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biting lice [order Phthiraptera, suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera, Rhynchophthirina] Kieferläuse {pl}
biting lice [order Phthiraptera, suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera, Rhynchophthirina] Läuslinge {pl}
biting lice [order Phthiraptera, suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera, Rhynchophthirina] Lauskerfen {pl} [Läuslinge]
biting lice [order Phthiraptera, suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera, Rhynchophthirina] Tierläuse {pl}
biting midge Gnitze {f} [nordd.] [Stechmückenart]
biting midge [Am.] [family Ceratopogonidae] [punkie] Bartmücke {f} [Gnitze]
biting midges [family Ceratopogonidae]Gnitzen {pl}
biting midges [family Ceratopogonidae]Bartmücken {pl}
biting midges [family Ceratopogonidae]Ceratopogoniden {pl} [Bartmücken]
biting offabbeißend
biting point [clutch]Schleifpunkt {m}
biting point of clutchAnsprechen {n} der Kupplung
biting remarksverletzende Bemerkungen {pl}
biting reply verletzende Antwort {f}
biting sarcasm scharfer Sarkasmus {m}
biting stonecrop [Sedum acre] (Scharfer) Mauerpfeffer {m}
biting stonecrop [Sedum acre] Scharfe Fetthenne {f}
biting throughdurchbeißend
biting throughzerbeißend
biting tone scharfer Ton {m}
biting windbeißender Wind {m}
biting wine bissiger Wein {m}
(biting) stonecrop [Sedum acre]Vogelbrot {n} [Scharfer Mauerpfeffer]
(biting) stonecrop [Sedum acre]Warzenkraut {n} [Scharfer Mauerpfeffer]
bitingly coldbitterkalt
bitingly cold bissig kalt [regional, bes. bayer., schweiz.]
bitingly cold beißend kalt
bitless bridle gebisslose Zäumung {f}
bitmapBitmap {f}
bitmapPunktegrafik {f}
bitmap format Bitmap-Format {n}
bitmap image Bitmap-Bild {n}
bitmodeBitmodus {m}
BITNET [short for: Because It's There / Time NETwork]BITNET {n}
bitokBitok {m} [gebratener Fleischkloß]
bitonal bitonal
bitonal cough bitonaler Husten {m}
bitonality Bitonalität {f}
bitopic bitopisch
bit-organized memory bitorganisierter Speicher {m}
Bitot spotBitot-Fleck {m}
Bitot's spotsBitot-Flecken {pl}
Bitot's spotsBitot-Flecke {pl}
bit-parallel mehrere Bits parallel [d. h. gleichzeitig übertragen]
bit-parallel bitweise parallel
bit-part player Komparse {m} [Kleindarsteller]
bitpop Bitpop {m}
bitrate Bitrate {f}
bits Bits {pl}
bits {pl} of paperPapierfetzen {pl}
bits and bobs {pl} [Br.] [coll.]Krimskrams {m} [ugs.]
bits and bobs [coll.] Kleinigkeiten {pl}
bits and bobs [coll.] Extras {pl}
bits and pieces Kleinteile {pl}
bits and pieces Stückchen {pl}
bits and pieces dies und das
bits and pieces {pl}Krempel {m} [ugs.] [leicht pej.]
bits and pieces {pl} Krimskrams {m} [ugs.] [Kleinteile]
bits of broken glassGlassplitter {pl}
bits of chopped tomato Tomatenstückchen {pl}
bits of wool fluffWollfusseln {pl}
bits of wool fluff Wollflusen {pl}
bits per inch <bpi> Bits {pl} pro Inch
bits per inch <bpi>Bits {pl} pro Zoll <BPI> [Aufzeichnungsdichte]
bits per inch <bpi> Bits {pl} je Zoll
bits per secondBits {pl} je Sekunde
bits per second <BPS> Bits {pl} pro Sekunde [Übertragungsrate]
bitschumbi lampeye [Aplocheilichthys vitschumbaensis]Vitschumba-Leuchtaugenfisch {m}
bit-serialmehrere Bits seriell [d. h. nacheinander übertragen]
bit-sliceBit-Slice {f}
bit-slice Scheibe {f}
bit-slice Bit-Scheibe {f}
bitstreamDatenstrom {m}
bitstream accessBitstromzugang {m}
bitsy [coll.] winzig
bittPoller {m} [an Deck]
bitted horse aufgezäumtes Pferd {n}
bitten apple [half-eaten apple] angebissener Apfel {m}
bitten by a tarantula von einer Tarantel gebissen
bitten by mosquitoes [postpos.]von Moskitos gestochen
bitten into angebissen
bitten offabgebissen
bitten through durchgebissen
bitten with enthusiasm [postpos.]von der Begeisterung erfasst
bitter bitter
bitterMagenbitter {m}
bitter schmerzlich
bitter Kopfschlag {m} [Knoten]
bitterschneidend [Kälte, Wind]
bitter erbittert
bitter [embittered]verbittert
bitter [fig.] beißend [fig.]
bitter [weather, wind]bitterkalt
bitter [acrid] hantig [österr.] [bayer.] [bitter]
« bishBismbisqbitlbitcbitibittbittbittbitubiwe »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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