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English-German Dictionary

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birch-leaf spirea / spiraea [Spiraea betulifolia, syn.: S. lucida] Birkenblättriger Spierstrauch {m}
birch-leaved bellflower [Campanula betulifolia, syn.: C. finitima]Birkenblättrige Glockenblume {f}
birch-leaved maple [Acer stachyophyllum, syn.: A. tetramerum]Birkenblättriger Ahorn {m}
Birch-Murnaghan equation of state Zustandsgleichung {f} von Birch-Murnaghan
birch-rodBirkenrute {f}
birch-willow sawfly [Trichiosoma lucorum] Birkenblattwespe {f}
birchwood Birkenholz {n}
birchwoods Birkenwälder {pl}
bird Vogel {m}
bird Federball {m} [Ball]
bird [attr.]Vogel-
Bird [Bob the Builder]Feder [Bob der Baumeister]
bird [Br.] [coll.] Mieze {f} [ugs.] [Mädchen, Frau]
bird [Br.] [coll.]Tusse {f} [ugs.] [Freundin]
bird [Br.] [coll.] Ische {f} [veraltend, herablassend: Mädchen, junge Frau, Freundin]
bird [Br.] [coll.] Braut {f} [ugs.] [Mädchen]
bird [Br.] [sl.] [dated] [offensive] [young woman] Biene {f} [salopp] [veraltend] [junge Frau]
bird [coll.]Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
bird [coll.]Tussi {f} [ugs.]
bird [coll.]Type {f} [ugs.]
bird [coll.] [fellow] Kerl {m} [ugs.]
bird [esp. Am.] [coll.] [aircraft] Flugzeug {n}
bird [esp. Br.] [coll.] Schnecke {f} [ugs.] [Mädchen, bes. Freundin]
bird [esp. Br.] [coll.]Puppe {f} [ugs.] [hübsches Mädchen]
bird [roulade]Roulade {f}
bird aircraft strike hazard <BASH> Vogelschlag {m}
bird banding Vogelberingung {f}
bird banding [esp. Am.] Beringen {n} von Vögeln
bird bath [spv.]Vogeltränke {f}
bird bath [spv.] Vogelbad {n}
bird bone Vogelknochen {m}
bird boxVogelkasten {m}
bird breederVogelzüchter {m}
bird breeder [female] Vogelzüchterin {f}
bird breeder's lung <BBL>Vogelhalterlunge {f}
bird breeder's lung <BBL>Vogelzüchterlunge {f}
bird breedingVogelzucht {f} [das Züchten von Vögeln]
bird cage Vogelbauer {n} [auch {m}]
bird cage Vogelkäfig {m}
bird cages Vogelbauer {pl}
bird cake [also: fat cake] Meisenkuchen {m}
bird callVogelruf {m}
bird call Vogelstimme {f}
bird call Ruf {m}
bird catcherVogelfänger {m}
bird catcher [female]Vogelfängerin {f}
bird catchingVogelfang {m}
bird census Vogelzählung {f}
bird cherry [Prunus avium ssp. avium] Wildkirsche {f} [Wilde Vogelkirsche]
bird cherry [Prunus avium ssp. avium] Wilde Vogelkirsche {f}
bird cherry [Prunus padus] Elsenkirsche {f}
bird cherry [Prunus padus]Traubenkirsche {f}
bird cherry [Prunus padus] Sumpfkirsche {f}
bird cherry [Prunus padus] Elexsen {f} [österr. regional; auch: Ölexen, Ölasn, Öxn, Ösn] [Traubenkirsche]
bird cherry-oat / cherry oat aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi]Haferblattlaus / Hafer-Blattlaus {f}
bird cherry-oat / cherry oat aphid [Rhopalosiphum padi, syn.: R. fitchii, R. prunifoliae, Aphis avenae, A. padi, Rhopalosiphon padi] Mehlige Traubenkirschen-Hafer-Blattlaus {f}
bird cliff Vogelfelsen {m}
bird clover [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides]Vogelfußartiger Klee {m}
bird clover [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides] Vogelfuß-Klee {m}
bird clover [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides] Schabziegerklee {m}
bird clutchVogelgelege {n}
bird clutchesVogelgelege {pl}
bird communities Vogelgesellschaften {pl}
bird communities Vogelgemeinschaften {pl}
bird conservationVogelschutz {m}
bird conservationistVogelschützer {m}
bird conservationist [female] Vogelschützerin {f}
bird control spikesTaubenspikes {pl}
bird (control) spikes Vogelabwehrspitzen {pl}
bird countVogelzählung {f}
bird deity Vogelgottheit {f}
bird density Vogeldichte {f}
bird deterrent Vogelabwehr {f}
bird die-off Vogelsterben {n}
bird disease Vogelerkrankung {f}
bird disease Vogelkrankheit {f}
bird dogVogelhund {m}
bird droppings {pl} Vogeldreck {m} [ugs.] [Kot von Vögeln]
bird droppings {pl}Vogelkot {m}
bird droppings {pl} Vogelmist {m}
bird droppings {pl}Vogelsekret {n} [Kot]
bird dungVogelmist {m}
bird dung Vogeldung {m}
bird epidemic Vogelseuche {f}
bird eyeVogelauge {n}
bird face Vogelgesicht {n}
bird family Vogelfamilie {f}
bird fancier Vogelliebhaber {m}
bird fancier [female] Vogelliebhaberin {f}
bird fancier's lung <BFL> Vogelzüchterlunge {f} [auch: Vogelzüchter-Lunge]
bird fancier's lung <BFL> Vogelhalterlunge {f}
bird farmVogelfarm {f}
bird fat ball Meisenknödel {m}
bird faunaVogelfauna {f}
bird feather sciencePlumologie {f}
bird feather science Federkunde {f}
bird feedVogelfutter {n}
bird feederFutterröhre {f} (für Vögel)
bird feeder Futterhäuschen {n}
bird feeder Futterhaus {n}
« biombiopbiotbipebircbircbirdbirdbirdbirdbird »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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