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English-German Dictionary

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bear's garlic [Allium ursinum]Waldherre {f} [Bärlauch]
bear's head fungus [Hericium erinaceus]Affenkopfpilz {m}
bear's head fungus [Hericium erinaceus]Igelstachelbart / Igel-Stachelbart {m}
bear's head fungus [Hericium erinaceus]Löwenmähne {f} [Pilz]
bears no superimposed clausesenthält keine zusätzlichen Klauseln
bear's-ear Bärenohr {n}
bear's-foot / bear's foot [Helleborus viridis] [green hellebore] (Gewöhnliche) Grüne Nieswurz {f}
bear's-foot / bear's foot [Helleborus viridis] [green hellebore] Grüne Christwurz {f}
bearsfoot / bear's foot hellebore [Helleborus foetidus] Bärenfuß {m}
bearsfoot / bear's foot hellebore [Helleborus foetidus] Wilde Christwurz {f}
bearsfoot / bear's foot hellebore [Helleborus foetidus]Stinkende Nieswurz {f}
bearsfoot / bear's foot hellebore [Helleborus foetidus] Palmblattschneerose / Palmblatt-Schneerose {f}
bearsite [Be2(AsO4)(OH)·4H2O]Bearsit {m}
bearskin Bärenfell {n}
bearskin Bärenhaut {f}
bearskin Bärenfellmütze {f}
Bearskin [Grimm Brothers]Der Bärenhäuter [Brüder Grimm]
bearskin fescue [Festuca gautieri] Bärenfellgras / Bärenfell-Gras {n}
bearskin fescue [Festuca gautieri]Bärenfell-Schwingel / Bärenfellschwingel {m}
bear's-paw root [Dryopteris filix-mas] [male fern](Gemeiner) Wurmfarn {m}
Bearss lime [Citrus latifolia]Gewöhnliche Limette {f}
Bearss lime [Citrus latifolia] Persische Limette {f}
Bearss lime [Citrus latifolia]Tahiti-Limette {f}
bearthite [Ca2Al(PO4)2(OH)] Bearthit {m}
bearwardBärenwärter {m}
bearwind [Convolvulus arvensis, syn.: Calystegia arvensis]Acker-Winde / Ackerwinde {f}
beasal Beachsoccer {n} {m} [auch: Beach Soccer]
beasal Strandfußball {m}
beastBestie {f}
beast Biest {n}
beast Tier {n}
beastUntier {n}
beastTier {n} im Menschen
beast Rohling {m}
beastwildes Tier {n}
beastroher Mensch {m}
beast brutaler Mensch {m}
beastScheusal {n}
beast [Br.] [coll.] [sex offender] Triebtäter {m}
beast fable Tierfabel {f}
beast for slaughter Schlachtvieh {n}
beast market Viehmarkt {m}
Beast of BodminBestie {f} von Bodmin Moor
beast of burden Lasttier {n}
beast of burdenTragtier {n}
beast of burdenPacktier {n}
Beast of Exmoor Bestie {f} von Exmoor
Beast of GévaudanBestie {f} vom Gévaudan
beast of preyRaubtier {n}
Beast out of the earth [Book of Revelation] Tier {n} aus der Erde [Offenbarung des Johannes]
Beast out of the sea [Book of Revelation] Tier {n} aus dem Meer [Offenbarung des Johannes]
beastial [obs. spv.]bestialisch
beastlier brutaler
beastliest brutalste
beast-like wie ein Tier [nachgestellt]
beastlikewie ein Tier [nachgestellt]
beastlily [in an animal-like manner, cruelly, extremely, etc.] [preferred: in a beastly manner, way, etc.]tierisch [tierähnlich, grausam, ungeheuer usw.]
beastliness Gemeinheit {f}
beastliness Bestialität {f}
beastlinessBrutalität {f}
beastliness Roheit {f} [alt]
beastly garstig
beastly hässlich
beastly schmutzig
beastly [Br.] [coll.] schofel [ugs.]
beastly [Br.] [coll.]scheußlich
beastly [Br.] [coll.]eklig [ugs.] [gemein]
beastly [beast-like] roh [bestialisch, brutal]
beastly [Br.] [coll.] saumäßig [ugs.]
beastly [Br.] [coll.] [dated] saumäßig [ugs.]
beastly [Br] [coll.] [dated] [e.g. beastly hot] brutal [ugs.] [z. B. brutal heiß]
beastly [coll.] [esp. Br.] [very unpleasant] brutal [ugs.]
beastly [obs.] [bestial] bestialisch [wie ein wildes Tier]
beastly [unrestrainedly cruel] [archaic] brutal
beastly badtierisch schlecht [ugs.]
beastly cold grimmig kalt
beastly coldschlimme Kälte {f}
beastly drunk [Br.] [coll.] [dated]schrecklich betrunken [ugs.]
beastly fellow brutaler Kerl {m}
beastly good [Br.] [coll.]tierisch gut [ugs.]
beastly hard [Br.] [coll.] sauschwer [ugs.]
beastly jobDrecksarbeit {f}
beastly manners abscheuliche Manieren {pl}
beastly shameAffenschande {f} [ugs.]
beastly steep [Br.] [coll.] saumäßig steil [ugs.]
beastly swindlegemeiner Schwindel {m}
beastly weatherHundewetter {n}
beastly weather garstiges Wetter {n}
Beastmaster [Don Coscarelli]Beastmaster – Der Befreier
Beastmaster – The Eye of Braxus [Gabrielle Beaumont] Beastmaster – Das Auge des Braxus
Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time [Sylvio Tabet] Beastmaster II – Der Zeitspringer
Beastmaster: The Legend Continues Beastmaster – Herr der Wildnis
beasts Biester {pl}
beastsTiere {pl}
beatTakt {m}
beatRhythmus {m}
beat Beat {m}
« bearbearbearbearbearbearbeatbeatbeaubeaubeau »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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