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English-German Dictionary

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belligerently streitlustig
belling [e.g. stag]röhrend [z. B. Hirsch]
bellingerite [Cu3(IO3)6·2H2O] Bellingerit {m}
Bellingshausen Sea Bellingshausenmeer {n}
Bellini (cocktail) [sparkling wine and peach juice]Bellini {m} [Cocktail]
Bellinzona [capital of the Swiss canton of Ticino] Bellinzona {n} [Hauptstadt des Schweizer Kantons Tessin]
bellite [PbCrO4] Bellit {m}
bell-like glockenhell
bell-like glockenartig
bell-like [shape] glockenförmig
bellman Ausrufer {m}
bellman Hotelpage {m}
bellman [archaic] Nachtwächter {m}
Bellman-Ford algorithm Bellman-Ford-Algorithmus {m}
bell-metal ore [Cu2FeSnS4] [stannite] Stannit {m}
bellmouth intake Einlauftrompete {f} [Wasserbautechnik]
bell-mouthed trichterförmig
Bello [dog's name] Bello {m} [Hundename]
belloite [Cu(OH)Cl]Belloit {m}
Bellona Bellona {f}
Bellotti's goby [Gobius ater] Bellotti-Grundel {f} [auch {m}]
Bellovaci [also: Bellovacians]Bellovaker {pl}
bellowGebrüll {n}
bellow Geheul {n}
bellow Brüllen {n}
bellow Schrei {m}
bellow Balgengerät {n}
bellowWellrohr {n}
bellow [WRONG for: bellows] [Balg]
bellow shake / bellowshake [accordion] Balgtremolo {n} [Schüttelbalg]
bellowfish [Macroramphosus scolopax]Gewöhnlicher Schnepfenfisch {m}
bellowing Gebrüll {n} [Rinder]
bellowing grölend
bellowing Grölen {n}
bellows Dehngefäß {n}
bellows Federbalg {m}
bellows Federkörper {m}
bellowsGebläse {n}
bellows Balgen {m} [Kamera]
bellows Balgengerät {n} [Kamera]
bellows {pl}Blasebälge {pl}
bellows {pl}Bälge {pl}
bellows {pl}Balgen {pl} [Kamera]
bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Faltenbalg {m}
bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Blasebalg {m}
bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Balg {m} [Blasebalg, Faltenbalg]
bellows cameraBalgenkamera {f}
bellows cylinder Balgzylinder {m}
bellows normal <B.N.>[Ende des Balgtremolos]
bellows pocketBlasebalgtasche {f}
bellows pressure gauge Balgmanometer {n}
bellows pumpBalgpumpe {f}
bellows pump Faltenbalgpumpe {f}
bellows release [accordion]Balgventil {n} [Akkordeon]
bellows sensor Balgfühler {m}
bellows treader Kalkant {m} [Orgel]
bellows treader Blasebalgtreter {m}
bellows valveFaltenbalgventil {n}
bellows-driven instrument Balginstrument {n}
bellow-sealed angle valve Federbalg-Eckventil {n}
bellowshake Bellowshake {m} [Balgschütteltremolo b. Akkordeonspielen]
bellowshakeSchüttelbalg {m} [Tremolo b. Akkordeonspielen]
bellows-treaderBalgentreter {m} [Orgel]
bellows-treader Balgtreter {m} [Orgel]
bellows-treader Orgeltreter {m}
bellpipe [im Schalltrichter endendes Rohr von Blechblasinstrumenten]
bell-ringingGlockenläuten {n}
bell-ringing transformerKlingeltransformator {m}
bellsGlocken {pl}
bells {pl}Geläut {n} [alle Glocken in einem Glockenstuhl]
bells {pl} Geläute {n} [seltener für: Geläut; alle Glocken in einem Glockenstuhl]
bells {pl} [card suit in old Germanic playing cards] Schell {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [kurz für: Schellen] [Farbe im dt. Blatt]
bells [stroke or sound] Klingeln {pl}
bells and whistles {pl} [fig.]Schnickschnack {m}
Bell's hinge-backed tortoise [Kinixys belliana] Glattrand-Gelenkschildkröte {f}
bells of Ireland [Moluccella laevis] [also: bells-of-Ireland]Muschelblumen {pl}
bells of justice [China, also fig.]Glocken {pl} der Gerechtigkeit
Bell's palsy Bell-Lähmung {f}
Bell's palsy Bellsche Parese {f}
Bell's palsyGesichtslähmung {f}
Bell's palsyidiopathische Fazialisparese {f}
Bell's spaceship paradox Bellsches Raumschiffparadoxon {n} [alt]
Bell's spaceship paradox Bell'sches Raumschiffparadoxon {n}
Bell's spaceship paradox bellsches Raumschiffparadoxon {n}
Bell's sparrow [Amphispiza belli, syn.: Artemisiospiza belli] Beifußammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Bell's vireo [Vireo bellii]Braunaugenvireo {m}
Bell's warbler [Basileuterus belli]Goldstreif-Waldsänger {m}
bell-shape steel arch supportGlockenprofilausbau {m}
bell-shaped glockig
bell-shaped curveGlockenkurve {f}
bell-shaped curveGausskurve {f}
bell-shaped insulator Glockeninsulator {m}
bell-shaped pulsegaußförmiger Impuls {m}
bells-of-Ireland {sg} [Moluccella laevis] [also: bells of Ireland]Irlandglocke {f}
bells-of-Ireland {sg} [Moluccella laevis] [also: bells of Ireland]Muschelblume {f}
bell-type armature motor Glockenankermotor {m}
bellus angel [Genicanthus bellus]Pracht-Lyrakaiserfisch {m}
« belaBelgBelibellbellbellbellbellbelobelobelt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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