Sei vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß]
Be safe! [parting phrase]Fahr vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß]
Be safe! [parting phrase] Pass gut auf Dich auf! [Abschiedsgruß]
Be seated, please! Bitte nehmen Sie Platz!
Be seeing you. <BCNU> Man sieht sich.
Be seeing you. <BCNU>Wir sehen uns.
Be still, stop chattering [also known as The Coffee Cantata] Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht [auch bekannt als Kaffeekantate, J. S. Bach, BWV 211]
be sure to sicherlich
Be sure to come on time! Kommen Sie ja rechtzeitig!
be that as it may wie dem auch sei
Be that as it may. Sei's drum!
Be that as it may, ... Wie dem auch sein mag, ...
Be that as it may.Sei es, wie es sein mag.
Be that as it may, ... Jedenfalls ...
be that as it maydem sei, wie ihm wolle [veraltet]
be that as it may [idiom]sei es, wie es sei [Redewendung]
be that as it mightwie dem auch war
be that as it will [less frequent than: be that as it may] sei es, wie es sei
be the weather as it may gleich, wie das Wetter ist
Be there ahead of time! Sei dort vor der Zeit!
Be there ahead of time! Sei (lieber) ein bisschen früher / eher da!
Be there or be square! Erscheinen Sie, sonst weinen Sie!
Be there or be square! <BTOBS> [coll.]Das darfst du dir nicht entgehen lassen! [z. B. angesagte Party]
be this as it may wie dem auch sein mag
be untransient Einschwingvorgang {m}
Be warned! Lass dich warnen!
Be your age!Sei kein Kindskopf!
Be yourself! Nimm dich zusammen!
Be yourself!Sei natürlich!
Be yourself!Sei du selbst!
beach Badestrand {m}
beachStrand {m}
beach Gestade {n} [poet.] [Strand, Küstenstreifen]
beach Meeresstrand {m}
beach [attr.] [e.g. bag, slides or slippers, weather] Bade- [z. B. Tasche, Latschen, Wetter]
beach [attr.] [e.g. dress, erosion, football, holidays, mat, party] Strand- [z. B. Kleid, Erosion, Fußball, Urlaub, Matte, Party]
beach access Strandzugang {m}
beach almond [Terminalia catappa] Katappenbaum {m}
beach almond [Terminalia catappa] Seemandelbaum {m}
beach almond [Terminalia catappa]Indische Mandel {f}
beach almond [Terminalia catappa] Badam {m}
beach area Strandgebiet {n}
beach area Strandzone {f}
beach bagStrandtasche {f}
beach bagBadetasche {f}
beach ballStrandball {m}
beach ball Wasserball {m} [großer aufblasbarer Ball zum Spielen im Wasser]
beach bar Strandbar {f}
beach bean [Canavalia rosea, syn.: C. maritima, Canavaia maritima, Dolichos littoralis, D. maritimus, D. rosea]MacKenzie-Bohne {f}
beach beautyStrandschönheit {f} [Frau]
beach bird Strandvogel {m}
beach boulevard Strandboulevard {m}
beach buggy Strandbuggy {m}
beach bum [coll.] Strandgammler {m} [ugs.]
beach bungalow Beachbungalow {m}
beach campingStrandcamping {n}
beach centre [Br.] Strandzentrum {n}
beach chairLiegestuhl {m}
beach chair Poolliege {f}
beach chair Badeliege {f}
beach chairStrandliege {f}
beach chair Strandstuhl {m}
beach chair position Rückenlage {f} [Operationstechnik]
beach city Stadt {f} am Strand
beach cleaning Strandsäuberung {f}
beach cleanup [also: beach clean-up] Strandsäuberung {f}
beach costume Strandkostüm {n}
beach cusps Strandhörner {pl}
beach defense [Am.] Strandverteidigung {f}
beach dressStrandkleid {n}
beach erosion Stranderosion {f}
beach erosion Strandausnagung {f} [Stranderosion]
beach fashionBademode {f}
beach fashion Strandmode {f}
beach fashion {sg} Bademoden {pl}
beach flax [Linum maritimum] Strand-Lein {m}
beach fleaSandfloh {m}
beach flies [family Canacidae]Canaciden {pl}
beach football [Br.] Strandfußball {m}
beach football [Br.]Beachsoccer {n} {m} [auch: Beach Soccer]
beach fun Strandspaß {m}
beach gameStrandspiel {n}
beach garment Strandkleid {n}
beach goerStrandbesucher {m}
beach goose [Anser canagicus, syn.: A. canagica, Chen canagica, Philacte canagica]Kaisergans {f}
beach grape [Vitis rupestris] Sand-Rebe {f}
beach grape [Vitis rupestris] Fels-Rebe {f}
beach grass [genus Ammophila] Strandhafer {m}
beach hat Strandhut {m}
beach head Landekopf {m}
« BavabawlBaySbayobazoBequbeacbeacbeacbeadbeak »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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