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biodebridement biologisches Debridement {n} [Biochirurgie Madentherapie]
biodebridement Biodebridement {n}
biodegradability Bioabbaubarkeit {f}
biodegradability biologische Abbaubarkeit {f}
biodegradable biologisch abbaubar
bio-degradablebiologisch abbaubar
biodegradablebiodegradabel [fachspr.]
biodegradable material biologisch abbaubarer Werkstoff {m} <BAW>
biodegradable plastics biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe {pl} <BAK>
biodegradable pollutantbiologisch abbaubarer Schadstoff {m}
biodegradable polymer biologisch abbaubares Polymer {n}
biodegradable polymers biologisch abbaubare Polymere {pl}
biodegradable substancebiologisch abbaubare Substanz {f}
biodegradable waste Biomüll {m}
biodegradable wasteBioabfall {m}
biodegradable wastebiologisch abbaubarer Abfall {m}
biodegradable wastebiologisch abbaubarer Müll {m}
biodegradation Bioabbau {m}
biodegradationbiologischer Abbau {m}
biodegradationBiodegradation {f}
biodegrading sich biologisch abbauend
biodemographerBiodemograph {m}
biodemographer Biodemograf {m}
biodemographyBiodemografie {f}
biodemography Biodemographie {f}
biodestructionBiodestruktion {f}
biodeterioration Biodeterioration {f}
biodiesel Biodiesel {m}
biodiesel filling stationBiodieseltankstelle {f}
BioDisc ®Scheibentauchkörper {m} <STK-Anlage>
biodiverse artenreich
biodiversity Artenvielfalt {f} [Biodiversität]
biodiversityBiodiversität {f}
biodiversitybiologische Vielfalt {f}
biodiversitySortenvielfalt {f}
biodiversity biologische Diversität {f}
biodiversity Artenreichtum {m} [Biodiversität]
biodiversity conferenceBiodiversitätskonferenz {f}
Biodiversity Convention Biodiversitäts-Konvention {f} [auch Biodiversitätskonvention]
biodiversity crisis Biodiversitätskrise {f}
biodiversity data Biodiversitätsdaten {pl}
biodiversity declineBiodiversitätsrückgang {m}
biodiversity declineRückgang {m} der Biodiversität
biodiversity declineRückgang {m} der Artenvielfalt
biodiversity gradientBiodiversitätsgradient {m}
biodiversity hotspotBiodiversitäts-Hotspot {m}
biodiversity indexBiodiversitätsindex {m}
biodiversity indicator Biodiversitätsindikator {m}
biodiversity informatics [treated as sg.] Biodiversitätsinformatik {f}
biodiversity lossBiodiversitätsverlust {m}
biodiversity monitoringBiodiversitätsmonitoring {n} [auch: Biodiversitäts-Monitoring]
biodiversity patterns Biodiversitätsmuster {pl}
biodiversity research Biodiversitätsforschung {f}
biodiversity strategy Biodiversitätsstrategie {f}
biodiversity theory Biodiversitätstheorie {f}
biodiversity trend Biodiversitätstrend {m}
biodynamics Biodynamik {f}
bioecologic bioökologisch
bioecologist Bioökologe {m}
bioecology Bioökologie {f}
bioeconomyBioökonomie {f}
bioeffector Bioeffektor {m}
bioelectrical bioelektrisch
bioelectrical impedance analysis <BIA> bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse {f} <BIA>
bioelectrical impedance analysis <BIA> Bioimpedanzanalyse {f} <BIA>
bioelectricity Bioelektrizität {f}
bioelectrogenesis Bioelektrogenese {f}
bioelectromagnetismBioelektromagnetismus {m}
bioelectronics [treated as sg.] Bioelektronik {f}
bioeliminable biologisch eliminierbar
bioemulsifierBioemulgator {m}
bioenergetics [treated as sg.]Bioenergetik {f}
bioenergyBioenergie {f}
bioenergy production Bioenergieproduktion {f}
bioengineer Bioingenieur {m}
bioengineered genmanipuliert
bioengineereddurch Biotechnik erzeugt
bioengineering biotechnisch
bioengineering Biotechnik {f}
bioengineering <BE>Bioingenieurwesen {n}
bioengineering <BE> Bioingenieurwissenschaft {f} <BIW>
bioequivalence Bioäquivalenz {f}
bioequivalency Bioäquivalenz {f}
bioeroderBioerodierer {m}
bioerosion Bioerosion {f}
bioethanol Bioethanol {n}
bioethanol plant Bioethanolanlage {f}
bioethic bioethisch
« binabindbingbinobiobbiodbioebiogbiolbiolbiom »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers