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English-German Dictionary

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bit shiftingBitverschiebung {f}
bit signBitwert {m}
bit significanceBitwertigkeit {f}
bit strap Gebissriemen {m}
bit string Bitfolge {f}
bit stringBitreihe {f}
bit synchronizationBitsynchronisierung {f}
bit testBit-Test {m} [selten: Bittest]
bit timeBitzeit {f}
bit transmissionBitübertragung {f}
bit wearBohrerverschleiß {m}
[bit of food left on a serving plate out of good manners]Anstandshappen {m}
bit-bender [sl.]Computeramateur {m}
bit-cell timeBitzellenzeit {f}
bitch [coll.] [pej.] Weibsstück {n} [pej.]
bitch [coll.] [pej.] [contentious woman] Zicke {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [zänkische Frau]
bitch [coll.] [pej.] [nagging, quarrelsome woman]Bissgurn {f} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [pej.] [auch: Bissgurke, Bissgurk, Bissgurkn]
bitch [coll.] [pej.] [woman]Luder {n} [pej.] [weibliche Person, bösartig, liederlich, jugendspr. auch generell]
bitch [coll.] [pej.] [woman] Matz {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [bayer.]
bitch [coll.] [sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse]Schlampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
bitch [derog.] Biest {n} [ugs.] [durchtriebene, liederliche Frau / Mädchen]
bitch [female dog] Hündin {f}
bitch [female dog]Fähe {f} [bei Hundeartigen (Hündin)]
bitch [female of the carnivorous mammals] Weibchen {n} [eines fleischfressenden Säugetieres]
bitch [pej.] Hippe {f} [pej.] [Frau]
bitch [pej.] Mensch {n} [regional] [meist pej.] [Frau]
bitch [pej.] Weibsbild {n} [salopp] [pej.] [veraltend] [Frau]
bitch [sl.] [man-mad woman or girl] Matratze {f} [ugs.] [mannstolle Frau, mannstolles Mädchen] [pej.]
bitch [sl.] [pej.] Aas {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [gemeine oder raffinierte Frau]
bitch [sl.] [woman]Tussi {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Frau]
bitch [sl.] [malicious / arrogant woman] Miststück {n} [derb]
bitch alarm [sl.]Zickenalarm {m} [ugs.]
bitch alert [sl.] Zickenalarm {m} [ugs.]
bitch in heat [Am.] läufige Hündin {f}
bitch on heat [Br.] läufige Hündin {f}
bitch pointerPointerhündin {f}
bitch tits [vulg.] [pej.] [enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)] [coll.]Weibertitten {pl} [vulg.] [pej.] [weibliche Brüste bei Männern (Gynäkomastie)]
bitch wolfWölfin {f}
Bitche [town in France]Bitsch {n} [Stadt in Frankreich]
bitched [coll.]gemeckert [ugs.]
bitcher [coll.]Meckerer {m} [ugs.]
bitcher [coll.] Nörgler {m}
bitchery Nörglerei {f}
bitchery Nörgelei {f}
bitchery [coll.] Rumgezicke {n} [ugs.]
bitches Hündinnen {pl}
bitch-foxFüchsin {f}
bitchier [coll.]zickiger [ugs.]
bitchiest [coll.]zickigste [ugs.]
bitchiness Jammer {m}
bitchiness Zickigkeit {f}
bitchiness Bissigkeit {f}
bitchiness Gehässigkeit {f}
bitchiness Gemeinheit {f}
bitchiness [of women]Stutenbissigkeit {f} [ugs.]
bitching beklagend
bitching meckernd
bitching [coll.]Nörgeln {n} [pej.]
bitching [coll.] [grumbling] Rumgemotze {n} [ugs.]
bitching [sl.] [really good] gut
bitching time [Am.] [sl.]geile Zeit {f} [ugs.]
bitchslap [sl.] [also: bitch slap] Ohrfeige {f}
bitchy [coll.] gehässig
bitchy [coll.] [remark] bissig
bitchy [coll.] zickig [ugs.] [pej.] [gehässig, gemein]
bitchy [coll.] gemein [gehässig]
bitchy [women]stutenbissig [ugs.] [pej.]
bitchy cow [coll.]Zimtzicke {f} [ugs.]
bitcoin <BTC, XBT, ฿> Bitcoin {m} [auch {f}] <BTC, XBT, ฿>
bitcoin (exchange) rateBitcoinkurs {m}
bitcoin market Bitcoin-Markt {m} [auch: Bitcoinmarkt]
biteBeißen {n}
bite Biss {m}
bite Bissen {m}
biteGreifen {n}
bite Insektenstich {m}
bite Mundvoll {m}
bite Sarkasmus {m}
biteSchärfe {f}
biteAnbiss {m}
bite block Beißblock {m}
bite block Bisswall {m}
bite block [for X-rays]Aufbiss {m} [für Röntgenaufnahmen]
bite blocks Bite Blocks {pl} [Mundhalterungen als Immobilisationshilfe]
bite blocks with flavoring [Am.]Bisswälle {pl} mit Aroma
Bite down, please! Bitte zusammenbeißen! [Bitte schließen! (Zahnreihen schließen)]
bite force Beißkraft {f}
bite force measurementBeißkraftmessung {f}
bite indicator [fishing] Bissanzeiger {m} [Angeln]
bite inhibition Beißhemmung {f}
bite injuryBißwunde {f} [alt]
bite injury Bisswunde {f}
bite marks Bissspuren {pl}
bite marks Bißspuren {pl} [alt]
Bite me! [Am.] [coll.] Ihr könnt mich mal! [ugs.] [vulg.]
Bite me! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Du kannst mich mal! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Bite me! [Am.] [vulg.] Leck mich! [vulg.]
bite of conveniencehabituelle Okklusion {f}
bite (of food) Happen {m} [ugs.]
bite pattern (plate) Registrierschablone {f}
« BiscBishbishbismbit bitsbiteBitobittbittbitt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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