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benthontBenthont {m}
benthont Benthosbewohner {m}
benthopelagic benthopelagisch
benthophagic benthophag
benthosBenthos {n}
benthos {sg} Benthonten {pl}
benthos analysis Benthosanalyse {f}
benthos population Benthospopulation {f}
benthos sampleBenthosprobe {f}
bent-moss [Campylostelium saxicola] Fels-Schwanenhalsmoos {n}
bento boxBentobox {f}
Bentonia School [Skip James] Bentonia-Schule {f} [Blues]
bentonit grainsBentonitkörner {pl}
bentonite Bentonit {m} [ein Tongestein] [Montmorillonit]
bentonite [E-558] Bentonit {m}
bentonite clayBentonitton {m} [auch: Bentonit-Ton]
bentonite depositBentonitlagerstätte {f}
bentonite deposit Bentonitvorkommen {n}
bentonite lubrication Bentonitschmierung {f}
bentonite mining Bentonitabbau {m}
bentonite pit Bentonitgrube {f}
bentonite slurry Bentonitsuspension {f}
bentonite suspension Bentonitsuspension {f}
bentorite [Ca6(Cr,Al)2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O] Bentorit {m}
bents [genus Agrostis] Straußgräser {pl}
Bent's crossbill [Loxia curvirostra]Fichtenkreuzschnabel {m}
bentside gebogene Wand {f} [Cembalo, Spinett]
bentside spinetQuerspinett {n}
bent-stem hook-moss [Callialaria curvicaulis, syn: Cratoneuron curvicaule]Gebirgs-Starknervmoos {n}
bent-toed geckos [genus Cyrtodactylus] [also: bent-toed geckoes]Bogenfingergeckos {pl}
Ben-Tuvia's goby [Didogobius bentuvii]Ben-Tuvia-Grundel {f} [auch {m}]
bent-winged bats [genus Miniopterus]Langflügelfledermäuse {pl}
bentwood Bugholz {n}
bentwood Bugholz-
bentwood chairBugholzstuhl {m}
bentwood furniture {sg} [esp. produced by Thonet] Thonetmöbel {pl} [ugs. auch generell für Bugholzmöbel]
bentwood furniture [treated as sing.] Bugholzmöbel {pl}
benumbed gefühllos
benumbed gelähmt
benumbed steif vor Kälte
benumbed with coldvon Kälte betäubt
benumbing betäubend
benumbment [Br.] Betäubung {f}
benweed [Jacobaea vulgaris, syn.: Senecio jacobaea] Jakobs-Greiskraut / Jakobsgreiskraut {n}
benweed [Jacobaea vulgaris, syn.: Senecio jacobaea]Jakobs-Kreuzkraut / Jakobskreuzkraut {n}
benyacarite [(H2O,K)(Mn,Fe)2(Fe,Ti) [(O,F)2|(PO4)4]·14H2O] Benyacarit {m}
Benz plane Benz-Ebene {f}
benzal chlorideBenzalchlorid {n}
benzaldehyde [C7H6O, C6H5CHO] Benzaldehyd {n}
benzalkonium bromideBenzalkoniumbromid {n}
benzalkonium chloride Benzalkoniumchlorid {n}
benzalkonium saccharinate Benzalkoniumsaccharinat {n}
benzalkonium saltBenzalkoniumsalz {n}
benzamides Benzamide {pl}
benzamidoacetic acid [C9H9NO3] Benzoylaminoessigsäure {f}
benzamidoacetic acid [C9H9NO3]Benzamidoessigsäure {f}
benzanthracen Benzanthracen {n}
benzbromarone [C17H12Br2O3] Benzbromaron {n}
benzene [C6H6]Benzol {n}
benzene [C6H6] Benzen {n} [Benzol]
benzene homologous raffinoseBenzol-Homologen-Raffinat {n}
benzene poisoning Benzolvergiftung {f}
benzene ringBenzolring {m}
benzenesulfonic acid Benzolsulfonsäure {f}
benzhydrol [C13H12O, (C6H5)2CHOH] Benzhydrol {n}
benzidine [C12H12N2, (C6H4NH2)2] Benzidin {n}
benzidine rearrangement Benzidin-Umlagerung {f}
benzilic acid rearrangementBenzilsäure-Umlagerung {f}
benzimidazole [C7H6N2] Benzimidazol {n}
benzimidazole [derivative of C7H6N2] Benzimidazol {n}
benzimidazoles Benzimidazole {pl}
benzine Benzin {n}
benzineWaschbenzin {n}
benzinePetrolether {m}
benzine Leichtbenzin {n}
benzo [coll.] [benzodiazepine] Benzo {n} [ugs.] [Benzodiazepin]
benzo withdrawal [coll.] [benzodiazepine withdrawal] Benzoentzug {m} [ugs.] [Benzodiazepinentzug]
benzo withdrawal syndrome [coll.] Benzodiazepinentzugssyndrom {n}
benzoate of soda [C7H5NaO2, C6H5COONa] [E-211]Natriumbenzoat {n}
benzoates Benzoate {pl}
benzocaine [C9H11NO2] Benzocain {n}
benzocyclohepteneBenzocyclohepten {n}
benzodiazepine <BZD> Benzodiazepin {n} <BZD, BzD>
benzodiazepine addiction Benzodiazepinabhängigkeit {f}
benzodiazepine dependence Benzodiazepinabhängigkeit {f}
benzodiazepine receptor Benzodiazepinrezeptor {m}
benzodiazepine withdrawalBenzodiazepinentzug {m}
benzodiazepine withdrawal syndromeBenzodiazepinentzugssyndrom {n}
benzodiazepinesBenzodiazepine {pl}
benzofuran [C8H6O]Benzofuran {n}
benzoguanamineBenzoguanamin {n}
benzoic acid [C7H6O2, C6H5COOH] [E-210]Benzoesäure {f}
benzoin [Styrax benzoin]Benzoebaum {m}
benzoin [Styrax benzoin] Storaxbaum {m}
benzoin bracket [Ischnoderma benzoinum] Schwarzgebänderter Harzporling {m}
« benebenebenebeniBensbentbenzBereberkBerlBern »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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