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English-German Dictionary

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bacterial pneumonia bakterielle Pneumonie {f}
bacterial pneumoniabakterielle Lungenentzündung {f}
bacterial poisonBakteriengift {n}
bacterial populationBakterienpopulation {f}
bacterial protein Bakterienprotein {n}
bacterial proteinBakterieneiweiß {n}
bacterial resistance bakterielle Resistenz {f}
bacterial resistance Bakterienresistenz {f}
bacterial reverse mutation test Rückmutationstest {m} an Bakterien
bacterial ribosomeBakterienribosom {n}
bacterial ring rot in potatoesbakterielle Ringfäule {f} der Kartoffel
bacterial smearBakterienabstrich {m}
bacterial speciesBakterienarten {pl}
bacterial sporeBakterienspore {f}
bacterial sporesBakteriensporen {pl}
bacterial strainBakterienstamm {m}
bacterial thread Bakterienfaden {m}
bacterial titer [Am.] Bakterientiter {m}
bacterial titre [Br.]Bakterientiter {m}
bacterial toxin Bakterientoxin {n}
bacterial toxinsBakteriengifte {pl}
bacterial toxins Bakterientoxine {pl}
bacterial toxins bakterielle Toxine {pl}
bacterial translocation <BT> bakterielle Translokation {f} <BT>
bacterial vaginosis <BV>bakterielle Vaginose {f} <BV>
bacterial virus Bakterienvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
bacterial zoonosis bakterielle Zoonose {f}
bacteria-like bakterienähnlich
bacterial-killing bakterienabtötend
bactericidal bakterienabtötend
bactericidal bakterientötend
bactericidal keimtötend
bactericidal paintBakterizid {n} [Anstrich]
bactericidal paintbakterizider Anstrich {m}
bactericidally bakterienabtötend
bactericidally bakterizid
bactericideBakterizid {n}
bactericidesBakterizide {pl}
bacteriochlorophyll Bakteriochlorophyll {n}
bacteriocinBacteriocin {n}
bacteriogenic bakteriogen
bacteriogenic bakteriell
bacterioid bakterienähnlich
bacterioid bakterienartig
bacterioidBakterioid {n}
bacteriologic bakteriologisch
bacteriological code <BC> bakteriologischer Code {m} <BC>
bacteriological laboratory bakteriologisches Laboratorium {n}
bacteriological warfarebakteriologische Kriegsführung {f}
bacteriological weapon bakteriologische Waffe {f}
bacteriologically bakteriologisch
bacteriologist Bakteriologe {m}
bacteriologist [female] Bakteriologin {f}
bacteriologists Bakteriologen {pl}
bacteriology Bakterienkunde {f} [veraltend] [Bakteriologie]
bacteriologyBakteriologie {f}
bacteriolysin Bakteriolysin {n}
bacteriolysisBakteriolyse {f}
bacteriolysisAuflösung {f} von Bakterien
bacteriolytic bakterienauflösend
bacteriome Bakteriom {n}
bacterioneustonBakterioneuston {n}
bacteriophage Bakteriophage {m}
bacteriophage genomeBakteriophagengenom {n}
bacteriophagesBakteriophagen {pl}
bacteriophobiaBakteriophobie {f}
bacteriophytoma Bakteriophytom {n}
bacterioplanktonBakterioplankton {n}
bacterioprotein Bakterienprotein {n}
bacteriorhodopsin <BR>Bacteriorhodopsin {n} <BR>
bacteriosis bakterielle Erkrankung {f}
bacteriosis Bakteriose {f}
bacteriosponges Bakterienschwämme {pl}
bacteriostatic bakteriostatisch
bacteriostatic bakterienhemmend
bacteriostatic agent bakteriostatisches Mittel {n}
bacteriostatic effect bakterienhemmende Wirkung {f}
bacteriostatically bakteriostatisch
bacteriotoxic bakteriotoxisch
bacteriotoxic bakterientoxisch
bacteriotoxic bakterienschädigend
bacteriotoxinBakteriotoxin {n}
bacteriumBakterie {f}
bacterium Spaltpilz {m}
bacterium Bakterium {n}
bacteriumsBakterien {pl}
bacteriuria Bakteriurie {f}
Bacteroides enterotype Bacteroides-Enterotyp {m}
bactofilins Bactofiline {pl}
bactoprenol [C55H92O]Bactoprenol {n}
Bactria Baktrien {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers