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bird's eye [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] [autumn adonis] Herbst-Feuerröschen / Herbstfeuerröschen {n}
bird's eye [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] [autumn adonis] Herbst-Teufelsauge / Herbstteufelsauge {n}
bird's eye [Am.] [fig.]Fermate-Zeichen {n}
bird's eye [Anagallis arvensis, syn.: A. caerulea, A. foemina] [scarlet pimpernel] Acker-Gauchheil {m}
bird's eye [coll.]Fermate {f}
bird's eye [Veronica persica, syn.: V. agrestis, V. buxbaumii, V. tournefortii]Tourneforts Ehrenpreis {m}
bird's eye bush [Ochna serrulata] Sägeblättrige Nagelbeere {f}
bird's eye chili [Am.] [a cultivar from the species Capsicum annuum]Vogelaugenchili {m}
bird's eye chilli [Br.] [a cultivar from the species Capsicum annuum] Vogelaugenchili {m}
bird's eye mapVogelschaukarte {f}
bird's eye maple [Acer saccharum] Zuckerahorn {m}
bird's eye maple [Acer saccharum]Vogelaugenahorn {m}
bird's eye perspective Vogelperspektive {f}
bird's eye view Ansicht {f} aus der Vogelschau
bird's eye view Vogelschau {f}
bird's eye view {sg} of Munich München {n} aus der Vogelschau
bird's eye view of Munich München {n} aus der Vogelperspektive
bird's eye wood [also: bird's-eye wood] Vogelaugenholz {n}
bird's foot fenugreek [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides] Schabziegerklee {m}
bird's foot fenugreek [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides] Vogelfußartiger Klee {m}
bird's foot fenugreek [Trigonella ornithopodioides, syn.: Trifolium ornithopodioides] Vogelfuß-Klee {m}
bird's foot sedge [Carex ornithopoda]Vogelfuß-Segge {f}
bird's head peninsula groundsnake [Stegonotus cucullatus] Doberai-Erdnatter {f}
bird's head peninsula groundsnake [Stegonotus cucullatus]Schiefernatter {f}
birds in their winter dress / plumageVögel {pl} im Winterkleid
bird's meat [Plantago major] [regional] [broadleaf plantain] Breitwegerich {m}
bird's meat [Plantago major] [regional] [broadleaf plantain]Großer Wegerich {m}
bird's nestVogelnest {n}
bird's nest coral [Seriatopora hystrix]Dornenkronenkoralle {f}
bird's nest coral [Seriatopora hystrix] Christusdorn-Koralle {f}
bird's nest coral [Seriatopora hystrix]Stachelige Buschkoralle {f}
bird's nest soupSchwalbennestersuppe {f}
bird's nest swing Nestschaukel {f}
bird's nest swingVogelnestschaukel {f}
birds' nestsVogelnester {pl}
bird's net Vogelnetz {n}
birds of a feather [idiom]Leute {pl} vom gleichen Schlag
birds of a feather [idiom] Gleichgesinnte {pl}
Birds of a feather flock together. Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern.
Birds of a feather flock together. Eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus.
Birds of a feather stick together. Eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus.
Birds of a feather stick together. Es beißt kein Bracke eine Bräckin. [selten]
birds of paradise [family Paradisaeidae] Paradiesvögel {pl}
birds of passageZugvögel {pl}
birds of passage [also fig.: wanderers]Wandervögel {pl} [veraltet] [Zugvögel] [auch fig. hum.: Wanderer]
birds of prey Raubvögel {pl}
Birds of Prey [Wilbur Smith] Der Flug des Seeadlers
birds of the sparrow family Vögel {pl} der Spatzenfamilie
Bird's Opening [chess] Bird-Eröffnung {f} [Schach]
birds' paradise [also: birds paradise]Vogelparadies {n}
bird's rape [Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris, syn.: B. campestris, B. rapa subsp. campestris] Weiße Rübe {f} [Rüben-Kohl]
bird's rape [Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris, syn.: B. campestris, B. rapa subsp. campestris] Rübsen {m} [Rüben-Kohl]
bird's rape [Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris, syn.: B. campestris, B. rapa subsp. campestris] Acker-Kohl / Ackerkohl {m}
bird's rape [Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris, syn.: B. campestris, B. rapa subsp. campestris]Rüben-Kohl / Rübenkohl {m}
bird's shit [vulg.] Vogeldreck {m} [ugs.]
