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English-German Dictionary

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behavioural characteristics [Br.] Verhaltenseigenschaften {pl}
behavioural code [Br.]Verhaltenscode {m}
behavioural code [Br.] Verhaltenskodex {m}
behavioural comparison [Br.] Verhaltensvergleich {m}
behavioural component [Br.]Verhaltenskomponente {f}
behavioural conditioning [Br.] Verhaltenskonditionierung {f}
behavioural consequences [Br.]Verhaltensfolgen {pl}
behavioural consequences [Br.] Verhaltenskonsequenzen {pl}
behavioural consistency [Br.]Verhaltenskonsistenz {f}
behavioural contract [Br.]Verhaltensvertrag {m}
behavioural data [Br.] Verhaltensdaten {pl}
behavioural decision theoryVerhaltens-Entscheidungs-Theorie {f}
behavioural deficit [Br.]Verhaltensdefizit {n}
behavioural description [Br.]Verhaltensbeschreibung {f}
behavioural despair test [(Porsolt) forced swimming test] erzwungener Schwimmtest {m} (nach Porsolt)
behavioural determinant [Br.] Verhaltensdeterminante {f}
behavioural differences [Br.] Verhaltensunterschiede {pl}
behavioural difficulties [Br.]Verhaltensschwierigkeiten {pl}
behavioural dimension [Br.] Verhaltensdimension {f}
behavioural disorder [Br.]Verhaltensstörung {f}
behavioural disposition [Br.]Verhaltensdisposition {f}
behavioural disturbance [Br.]Verhaltensstörung {f}
behavioural dynamics [Br.] [treated as sg.]Verhaltensdynamik {f}
behavioural ecologist [Br.] Verhaltensökologe {m}
behavioural ecologist [Br.] [female]Verhaltensökologin {f}
behavioural ecology [Br.]Verhaltensökologie {f}
behavioural economics [Br.]Verhaltensökonomie {f}
behavioural effect [Br.] Verhaltenseffekt {m}
behavioural embryology [Br.]Verhaltensembryologie {f}
behavioural equation [Br.]Verhaltensgleichung {f}
behavioural expectation [Br.] Verhaltenserwartung {f}
behavioural experiment [Br.]Verhaltensexperiment {n}
behavioural factor [Br.] Verhaltensfaktor {m}
behavioural factors [Br.]Verhaltensfaktoren {pl}
behavioural feature [Br.]Verhaltensmerkmal {n}
behavioural finance [Br.]Verhaltensökonomik {f}
behavioural flaw [Br.] Verhaltensfehler {m}
behavioural flexibility [Br.] Verhaltensflexibilität {f}
behavioural genetic [Br.]verhaltensgenetisch
behavioural genetics [Br.] [treated as sg.] Verhaltensgenetik {f}
behavioural guideline [Br.] Verhaltensrichtlinie {f}
behavioural habits [Br.] verhaltensmäßige Gewohnheiten {pl}
behavioural history [Br.] Verhaltensgeschichte {f}
behavioural inhibition [Br.] Verhaltenshemmung {f}
behavioural intention [Br.] Verhaltensintention {f}
behavioural intention [Br.]Verhaltensabsicht {f}
behavioural interpretation [Br.] Verhaltensinterpretation {f}
behavioural intervention [Br.] Verhaltensintervention {f}
behavioural isolation [Br.]Verhaltensisolation {f}
behavioural laboratory [Br.]Verhaltenslabor {n}
behavioural laws [Br.] Verhaltensgesetze {pl}
behavioural measures [Br.] Verhaltensmaßnahmen {pl}
behavioural mechanism [Br.] Verhaltensmechanismus {m}
behavioural medicine [Br.]Verhaltensmedizin {f}
behavioural model [Br.] Verhaltensmuster {n}
behavioural model [Br.]Verhaltensmodell {n}
behavioural modification [Br.]Verhaltensmodifikation {f}
behavioural momentum [Br.] Verhaltensmomentum {n}
behavioural motivation [Br.] Verhaltensmotivation {f}
behavioural neurobiology [Br.]Verhaltensneurobiologie {f}
behavioural neurology [Br.]Verhaltensneurologie {f}
behavioural neuroscience [Br.]Verhaltensneurowissenschaft {f}
behavioural norm [Br.] Verhaltensnorm {f}
behavioural norms [Br.]Verhaltensnormen {pl}
behavioural objectives [Br.]Verhaltensziele {pl}
behavioural observation [Br.] Verhaltensbeobachtung {f}
behavioural orientation [Br.] Verhaltensorientierung {f}
behavioural paradigm [Br.]Verhaltensparadigma {n}
behavioural pathology [Br.] Verhaltenspathologie {f}
behavioural pattern [Br.] Verhaltensmuster {n}
behavioural pattern [Br.] Handlungsvorlage {f}
behavioural perspective [Br.] Verhaltensperspektive {f}
behavioural pharmacology [Br.] Verhaltenspharmakologie {f}
behavioural phenotype [Br.] Verhaltensphänotyp {m}
behavioural physiology [Br.]Verhaltensphysiologie {f}
behavioural plasticity [Br.] Verhaltensplastizität {f}
behavioural precaution [Br.] Verhaltensvorsorge {f}
behavioural principle [Br.] Verhaltensprinzip {n}
behavioural problem [Br.] Verhaltensauffälligkeit {f}
behavioural problem [Br.] Verhaltensproblem {n}
behavioural problems [Br.] Verhaltensprobleme {pl}
behavioural processes [Br.] Verhaltensprozesse {pl}
behavioural psychologist [Br.] Verhaltenspsychologe {m}
behavioural psychologist [female] [Br.] Verhaltenspsychologin {f}
behavioural psychology [Br.]Verhaltenspsychologie {f}
behavioural reaction [Br.] Verhaltensreaktion {f}
behavioural repertoire [Br.]Verhaltensrepertoire {n}
behavioural repertory [Br.] [behavioural repertoire]Verhaltensrepertoire {n}
behavioural research [Br.]Verhaltensforschung {f}
behavioural response [Br.] Verhaltensantwort {f}
behavioural response [Br.]Verhaltensreaktion {f}
behavioural role [Br.]Rollenverhalten {n}
behavioural science [Br.]Verhaltensforschung {f}
behavioural science [Br.]Verhaltenswissenschaft {f}
behavioural scientific [Br.] verhaltenswissenschaftlich
behavioural scientist [Br.] Verhaltensforscher {m}
behavioural scientist [Br.]Verhaltenswissenschaftler {m}
behavioural scientist [female] [Br.] Verhaltensforscherin {f}
behavioural sequence [Br.]Verhaltensablauf {m}
behavioural sociology [Br.]Verhaltenssoziologie {f} [verhaltenstheoretische Soziologie]
« begibegibehabehabehabehabehabehibeigbeinbela »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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