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English-German Dictionary

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bee-eater colony Bienenfresserkolonie {f}
bee-eaters [family Meropidae] Spinte {pl}
bee-eaters [family Meropidae]Bienenfresser {pl}
beefRindfleisch {n}
beef Ochsenfleisch {n}
beef Rind {n} [Rindfleisch]
beef Rindsfleisch {n} [südd.] [Rindfleisch]
beef Rinderfleisch {n} [nordd.] [regional] [selten] [Rindfleisch]
beef {sg} [coll.] [muscles] Muskeln {pl}
beef [attr.] Rinder-
beef [attr.] [consumption, industry, producer, salad, sausage]Rindfleisch- [z. B. Konsum, Branche, Produzent, Salat, Wurst]
beef [sl.]Beschwerde {f} [Meckerei, Nörgelei]
beef [sl.] [Am.]Streit {m}
beef [sl.] [complaint]Anzeige {f} [Anklage]
beef à la mode [bœuf à la mode]Rinderschmorbraten {m}
Beef and Guinness Casserole Rinderragout {n} mit Guinness
beef and pork loaf Leberkäse {m}
beef and pork loafFleischkäse {m}
beef and veal sectorRindersektor {m}
beef boneRinderknochen {m}
beef bone broth Rinderknochenbrühe {f}
beef bouillon Rinderbouillon {f}
beef bouillon Rinderkraftbrühe {f}
beef bouillon Rindfleischbrühe {f}
beef bouillon cube [Am.] Bouillonwürfel {m} [veraltend] [vom Rind]
beef bourguignonRindergulasch {n} in Rotweinsoße
beef brainRinderhirn {n}
beef brisketRinderbrust {f}
beef brothRinderbouillon {f}
beef broth Rindsuppe {f} [österr.]
beef broth Rinderbrühe {f}
beef broth Rinderkraftbrühe {f}
beef cattle Mastrinder {pl}
beef cattle Fleischrinder {pl}
beef cattle {pl} Schlachtrind {n}
beef cattle {pl} Schlachtvieh {n}
beef (cattle) industry Fleischwirtschaft {f} [Rindfleischbranche]
beef cheekRinderbacke {f}
beef consomméRinderkraftbrühe {f}
beef consommé Rinderconsommé {f} {n}
beef consumption Rindfleischkonsum {m}
beef cow Mastrind {n}
beef dripping [tallow]Rinderfett {n}
beef dripping [tallow] Rindsfett {n}
beef dumplings Rindfleischklöße {pl}
beef escalopeRinderschnitzel {n}
beef escalope Rindsschnitzel {n} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
beef extractFleischextrakt {m} [Rindfleisch]
beef fat Rinderfett {n}
beef filetRinderfilet {n}
beef fork Fleischgabel {f} [zum Vorlegen von Braten-/Wurstaufschnitt]
beef goulash Rindergulasch {n}
beef goulash Rindsgulasch {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
beef goulash (stew) Rindergulascheintopf {m}
beef heart Rinderherz {n}
beef industryRindfleischbranche {f}
beef jerky [Am.] Trockenfleisch {n}
beef marrowRindermark {n}
beef marrow Ochsenmark {n} [veraltend]
beef medaillons [also: beef médaillons] [spv.] Rindermedaillons {pl}
beef medallions Rindermedaillons {pl}
beef medallions Rindsmedaillons {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
beef mince [Br.] Rinderhackfleisch {n}
beef mince [Br.] Rinderhack {n}
beef mince [Br.] Rindergehacktes {n}
beef olive Rindsroulade {f}
beef olive Rinderroulade {f}
beef patty Rindfleisch-Patty {n} [flache Frikadelle]
beef producer Rindfleischproduzent {m}
beef raising Rinderzucht {f}
beef roll Rinderroulade {f}
beef roulade Rinderroulade {f}
beef roulade Rindsroulade {f}
beef saladRindfleischsalat {m}
beef sausageRindermett {n}
beef sausage Rindfleischwurst {f}
beef shank Rinderwade {f}
beef soup Rindfleischsuppe {f}
Beef State [nickname] [State of Nebraska] Rinderstaat {m} [Spitzname für Nebraska, USA]
beef steak Rindersteak {n}
beef steakBeefsteak {n}
beef steerMastrind {n}
beef stock Rinderfond {m}
beef stockRindsfond {m} [regional]
beef (stock) cube [Br.] Bouillonwürfel {m} [veraltend] [vom Rind]
beef stomach Rindermagen {m}
beef stroganoffBœuf Stroganoff {n}
Beef Stroganov [esp. Am.]Bœuf Stroganov / Stroganow {n}
beef tallow Rindertalg {m}
beef tallowOchsenfett {n}
beef tallowTalg {m} vom Rind
beef tapeworm [Taenia saginata, syn.: Taeniarhynchus saginata]Rinderbandwurm {m}
beef tapeworm [Taenia saginata, syn.: Taeniarhynchus saginata]Rinderfinnenbandwurm {m}
beef teaKraftbrühe {f}
beef tea Fleischbrühe {f}
beef tenderloin Rinderfilet {n}
beef tenderloinRindslende {f}
beef tomatoFleischtomate {f}
beef tongue Ochsenzunge {f}
beef tongue Rinderzunge {f}
« bedlbedrbedsbeebbeecbee-beefbeelbeerbeerbeet »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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