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black-figure style schwarzfiguriger Stil {m}
blackfin barracuda [Sphyraena qenie] Dunkelflossen-Barrakuda {m}
blackfin butterflyfish [Chaetodon melapterus] Arabischer Rippen-Falterfisch {m}
blackfin coralfish [Chelmon muelleri] Müllers Pinzettfisch {m}
blackfin dartfish [Ptereleotris evides]Scherenschwanz-Torpedogrundel {f}
blackfin dartfish [Ptereleotris evides]Schwarzschwanz-Torpedogrundel {f}
blackfin ghostshark [Hydrolagus lemures] Gespenster-Seeratte {f} [Fisch]
blackfin gulper shark [Centrophorus atromarginatus] [dwarf gulper shark] Zwerg-Schlinghai {m}
blackfin gulper shark [Centrophorus atromarginatus] [dwarf gulper shark] Zwerg-Schlingerhai {m}
blackfin gulper shark [Centrophorus isodon] Schwarzflossen-Schlingerhai {m}
blackfin hogfish [Bodianus loxozonus]Schwarzflossen-Schweinslippfisch {m}
blackfin hogfish [Bodianus loxozonus] Schwarzstreifen-Lippfisch {m}
blackfin hogfish [Bodianus loxozonus] Trotters Herzoglippfisch {m}
blackfin icefish [Chaenocephalus aceratus] Scotia-See-Eisfisch {m}
blackfin tuna [Thunnus atlanticus]Schwarzflossen-Thun {m}
black-finger mushroom [Xylaria polymorpha] Vielgestaltige Holzkeule {f}
blackfinned clownfish [Amphiprion nigripes]Malediven-Anemonenfisch {m}
black-finned melon butterflyfish [Chaetodon melapterus] Arabischer Rippen-Falterfisch {m}
black-finned pacu [Colossoma macropomum]Schwarzer Pacu {m}
black-finned pacu [Colossoma macropomum] Mühlsteinsalmler {m}
black-finned pacu [Colossoma macropomum] Tambaqui {m}
blackfish [Aus.] [NZ] [Girella tricuspidata, syn.: Boops tricuspidatus] Schwarzer Nagebarsch {m}
blackfish [Centrolophus niger] [a medusafish] Schwarzfisch {m}
blackflag sandperch [Parapercis signata]Malediven-Sandbarsch {m}
black-flanked rock-wallaby [Petrogale lateralis]Purpurnacken-Felskänguru {n}
black-flanked rock-wallaby [Petrogale lateralis]Schwarzpfoten-Felskänguru {n}
blackflies [superfamily Aphidoidea] Blattläuse {pl}
blackfly [Aphis fabae, syn.: A. papaveris, Doralis fabae]Schwarze Bohnenblattlaus / Bohnen-Blattlaus {f}
blackfly [Aphis fabae, syn.: A. papaveris, Doralis fabae] Schwarze Rübenblattlaus / Rüben-Blattlaus {f}
blackfly [Aphis fabae, syn.: A. papaveris, Doralis fabae]Schwarze Rübenblattlaus {f}
blackfly [coll.] [member of Simuliidae] Kriebelmücke {f}
Blackfoot Schwarzfußindianer {m}
blackfoot lionfish [Parapterois heterura] Blauflossen-Feuerfisch {m}
blackfoot paua [NZ] [Haliotis iris, syn.: H. iridis] Paua {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
blackfoot polypore [Polyporus leptocephalus]Löwengelber Stielporling {m}
blackfoot polypore [Polyporus leptocephalus]Löwengelber Schwarzfußporling {m}
blackfoot polypore [Polyporus leptocephalus] Löwengelber Porling {m}
(blackfoot) paua [NZ] [Haliotis iris, syn.: H. iridis] Regenbogen-Paua {f}
(blackfoot) paua [NZ] [Haliotis iris, syn.: H. iridis] Regenbogen-Abalone / Regenbogenabalone {f}
(blackfoot) paua [NZ] [Haliotis iris, syn.: H. iridis] Schwarzfuß-Abalone / Schwarzfußabalone {f}
black-footed albatross [Diomedea nigripes]Schwarzfußalbatros {m}
black-footed cat [Felis nigripes]Schwarzfußkatze {f}
black-footed cat [Felis nigripes] Karrookatze {f} [auch: Karookatze]
black-footed clownfish / clown fish [Amphiprion nigripes]Malediven-Anemonenfisch {m}
black-footed ferret [Mustela nigripes]Schwarzfußiltis {m}
black-footed gray langur [Am.] [Semnopithecus hypoleucos]Schwarzfüßiger Hanuman-Langur {m}
black-footed grey langur [Br.] [Semnopithecus hypoleucos, syn.: S. hypoleucos]Schwarzfüßiger Hanuman-Langur {m}
black-footed lemming [Lemmus sibiricus]Sibirischer Lemming {m}
black-footed lemming [Lemmus sibiricus]Moor-Lemming / Moorlemming {m}
black-footed lemming [Lemmus sibiricus]Ob-Lemming / Oblemming {m}
black-footed limpet [Patella depressa, syn.: P. intermedia] Flache Napfschnecke {f}
black-footed mesembriomys [Mesembriomys gouldii, syn.: Mus hirsutus] Schwarzfuß-Baumratte {f}
black-footed mongoose [Bdeogale nigripes] Schwarzfußmanguste {f}
black-footed mongoose [Bdeogale nigripes]Schwarzfußichneumon {m} {n}
