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English-German Dictionary

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beautificerschreckend schön
beautificationAusschmückung {f}
beautification Verschönerung {f}
beautification Verhübschung {f}
beautification measures Verschönerungsmaßnahmen {pl}
beautifications Verschönerungen {pl}
beautified verschönert
beautified [derogatory] geschönt
beautifier Verschönerer {m}
beautiful schön
beautiful hübsch
beautiful wunderschön
beautiful [excellent]hervorragend
beautiful [excellent] herrlich
beautiful [excellent] wunderbar
beautiful [excellent] großartig
Beautiful [Sally Field]Beautiful
beautiful araçari [Pteroglossus aracari, syn.: Pteroglossus formosus] Schwarzkehlarassari {m} [auch: Schwarzkehl-Arassari]
beautiful arches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Blepharita satura] [moth] Geißblatt-Brauneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful arches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Blepharita satura] [moth] (Dunkelbraune) Waldrandeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful body Luxuskörper {m}
beautiful bonnet [Mycena renati, syn.: M. flavipes] Gelbstieliger Nitrat-Helmling / Nitrathelmling {m}
beautiful bonnet [Mycena renati, syn.: M. flavipes]Gelbfüßiger Helmling {m}
beautiful bonnet [Mycena renati, syn.: M. flavipes] Gelbstieliger Nitrosehelmling / Nitrose-Helmling {m}
beautiful bronzeback tree snake [Dendrelaphis formosus] [rare] Elegante Bronzenatter {f}
beautiful bunting [Passerina versicolor, syn.: Cyanospiza versicolor] Vielfarbenfink {m}
beautiful by nature [postpos.] von angeborener Schönheit [nachgestellt]
beautiful by nature [postpos.] von Natur aus hübsch
beautiful by nature [postpos.]von Natur aus schön
beautiful caecum [Caecum pulchellum, syn.: C. capitanum, C. conjunctum, C. curtatum, C. dux] Caecum pulchellum {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
beautiful calico snake [Oxyrhopus formosus] Gelbkopf-Mondnatter {f}
beautiful carpet (moth) [Mesoleuca albicillata] Brombeer-Blattspanner {m}
beautiful carpet (moth) [Mesoleuca albicillata] Himbeer-Blattspanner {m}
beautiful China-mark [Nymphula nitidulata, syn.: Nymphula stagnata] [moth] Wasserzünsler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful China-mark [Nymphula nitidulata, syn.: Nymphula stagnata] [moth] Binsenzünsler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful clavaria [Ramaria formosa] Dreifarbige Koralle {f}
beautiful clavaria [Ramaria formosa] Schöne Koralle {f}
beautiful cotoneaster [Cotoneaster amoenus] Schöne Zwergmispel {f}
Beautiful Creatures [Bill Eagles] Beautiful Creatures
beautiful cypripedium [Cypripedium formosanum] Taiwan-Frauenschuh {m}
beautiful demoiselle [Calopteryx virgo]Blaue Prachtlibelle {f}
beautiful demoiselle [Calopteryx virgo] Blauflügel-Prachtlibelle {f}
beautiful demoiselle [Calopteryx virgo] Blauflügelige / Blauflüglige Prachtlibelle {f}
beautiful enough to die forzum Sterben schön
beautiful face schönes Gesicht {n}
beautiful firetail [Stagonopleura bella] Feuerschwanzamadine {f}
beautiful flowerpecker [Dicaeum eximium]Bismarckmistelfresser {m}
beautiful fruit dove [Ptilinopus pulchellus]Rotkappen-Fruchttaube {f}
beautiful fruit dove [Ptilinopus pulchellus]Rotkappenfruchttaube {f}
beautiful fruit dove [Ptilinopus pulchellus]Schöne Flaumfußtaube {f}
beautiful girl schönes Mädchen {n}
beautiful girl Schönheit {f} [schönes Mädchen; schöne junge Frau]
Beautiful Girls [Ted Demme] Beautiful Girls
beautiful golden Y [Autographa pulchrina, syn.: Plusia pulchrina] [moth]Silberpunkt-Höckereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful golden Y [Autographa pulchrina, syn.: Plusia pulchrina] [moth]Ziest-Silbereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful golden Y [Autographa pulchrina, syn.: Plusia pulchrina] [moth]Ziesteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful golden Y [Autographa pulchrina, syn.: Plusia pulchrina] [moth] Waldrand-Hochstaudenflur-Goldeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
