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English-German Dictionary

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beach vegetationStrandvegetation {f}
beach vendor Strandverkäufer {m}
beach villa Beachvilla {f}
beach vole [Microtus breweri] Strandwühlmaus {f}
beach volley [coll.] Beachvolleyball {m}
beach volleyball [the ball] Beachvolleyball {m} [der Ball]
beach volleyball [the game] Beachvolleyball {n} [das Spiel]
beach volleyball [the game]Strandvolleyball {n} [das Spiel]
beach volleyball player Beachvolleyballer {m}
beach volleyball player [female]Beachvolleyballerin {f}
beach volleyballer Beachvolleyballer {m}
beach volleyballer [female]Beachvolleyballerin {f}
beach walk Strandspaziergang {m}
beach walk Strandwanderung {f}
beach warden Strandwärter {m}
beach weatherBadewetter {n}
beach weather Strandwetter {n}
beach wedding Strandhochzeit {f}
beach wheelchairStrandrollstuhl {m}
beach wiregrass [Dactyloctenium aegyptium] [Egyptian crowfoot grass] Ägyptisches Gras {n}
beach wormwood [Artemisia campestris] Feld-Beifuß {m}
beach wormwood [Artemisia pycnocephala, syn.: Oligosporus pycnocephalu] Dünen-Beifuß {m}
beach wormwood [Artemisia stelleriana] Silberwermut {m}
beach wrapStrandkleid {n}
beach wrap Pareo {m}
beach zone Strandzone {f}
(beach) wild rye [Leymus arenarius, syn.: Elymus arenarius] Gewöhnlicher Strandroggen {m}
beach-chair positionBeach-Chair-Position {f}
beachcomber Strandguträuber {m}
beachcomber Strandräuber {m}
beachcomber Strandgutsammler {m}
beachcomber [female] Strandguträuberin {f}
beachcomber [female] Strandräuberin {f}
beachcomber [wave]Strandwelle {f}
beachcombersStrandläufer {pl}
beached [whale etc.] gestrandet
beached whale gestrandeter Wal {m}
beachesBadestrände {pl}
beachesStrände {pl}
beaches on the MediterraneanStrände {pl} am Mittelmeer
beachfront [attr.] [esp Am.](direkt) am Strand [nachgestellt]
beachfront property [esp Am.] Grundstück {n} am Strand
beachgoerStrandgänger {m}
beachgoers Strandgänger {pl}
beachgoersStrandgäste {pl}
beachheadAusgangsstellung {f}
beachhead Brückenkopf {m} [an Küste]
beach-headLandekopf {m}
beachhead Landekopf {m}
beach-head / beachhead iris [Iris setosa, syn.: I. setosa var. setosa] Borsten-Schwertlilie / Borstenschwertlilie {f}
beachingStrandung {f}
Beach-la-mar [Bislama] Beach-la-Mar {n} [Bislama]
Beach-la-mar [Bislama]Bichelamar {n} [Bislama]
Beach-la-mar [Bislama]Bêche-de-Mer {n} [Bislama]
beach-master Strandmeister {m}
beachmaster <BM> Strandmeister {m} [verantwortlicher Marineoffizier für einen Landestrand in einer amphibischen Landeoperation]
beachmaster unit <BMU>Strandmeistereinheit {f} [dem Strandmeister zugeordnete Unterstützungseinheit]
beach-pyjamas [Br.] Strandanzug {m}
beachsalmon [Leptobrama muelleri]Strandlachs {m}
beachside [attr.]am Strand [nachgestellt]
beachside [attr.] Strand- [z. B. Strandhotel]
beachside hotelStrandhotel {n}
beach-suit Strandanzug {m}
beach-wear Strandkleidung {f}
beachwear Strandkleidung {f}
beachwearStrandbekleidung {f}
Beachworld [Stephen King]Der Dünenplanet
beachy sandig
beachy kieselig
beacon Funkfeuer {n}
beacon Leuchtfeuer {n}
beaconLeuchtturm {m}
beaconSignalfeuer {n}
beacon Signalstation {f}
beacon Bake {f}
beaconLeuchte {f} [Warnleuchte, Leuchtturm, Signal]
beacon [esp. fig.] Fanal {n} [geh.]
beacon [navigational light]Blüse {f}
beacon buoy Bakentonne {f}
beacon fire Leuchtfeuer {n}
beacon fish [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Schlusslichtsalmler {m}
beacon fish [Hemigrammus ocellifer]Laternensalmler {m}
beacon fish [Hemigrammus ocellifer]Augenflecksalmler {m} [Schlusslichtsalmler]
beacon fish [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Fleckensalmler {m}
beacon fish [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Leuchtflecksalmler {m}
beacon for a new era Fanal {n} des Aufbruchs
beacon frequencyBakenfrequenz {f}
beacon in the darkness [also fig.] Licht {n} in der Finsternis [fig.]
beacon light Leuchtfeuer {n}
beacon of hope Fanal {n} der Hoffnung
beacon signal Bakensignal {n}
beacon starLeitstern {m}
beacon tetra [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Schlusslichtsalmler {m}
beacon tetra [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Laternensalmler {m}
beacon tetra [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Augenflecksalmler {m} [Schlusslichtsalmler]
beacon tetra [Hemigrammus ocellifer] Fleckensalmler {m}
beacon tetra [Hemigrammus ocellifer]Leuchtflecksalmler {m}
beacon tower Turmbake {f}
beaconage Bakenwesen {n}
« BaySbayobazoBequbeacbeacbeacbeadbeakbeambeam »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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