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English-German Dictionary

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biochemical oxygen demand <BOD> biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf {m} <BSB>
biochemical research biochemische Forschung {f}
biochemically biochemisch
biochemist Biochemiker {m}
biochemist [female] Biochemikerin {f}
biochemistry [processes, not the academic subject]Biochemismus {m}
biochemistry <BC>Biochemie {f} <BC>
biochemistry and molecular biology <BCMB> Biochemie und Molekularbiologie <BCMB>
biochemistry and molecular cell biology Biochemie {f} und molekulare Zellbiologie
biochemistry course Biochemiekurs {m}
biochemistsBiochemiker {pl}
biochipBiochip {m}
biochip reader Biochip-Leser {m} [auch: Biochipleser]
biochore Biochor {n}
biochoreBiochorion {n}
biocidal products Biozidprodukte {pl}
Biocidal Products Directive [98/8/EC]Biozid-Richtlinie {f} [98/8/EG]
biocide Biozid {n}
biocides Biozide {pl}
bioclast Bioklast {m}
bioclimate Bioklima {n}
bioclimatic bioklimatisch
bioclimatic map Bioklimakarte {f}
bioclimatic map bioklimatische Karte {f}
bioclimatic modelbioklimatisches Modell {n}
bioclimatic modeling [Am.] bioklimatische Modellierung {f}
bioclimatic modelling [esp. Br.] bioklimatische Modellierung {f}
bioclimatic zonebioklimatische Zone {f}
bioclimatic zone Bioklimazone {f}
bioclimatically bioklimatisch
bioclimaticsBioklimatologie {f}
bioclimatologist Bioklimatologe {m}
bioclimatologist [female] Bioklimatologin {f}
bioclimatology Bioklimatologie {f}
biocoen [rare] [biocoenosis]Biozön {n} [selten] [Biozönose]
biocoenology Biozönoseforschung {f}
biocoenology [Br.]Biozönologie {f}
biocoenometer Biozönometer {n}
biocoenosisLebensgemeinschaft {f}
biocoenosis [Br.] Biozönose {f}
biocoenosis [Br.] Artengemeinschaft {f} [Biozönose]
biocoenotic biozönotisch
biocoenotic balancebiozönotisches Gleichgewicht {n}
biocoenotic equilibrium biozönotisches Gleichgewicht {n}
biocoenotically biozönotisch
biocoenotics [treated as sg.]Biozönotik {f}
biocolloid Biokolloid {n}
biocolloids Biokolloide {pl}
biocompatibilityBiokompatibilität {f}
biocompatible biokompatibel
biocompatible materialBiomaterial {n}
biocomputerBiocomputer {m}
bioconcentration Biokonzentration {f}
bioconcentration factor <BCF>Biokonzentrationsfaktor {m}
bioconcreteBiobeton {m}
bioconjugateBiokonjugat {n}
biocontrol biologisches Pflanzenschutzmittel {n}
bioconversion Biokonversion {f}
biocorrosion Biokorrosion {f}
bio-cotton Biobaumwolle {f}
biocrystal Biokristall {m}
biocyberneticistBiokybernetiker {m}
biocyberneticist [female]Biokybernetikerin {f}
biocybernetics [treated as sg.]Biokybernetik {f}
biocycle Biozyklus {m}
biodataLebensdaten {pl}
biodebridementbiologisches Debridement {n} [Biochirurgie Madentherapie]
biodebridement Biodebridement {n}
biodegradability Bioabbaubarkeit {f}
biodegradability biologische Abbaubarkeit {f}
biodegradable biologisch abbaubar
bio-degradable biologisch abbaubar
biodegradable bioabbaubar
biodegradable biodegradabel [fachspr.]
biodegradable materialbiologisch abbaubarer Werkstoff {m} <BAW>
biodegradable plasticsbiologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe {pl} <BAK>
biodegradable pollutant biologisch abbaubarer Schadstoff {m}
biodegradable polymerbiologisch abbaubares Polymer {n}
biodegradable polymers biologisch abbaubare Polymere {pl}
biodegradable substancebiologisch abbaubare Substanz {f}
biodegradable waste Biomüll {m}
biodegradable waste Bioabfall {m}
biodegradable waste biologisch abbaubarer Abfall {m}
biodegradable waste biologisch abbaubarer Müll {m}
biodegradation Bioabbau {m}
biodegradation biologischer Abbau {m}
biodegradation Biodegradation {f}
biodegradingsich biologisch abbauend
biodemographer Biodemograph {m}
biodemographerBiodemograf {m}
biodemography Biodemografie {f}
biodemography Biodemographie {f}
biodestruction Biodestruktion {f}
biodeteriorationBiodeterioration {f}
biodieselBiodiesel {m}
biodiesel filling station Biodieseltankstelle {f}
BioDisc ®Scheibentauchkörper {m} <STK-Anlage>
« binabinabindBingbinobiocbiodbiogbioibiolbiol »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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