birds' twittering Vogelgezwitscher {n}
birds' twitteringVogelzwitschern {n}
bird's wing Vogelflügel {m}
bird's wing Vogelschwinge {f}
bird's wing [Dypterygia scabriuscula] [moth] Dunkle Knötericheule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
bird's wing [Dypterygia scabriuscula] [moth]Trauereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
bird's wing [Dypterygia scabriuscula] [moth]Schwarzbraune Krauteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
bird's wing (moth) [Dypterygia scabriuscula]Knötericheule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
birds' worldVogelwelt {f}
birdscapeVogellandschaft {f}
bird's-claw beard-moss [Barbula unguiculata]Gekrümmtblättriges Bärtchenmoos {n}
bird's-claw beard-moss [Barbula unguiculata]Gemeines Bärtchenmoos {n}
birdseed Vogelfutter {n}
birdseed [Plantago major] [regional] [broadleaf plantain]Breitwegerich {m} [fachspr. auch: Breit-Wegerich]
birdseed [Plantago major] [regional] [broadleaf plantain]Großer Wegerich {m}
birdseed [Sinapis arvensis] [charlock] Acker-Senf / Ackersenf {m}
bird-seed dispenserFuttersilo {n} [für Vogelfütterung]
bird's-eye [also: bird's eye] [Veronica chamaedrys] [germander speedwell]Gamander-Ehrenpreis {m} {n} [auch: Gamanderehrenpreis]
bird's-eye [Pentaglottis sempervirens, syn.: Anchusa sempervirens, Buglossa / Buglossum sempervirens, Caryolopha sempervirens, Omphalodes sempervirens] Ausdauernde Ochsenzunge {f}
bird's-eye [Pentaglottis sempervirens, syn.: Anchusa sempervirens, Buglossa / Buglossum sempervirens, Caryolopha sempervirens, Omphalodes sempervirens](Immergrüne) Fünfzunge {f}
bird's-eye [Pentaglottis sempervirens, syn.: Anchusa sempervirens, Buglossa / Buglossum sempervirens, Caryolopha sempervirens, Omphalodes sempervirens]Spanische Ochsenzunge {f}
bird's-eye [Pentaglottis sempervirens, syn.: Anchusa sempervirens, Buglossa / Buglossum sempervirens, Caryolopha sempervirens, Omphalodes sempervirens] Grüne Ochsenzunge {f}
bird's-eye [Veronica persica]Persischer Ehrenpreis {m}
bird's-eye / birdseye cress [Myagrum perfoliatum] (Pfeilblättriger) Hohldotter {m}
bird's-eye hovea [Hovea linearis] Vogelaugen-Hovea {f}
bird's-eye maple wood veneerVogelaugenahorn {m} [Furnierholz]
birdseye pearlwort [Am.] [Sagina procumbens] Niederliegendes Mastkraut {n}
birdseye pearlwort [Am.] [Sagina procumbens] Liegender Knebel {m}
bird's-eye pearlwort [Sagina procumbens] Niederliegendes Mastkraut {n}
bird's-eye pearlwort [Sagina procumbens] Gewöhnliches Niederliegendes Salzkraut {n}
bird's-eye pearlwort [Sagina procumbens] Liegender Knebel {m}
bird's-eye perspectiveVogelperspektive {f}
bird's-eye primrose [Primula farinosa] Mehlprimel {f}
bird's-eye primrose [Primula farinosa]Mehlige Schlüsselblume {f}
bird's-eye speedwell [Veronica chamaedrys]Wildes Vergissmeinnicht {n}
bird's-eye speedwell [Veronica chamaedrys] Frauenbiss {m}
bird's-eye speedwell [Veronica chamaedrys]Männertreu {n} [regional für: Gamander-Ehrenpreis]
bird's-eye speedwell [Veronica chamaedrys] Gamander-Ehrenpreis {m} {n}
bird's-eye speedwell [Veronica persica, syn.: V. agrestis, V. buxbaumii, V. tournefortii]Tourneforts Ehrenpreis {m}
bird's-eye (speedwell) [Veronica chamaedrys] Augentrost {m} [regional] [Gamander-Ehrenpreis]
bird's-eye viewSicht {f} von oben
bird's-eye viewVogelperspektive {f}
bird's-foot [Ornithopus perpusillus] Kleiner Vogelfuß {m}
bird's-foot [Ornithopus perpusillus] Mäusewicke {f}
bird's-foot deervetch [Lotus corniculatus, syn.: L. ambiguus, L. arvensis, L. balticus, L. caucasicus, L. major, L. tauricus]Schotenklee {m} [schweiz.]
« bircbircbirdbirdbirdbirdbirdbirtbirtbirtbise »
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