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biased off-switchTotmannschalter {m}
biased presentation einseitige Darstellung {f}
biased relay [IEC 60050] stabilisiertes Relais {n} [IEC 60050]
biased theories unausgewogene Theorien {pl}
biased trial abgekartetes Spiel {n}
biased wheel [roulette] Kesselfehler {m} [Roulette]
biasesNeigungen {pl}
biases Urteilsverzerrungen {pl}
biasing [of a person]beeinflussend [einseitig]
biasing batteryVorspannbatterie {f}
biasing voltageVorspannung {f}
biassed [Br.]eingenommen [gegen / für etw.]
biassing beeinflussend
biastophiliaBiastophilie {f}
biatch [Am.] [sl.] Luder {n}
biatch [bitch, spv. common in Am. gangster rap] [sl.] Schlampe {f} [ugs.]
biatches [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] Luder {pl}
biatches [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] Schlampen {pl} [ugs.]
biathlete Biathlet {m}
biathlete [female] Biathletin {f}
biathletesBiathleten {pl}
biathletes [female] Biathletinnen {pl}
biathlon Biathlon {m} {n}
biathlon rifleBiathlongewehr {n}
biathlon sprint Biathlon-Sprint {m}
biauricular lineOhrachse {f} [Biaurikularlinie]
biaxial zweiachsig
biaxial biaxial
biaxial mica zweiachsiger Glimmer {m}
biaxialityZweiachsigkeit {f}
biaxiality Biaxialität {f}
biaxiality ratio Biaxialitätsverhältnis {n}
biaxially zweiaxial
biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate <boPET, BOPET>biaxial orientierte Polyester-Folie {f} <boPET>
bib Latz {m}
bibBrustlatz {m}
bib Brustfleck {m}
bib [a loose-fitting sleeveless garment worn on the upper body for identification]Leibchen {n}
bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)] Lätzchen {n}
bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]Sabberlätzchen {n} [ugs.]
bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]Schlabberlätzchen {n} [ugs.]
bib [esp. for small children] Batterl {n} [österr.]
bib [esp. for small children] Barterl {n} [ostösterr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Lätzchen]
bib [of an apron] Schürzenlatz {m}
bib [of dungarees] Hosenlatz {m} [einer Latzhose]
bib [sometimes spelled bibb] [bibcock]Hahn {m} [bes. mit abwärtsgerichteter Tülle]
bib [Trisopterus luscus]Franzosendorsch {m}
bib finch [Lonchura nana] Zwergelsterchen {n}
bib number Startnummer {f} [zum Anheften oder Überziehen]
bib shorts Trägershorts {pl}
bib shorts {pl} [one pair]kurze Trägerhose {f}
bib tap [Br.] Auslaufhahn {m} [Wasserhahn mit Kugelventil]
bib tights {pl}Trägerhose {f} [lang]
bibacious dem Trunk ergeben
bibasic zweibasig <2-basig>
bibber [dated] Säufer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bibber [dated] Trinker {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
Bibbi Bokken's Magic Library [Jostein Gaarder and Klaus Hagerup]Bibbi Bokkens magische Bibliothek
bibcock Hahn {m} [mit abwärtsgerichteter Tülle]
bibcockWasserhahn {m} [Auslaufhahn gebogen]
bibelot [art object]Nippes {m} [kleiner Ziergegenstand]
bibelots Nippsachen {pl}
Biber (River) Biber {f} [Fluss]
bibeveled [Am.] [instruments] beidseits schräg geschliffen [Instrumente]
bibevelled (cutting) instrument [Br.] doppelseitig angeschliffenes (schneidendes) Instrument {n}
bibimbap Bibimbap {n}
bibingka Bibingka {f}
bibionids [family Bibionidae] [March flies] Bibioniden {pl} [Haarmücken]
bibionids [family Bibionidae] [march flies] Haarmücken {pl}
Bible Bibel {f}
Bible [attr.] [e.g. criticism, edition, lessons, school, study, translation]Bibel- [z. B. Kritik, Ausgabe, Unterricht, Schule, Studium, Übersetzung]
Bible [Book of Books] Buch {n} der Bücher [Bibel]
bible [coll.] [fig.] [a reference work accepted as authoritative]Bibel {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [in einem Wissensgebiet maßgebendes Schriftwerk]
bible [sacred writings of any religion]heilige Schrift {f} [bes. einer anderen als der jüd. oder christl. Religion]
Bible / bible hyssop [Origanum syriacum, syn.: Majorana syriaca, Origanum maru] [Syrian oregano] Syrischer Oregano {m}
Bible / bible hyssop [Origanum syriacum, syn.: Majorana syriaca, Origanum maru] [Syrian oregano]Syrischer Ysop {m}
Bible / bible hyssop [Origanum syriacum, syn.: Majorana syriaca, Origanum maru] [Syrian oregano]Syrischer Majoran {m}
Bible Belt Bibelgürtel {m} [protestantische Region im Süden der USA]
bible bump Überbein {n} [ugs.] [Ganglion]
Bible camp Bibelcamp {n}
Bible college Bibelschule {f}
Bible commentary Bibelkommentar {m}
Bible criticismBibelkritik {f}
Bible cyst [coll.] [ganglion cyst]Überbein {n} [ugs.] [Ganglion, Gelenkkapselanschwellung]
Bible dictionaryBibellexikon {n}
Bible distribution Bibelverbreitung {f}
Bible edition Bibelausgabe {f}
Bible frankincense [Boswellia sacra, syn.: B. carteri] Weihrauchbaum {m}
Bible frankincense [Boswellia sacra, syn.: B. carterii] [frankincense] Arabischer Weihrauch {m}
Bible history biblische Geschichte {f}
Bible in fair language Bibel {f} in gerechter Sprache <BigS>
Bible interpretation Bibelauslegung {f}
bible leaf [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Frauenminze {f}
bible leaf [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Balsamkraut {n}
bible leaf [Tanacetum balsamita, syn.: Balsamita vulgaris] Marienblatt {n}
Bible lessons {pl}Bibelunterricht {m}
Bible manuscriptBibelhandschrift {f}
Bible meditationBibelmeditation {f}
« bevebewibeyobeyoBiakbiasBiblbiblbibybickbicu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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