black-footed mongoose [Bdeogale nigripes] Schwarzfüßige Hundemanguste {f}
black-footed penguin [Spheniscus demersus] Brillenpinguin {m}
black-footed penguin colony Brillenpinguinkolonie {f} [auch: Brillenpinguin-Kolonie]
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius]Schwarzfußporling / Schwarzfuß-Porling {m}
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius]Kastanienbrauner Schwarzfußporling / Schwarzfuß-Porling {m}
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius] Schwarzroter Stiel-Porling / Stielporling {m}
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius]Schwarzroter Porling {m}
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius] Kastanienbrauner Stielporling {m}
black-footed polypore [Picipes badius, syn.: Polyporus badius]Süßriechender Porling {m}
black-footed rock-wallaby [Petrogale lateralis] Schwarzpfoten-Felskänguru {n}
black-footed tree-rat [Mesembriomys gouldii] Schwarzfuß-Baumratte {f}
(black-footed) cerdo negro pig [native to the Balearic Islands]Cerdo-Negro-Schwein {n} [schwarzes Schwein der Balearischen Inseln]
black-fronted bulbul [Pycnonotus nigricans]Maskenbülbül {m}
black-fronted bulbul [Pycnonotus nigricans]Feueraugenbülbül {m}
black-fronted bush shrike [Telophorus nigrifrons]Graustirnwürger {m}
black-fronted dotterel [Elseyornis melanops, syn.: Charadrius melanops] Schwarzstirn-Regenpfeifer {m} [auch: Schwarzstirnregenpfeifer]
black-fronted duiker [Cephalophus nigrifrons]Schwarzstirnducker {m}
black-fronted flowerpecker [Dicaeum igniferum]Rotkehl-Mistelfresser {m}
black-fronted ground tyrant [Muscisaxicola frontalis]Schwarzstirntyrann {m}
black-fronted guan [Pipile jacutinga, syn.: Aburria jacutinga] Schwarzmaskenguan {m}
black-fronted guan [Pipile jacutinga, syn.: Aburria jacutinga] Schwarzstirn-Schakutinga {m}
black-fronted hummingbird [Hylocharis / Basilinna xantusii] Schwarzstirnsaphir {m}
black-fronted laughing thrush [Garrulax sukatschewi]Kansuhäherling {m}
black-fronted laughingthrush [Garrulax sukatschewi, syn.: Ianthocincla sukatschewi]Kansuhäherling {m}
black-fronted nunbird [Monasa nigrifrons] Schwarzstirntrappist {m}
black-fronted piping guan [Pipile jacutinga]Schwarzmaskenguan {m}
black-fronted piping-guan [Pipile jacutinga, syn.: Aburria jacutinga] Schwarzmaskenguan {m}
black-fronted piping-guan / piping guan [Pipile jacutinga] Schwarzstirn-Schakutinga {m}
black-fronted plover [Elseyornis melanops, syn.: Charadrius melanops]Schwarzstirn-Regenpfeifer {m} [auch: Schwarzstirnregenpfeifer]
black-fronted pygmy kingfisher [Ceyx lecontei, syn.: Corythornis lecontei, Ispidina lecontei, Myioceyx lecontei] Braunkopfzwergfischer {m} [auch: Braunkopf-Zwergfischer]
black-fronted tern [Chlidonias albostriatus] Graubauch-Seeschwalbe {f}
black-fronted tern [Chlidonias albostriatus] Schwarzstirn-Seeschwalbe {f}
black-fronted titi (monkey) [Callicebus nigrifrons] Schwarzstirn-Springaffe {m}
black-fronted tyrannulet [Phylloscartes nigrifrons]Schwarzstirn-Laubtyrann {m}
black-fronted warbler [Dendroica coronata, syn.: Setophaga coronata] Kronwaldsänger {m} [auch: Kron-Waldsänger]
black-fronted white-eye [Zosterops atrifrons] Wallacebrillenvogel {m}
black-fronted white-eye [Zosterops atrifrons]Nehrkornbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Nehrkorn-Brillenvogel]
black-fronted wood quail [Odontophorus atrifrons]Schwarzstirnwachtel {f}
black-fronted wood-quail / woodquail [Odontophorus atrifrons] Schwarzstirnwachtel {f}
black-fronted wood-quail / woodquail / wood quail [Odontophorus atrifrons]Schwarzstirnzahnwachtel {f}
black-fruited schwarzfrüchtig
black-fruited [e.g. wines] schwarzfruchtig [z. B. Weine]
blackfruited cotoneaster [Cotoneaster melanocarpus]Schwarzfrüchtige Zwergmispel {f}
blackgame [Lyrurus tetrix, syn.: Tetrao tetrix] Birkhuhn {n}
blackgill catshark [Parmaturus melanobranchius] Schwarzkiemen-Katzenhai {m}
black-girdled barbet [Capito dayi] Kehlbinden-Bartvogel {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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