beautiful golden Y [Autographa pulchrina] [moth] Waldkräuter-Silbereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful grass snail [Vallonia pulchella] Glatte Grasschnecke {f}
beautiful hair-moss [Polytrichastrum formosum, syn.: Polytrichum attenuatum Menzies; formerly Polytrichum formosum] Schönes Widertonmoos {n}
beautiful hair-moss [Polytrichastrum formosum, syn.: Polytrichum attenuatum Menzies; formerly Polytrichum formosum] Schönes Frauenhaarmoos {n}
beautiful hook-tip [Laspeyria flexula] Sicheleule {f} [Schmetterling]
beautiful hook-tip [Laspeyria flexula] [moth] Nadelwald-Flechteneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful hook-tip [Laspeyria flexula] [moth] Graue Flechten-Spannereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful hummingbird [Calothorax pulcher] Schmuckkolibri {m}
beautiful hummingbird [Calothorax pulcher]Schmucksternkolibri {m}
beautiful islandTrauminsel {f}
beautiful Jacob's ladder [also: beautiful Jacob's-ladder] [Polemonium pulcherrimum] Schöne Jakobsleiter {f}
beautiful Jacob's ladder [also: beautiful Jacob's-ladder] [Polemonium pulcherrimum] Schönes Sperrkraut {n}
beautiful Jacob's-ladder / Jacob's ladder [Polemonium pulcherrimum]Schöne Jakobsleiter {f}
beautiful jay [Cyanolyca pulchra] Schmuckhäher {m}
Beautiful Joe [Stephen Metcalfe] Beautiful Joe
beautiful marbled [Eublemma purpurina] [moth]Purpur-Zwergeulchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful marsh belle [Chariaspilates formosaria] Moorwiesen-Striemenspanner {m}
beautiful music <BM, EZ> [Am.: easy listening] [Klassifizierung eingängiger Musik]
beautiful natural spotschönes Fleckchen {n} Natur
beautiful nature spot schönes Fleckchen {n} Natur
Beautiful night, oh night of love [Barcarolle] [Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour] [Jacques Offenbach] Schöne Nacht, du Liebesnacht [Barkarole]
beautiful niltava [Niltava sundara]Rotbauch-Blauschnäpper {m}
beautiful niltava [Niltava sundara]Rotbauchniltava {m}
beautiful nuthatch [Sitta formosa] Schmuckkleiber {m}
beautiful paradise-kingfisher [Tanysiptera galatea, syn.: Tanysiptera nais]Spatelliest {m}
beautiful pastel schönes Pastell {n} [Bild]
beautiful peatmoss [Sphagnum pulchrum] Schönes Torfmoos {n}
beautiful piece schönes Einzelstück {n}
beautiful prawn-goby [Cryptocentrus aurora]Rotbinden-Partnergrundel {f}
beautiful rosefinch [Carpodacus pulcherrimus]Schmuckgimpel {m}
beautiful sandwort [Minuartia rubella, syn.: Arenaria propinqua, A. rubella, A. verna var. rubella] Rötliche Miere {f}
beautiful sheartail [Calothorax pulcher] Schmucksternkolibri {m}
beautiful sibia [Heterophasia pulchella]Blaukopftimalie {f}
beautiful snout [Hypena crassalis, syn.: H. fontis, Bomolocha fontis] [moth] Heidelbeer-Zünslereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful snout [Hypena crassalis, syn.: H. fontis, Bomolocha fontis] [moth]Samtschnabeleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful snout [Hypena crassalis] [moth]Samteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful snout [Hypena crassalis] [moth] Heidelbeer-Schnabeleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
beautiful squirrels [coll.] [genus Callosciurus] Echte Schönhörnchen {pl}
beautiful squirrels [genus Callosciurus] Eigentliche Schönhörnchen {pl}
beautiful squirrels [tribe Callosciurini] [genus Callosciurus] Schönhörnchen {pl}
beautiful sunbird [Nectarinia/Cinnyris pulchella]Elfennektarvogel {m}
beautiful sunflower [Helianthus ×laetiflorus, syn.: H. scaberrimus] Schönblumige Sonnenblume {f}
« bearbearbearbeatbeatbeaubeaubeaubeavbecabeca »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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