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bismuth ochre [Bi2O3] Wismutocker {m} [veraltet]
bismuth oxideBismutoxid {n}
bismuth oxybromide [BiOBr, BiBrO] Bismutbromidoxid {n}
bismuth oxynitrate Bismutoxidnitrat {n}
bismuth pentafluoride [BiF5] Bismutpentafluorid {n}
bismuth saltsBismutsalze {pl}
bismuth selenide [Bi2Se3] Bismutselenid {n}
bismuth telluride [Bi2Te3] Bismuttellurid {n}
bismuth telluride [Bi2Te3] Wismuttellurid {n}
bismuth therapy Wismuthbehandlung {f} [selten auch: Bismuthbehandlung]
bismuth tribromide [BiBr3]Bismuttribromid {n}
bismuth trichloride [BiCl3]Bismuttrichlorid {n}
bismuth trifluoride [BiF3] Bismuttrifluorid {n}
bismuth trinitrate [Bi(NO3)3] Bismuttrinitrat {n}
bismuth trioxide [Bi2O3] Wismuttrioxid {n}
bismuth tungstate [Bi2W3O12, Bi2(WO4)3] Bismutwolframat {n}
bismuth tungstate [Bi2W3O12, Bi2(WO4)3] Wismutwolframat {n}
bismuth tungsten oxide [Bi2W3O12, Bi2(WO4)3] Wismutwolframoxid {n}
bismuth vanadate [BiVO4]Bismutgelb {n}
bismuth vanadate [BiVO4]Bismutvanadat {n}
bismuth(III) bromide [BiBr3] Bismut(III)-bromid {n}
bismuth(III) chloride [BiCl3]Bismut(III)-chlorid {n}
bismuth(III) fluoride [BiF3] Bismut(III)-fluorid {n}
bismuth(III) nitrate [Bi(NO3)3] Bismut(III)-nitrat {n}
bismuthine [BiH3] [bismuthane] Bismutan {n} [Bismutin]
bismuthinite [Bi2S3]Wismutglanz {m}
bismuthinite [Bi2S3] Bismuthinit {m}
bismuthinite [Bi2S3] Bismuthinit {m} [Bismutin] [Wismutglanz]
bismuth(V) fluoride [BiF5]Bismut(V)-fluorid {n}
bismutite [Bi2(CO3)O2]Bismutit {m}
bismutocolumbite [Bi(Nb,Ta)O4] Bismutocolumbit {m}
bismutoferrite [BiFe2(SiO4)2(OH)] Bismutoferrit {m}
bismutohauchecornite [Ni9Bi2S8] Bismutohauchecornit {m}
bismutotantalite [Bi(Ta,Nb)O4]Bismutotantalit {m}
bisnaga [Ammi visnaga] Bischofskraut {n}
bisnaga [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherkraut {n}
bisnaga [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherammei {m}
bisnaga [Ammi visnaga] Ammei {m}
bisnaga [Ammi visnaga] Khella {f}
bisnings [coll.] [colostrum]Kolostrum {n}
bison grass [Hierochloe odorata, syn.: Anthoxanthum nitens]Duftendes Mariengras {n}
bison grass [Hierochloe odorata, syn.: Anthoxanthum nitens]Duft-Mariengras {n}
bison grass [Hierochloe odorata, syn.: Anthoxanthum nitens] Vanillegras {n}
bison grass [Hierochloe odorata, syn.: Anthoxanthum nitens]Süßgras {n}
bison grass [Hierochloe odorata, syn.: Anthoxanthum nitens]Bisongras {n}
bison meat Bisonfleisch {n}
bison neckBisonnacken {m}
bison neck Stiernacken {m} [endokrinologische Erkrankung, Lympknotenschwellung]
bisonoric [accordion]wechseltönig [Akkordeon]
bisoprolol Bisoprolol {n}
bispecific bispezifisch
bisphenol A <BPA> [C15H16O2] Bisphenol A {n} <BPA>
bisphosphate Biphosphat {n}
bisphosphoglycerate mutase <BPGM> Bisphosphoglyceratmutase {f} <BPGM>
bisphosphonatesBisphosphonate {pl}
bispinose zweistachelig
bisporangiate bisporangiat
bisporous bispor
bisque Fischcremesuppe {f}
bisqueBiskuitbrand {m}
bisque [pottery] Biskuitporzellan {n}
bisque doll Porzellanpuppe {f} [aus Biskuitporzellan]
bisque dollBisque-Puppe {f}
bisque firingSchrühen {n}
bisque firingSchrühbrand {m}
bisque firingRohbrand {m} [von Keramik]
bisque headBiskuitporzellan-Kopf {m}
bisque porcelain [pottery] Biskuitporzellan {n}
bisque porcelain head dollPorzellankopfpuppe {f}
bisque wareSchrühware {f} [Keramik]
bisque-head doll Bisque-Puppe {f}
bisquing Schrühbrand {m}
bisquing Rohbrand {m}
Bissagos IslandsBissagosinseln {pl}
bissap juice Bissap-Saft {m}
Bissau [capital of Guinea-Bissau]Bissau {n} [Hauptstadt von Guinea-Bissau]
Bissel bogie [Br.] Lenkgestell {n}
Bisset's bamboo [Phyllostachys bissetii] Bisset-Bambus {m}
bissextile Schaltjahr {n}
bissextile day Schalttag {m}
bistability Bistabilität {f}
bistable amplifier bistabiler Verstärker {m}
bistable amplifier Kippverstärker {m}
bistable circuitbistabile Schaltung {f}
bistable controlbistabile Steuerung {f}
bistable devicebistabiles Gerät {n}
bistable (element) Kippglied {n}
bistable figure Kippfigur {f}
bistable multivibrator bistabiler Multivibrator {m} [Flipflop]
bistable trigger bistabile Kippschaltung {f}
bistochastic matrix doppelt-stochastische Matrix {f}
bistort [genus Polygonum]Vogelknöterich {m}
bistouriBistouri {n} [chirurgisches Messer mit einschlagbarer Klinge]
bistoury [surgical knife]Klappmesser {n} [Operationsmesser]
bistre / bister Bister {m} {n} [aus Holzruß hergestellte bräunliche Wasserfarbe]
Bistrița [city in Romania] Bistritz {n}
bistro Bistro {n}
bistro apronBistroschürze {f}
« birtbirtbirtbisebishbismbistbitrbitebitmbitt »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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