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biological invasionbiologische Invasion {f}
biological laboratory technician Biologielaborant {m}
biological magnification biologische Magnifikation {f}
biological magnificationBiomagnifikation {f}
biological material biologisches Material {n}
biological membrane Biomembran {f}
biological membrane biologische Membran {f}
biological molecule biologisches Molekül {n}
biological moleculesbiologische Moleküle {pl}
biological mother biologische Mutter {f}
biological mother leibliche Mutter {f}
biological motion biologische Bewegung {f}
biological needsbiologische Bedürfnisse {pl}
biological neural network [neural pathway] neuronales Netz {n}
biological nitrogen fixation <BNF> biologische Stickstofffixierung {f}
biological oceanography <BO> biologische Ozeanographie {f}
biological parenthoodbiologische Elternschaft {f}
biological patent Biopatent {n}
biological patent application Biopatentantrag {m}
biological pest controlbiologische Schädlingsbekämpfung {f}
biological polymerbiologisches Polymer {n}
biological psychiatry biologische Psychiatrie {f}
biological psychiatry Biopsychiatrie {f}
biological psychologyBiopsychologie {f}
biological purification biologische Reinigung {f}
biological reaction biologische Reaktion {f}
biological reaction layer biologische Reaktionsschicht {f}
biological reactor Bioreaktor {m} [Fermenter]
biological relevance biologische Relevanz {f}
biological responsebiologische Wirkung {f} [z. B. Nanopartikel]
biological response modifier therapy [biological therapy] Biologika-Therapie {f}
biological safety biologische Sicherheit {f}
biological safety cabinet <BSC>Sicherheitswerkbank {f}
biological samplebiologische Probe {f}
biological scienceBiowissenschaft {f}
biological sex biologisches Geschlecht {n}
biological sister leibliche Schwester {f}
biological soil crust <BSC>biologische Bodenkruste {f}
biological sonleiblicher Sohn {m}
biological specimen biologische Probe {f}
biological specimen biologisches Untersuchungsgut {n}
biological spectrumbiologisches Spektrum {n}
biological structurebiologische Struktur {f}
biological system biologisches System {n}
biological targetbiologisches Target {n}
biological technical assistant biologisch-technischer Assistent {m} <BTA>
biological therapyBiologika-Therapie {f}
biological tissue biologisches Gewebe {n}
biological treatment processbiologische Behandlungsstufe {f}
biological value <BV>biologische Wertigkeit {f} <BW>
biological warfarebiologische Kriegsführung {f}
biological warfare agent biologischer Kampfstoff {m}
biological warfare agents <BW agents> biologische Kampfmittel {pl}
biological warfare lab Labor {n} für biologische Kriegsführung
biological waste Bioabfall {m}
biological waste water purification biologische Abwasserreinigung {f}
biological weaponbiologischer Kampfstoff {m}
biological weaponsBiowaffen {pl}
Biological Weapons Convention <BWC> Biowaffenkonvention {f}
biological working materialsbiologische Arbeitsstoffe {pl}
biologically biologisch
biologically activebiologisch aktiv
biologically appropriate raw food <BARF> biologisch artgerechtes rohes Futter {n} <BARF>
biologically available bioverfügbar
biologically based [also: biologically-based] biologisch basiert
biologically effective dose biologisch wirksame Dosis {f}
biologicals Biologika {pl}
biologicsBiologika {pl}
biologism Biologismus {m}
biologist Biologe {m}
biologist [female] Biologin {f}
biologist by training ausgebildeter Biologe {m}
biologists Biologen {pl}
biologizingBiologisierung {f}
biology Biologie {f}
biology Bio {n} [Schülersprache]
biology Lebenskunde {f} [veraltet für: Biologie]
biology book Biologiebuch {n}
biology classBiologieunterricht {m} [Schulstunde]
biology classes {pl}Biologieunterricht {m} [Schulstunden]
biology crammer [tutor] Biopauker {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Biologielehrer] [selten] [veraltend] [pej.] [Schülersprache]
biology lesson Biologiestunde {f}
biology lesson Biostunde {f} [Schülersprache]
biology lessons {pl} Biologieunterricht {m} [Schulstunden]
biology of aging Biologie {f} des Alterns
biology of behavior [Am.] Verhaltensbiologie {f}
biology of behaviour [Br.] Verhaltensbiologie {f}
biology professor Biologieprofessor {m}
biology student Biologiestudent {m}
biology student [female] Biologiestudentin {f}
biology teacherBiologielehrer {m}
biology teacher Biologiepauker {m} [ugs.] [selten] [veraltend] [pej.] [Schülersprache] [Biologielehrer]
biology teacher [female] Biologielehrerin {f}
biology test Biologieprüfung {f}
biology test Biologietest {m}
biology test [written test]Biologiearbeit {f} [schriftliche Arbeit]
« binobiocbiodbiogbioibiolbiolbiombiopbiotbipe »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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