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beginner's model [e.g. guitar, tennis racquet] Einsteigermodell {n} [z. B. Gitarre, Tennisschläger]
beginners' pool Lehrschwimmbecken {n}
beginner's questionAnfängerfrage {f}
beginners' slope Anfängerhügel {m}
beginners' slope [skiing] Idiotenhügel {m} [ugs.]
beginners' slope [skiing]Idiotenhang {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [für Ski-Anfänger, auch Idiotenhügel]
beginning Anfang {m}
beginningBeginn {m}
beginning Start {m}
beginningAnsatz {m} [Anfang]
beginning Auftakt {m}
beginningAnbeginn {m} [geh.]
beginningUrsprung {m}
beginningAnfangsphase {f}
beginning Ausgang {m} [Anfang, Beginn]
beginning {sg} Anfänge {pl}
beginning balance Startkapital {n}
beginning column Anfangsspalte {f}
beginning dateAnfangsdatum {n}
beginning file label Dateianfangskennsatz {m}
beginning from today von heute an
beginning in 2000ab 2000
beginning in the 1950svon den 1950er Jahren an
beginning inventory Anfangsbestandsaufnahme {f}
beginning inventory Anfangsbestand {m}
beginning markAnfangsmarke {f}
beginning of a book Buchanfang {m} [Anfang eines Buches]
beginning of a line Anfang {m} einer Zeile
beginning of a sentenceSatzbeginn {m}
beginning of a shift Anfang {m} einer Schicht
beginning of a strokeAnfang {m} eines Schlaganfalls
beginning of a yearJahresanfang {m} [Beginn eines Jahres]
beginning of a year Jahresbeginn {m} [Beginn eines Jahres]
beginning of AprilAnfang {m} April
beginning of autumn Herbstanfang {m}
beginning of autumnHerbstbeginn {m}
beginning of breedingBrutbeginn {m}
beginning of communicationÜbertragungsanfang {m}
beginning of conversation Gesprächsanfang {m}
beginning of decay Anfang {m} des Verfalls
beginning of fall [Am.] Herbstanfang {m}
beginning of fall [Am.]Herbstbeginn {m}
beginning of fileDateianfang {m}
beginning of floweringBlühbeginn {m}
beginning of information Informationsanfang {m}
beginning of life <BOL, BoL> [product lifecycle management] Beginning of Life {n} <BOL, BoL> [eines Produkts]
beginning of line Zeilenanfang {m}
beginning of measurements Messbeginn {m}
beginning of message Beginn {m} der Nachricht
beginning of negotiationsBeginn {m} der Verhandlungen
beginning of record Beginn {m} der Aufzeichnung
beginning of shabbat Sabbatbeginn {m}
beginning of springFrühlingsanfang {m}
beginning of springFrühjahrsanfang {m}
beginning of spring Frühlingsbeginn {m}
beginning of springFrühjahrsbeginn {m}
beginning of summerSommeranfang {m}
beginning of symptoms Symptombeginn {m}
beginning of tape Bandanfang {m}
beginning of tape <BOT> Anfang {m} des Bandes
beginning of term Semesteranfang {m}
beginning of termSchulanfang {m}
beginning of text Textanfang {m}
beginning of the 20th centuryAnfang {m} des 20. Jahrhunderts
beginning of the article Artikelanfang {m}
beginning of the book Buchanfang {m} [Anfang des Buches]
beginning of the century Jahrhundertanfang {m}
beginning of the crisis Krisenbeginn {m}
beginning of the dayTagesbeginn {m}
beginning of the flood tide Vorflut {f}
beginning of the holiday period [esp. Br.]Ferienbeginn {m}
beginning of the lineAnfang {m} der Zeile
beginning of the line Streckenbeginn {m}
beginning of the month Anfang {m} des Monats
beginning of the month <BOM>Monatsanfang {m} <MA>
beginning of the movementSatzanfang {m}
beginning of the paragraph Anfang {m} des Absatzes
beginning of the school yearSchulbeginn {m} [Schuljahrsbeginn]
beginning of the school yearSchuljahresbeginn {m}
beginning of the seasonAnfang {m} der Saison
beginning of the season Saisonbeginn {m}
beginning of the sentence Satzanfang {m} [Anfang des Satzes]
beginning of the series Anfang {m} der Serie
beginning of the term [of a loan etc.] Anfang {m} der Laufzeit
beginning of the vacation [esp. Am.] Ferienbeginn {m}
beginning of the vintageVorlese {f}
beginning of the war Kriegsanfang {m}
beginning of the weekWochenanfang {m}
beginning of the week Wochenbeginn {m}
beginning of the wordWortanfang {m}
beginning of the year Jahresbeginn {m} [Beginn des Jahres]
beginning of the year Jahresanfang {m} [Beginn des Jahres]
beginning of the yearJahresauftakt {m}
beginning of (the) cycle <BOC>Zyklusanfang {m}
beginning of (the) journeyReisebeginn {m}
beginning of (the) semesterSemesterbeginn {m}
beginning of (the) termSchulbeginn {m} [nach den Ferien]
beginning of (the) war Kriegsbeginn {m}
beginning of trackSpuranfang {m}
beginning of vaccinationImpfbeginn {m}
« beetBeetbefoBefobeggbegibegibehabehabehabeha »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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