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black-skinned schwarzhäutig
black-slipped ware Schwarzfirnisware {f}
blacksmithSchmied {m}
blacksmithGrobschmied {m}
blacksmith Hammerschmied {m}
blacksmith Eisenschmied {m}
blacksmith [farrier]Hufschmied {m}
blacksmith lapwing [Vanellus armatus] Waffenkiebitz {m}
blacksmith lapwing [Vanellus armatus] Cayennekiebitz {m} [Waffenkiebitz]
blacksmith lapwing [Vanellus armatus] Schmiedekiebitz {m}
blacksmith plover [Vanellus armatus]Schmiedekiebitz {m}
blacksmith plover [Vanellus armatus]Waffenkiebitz {m}
blacksmith plover [Vanellus armatus]Cayennekiebitz {m} [Waffenkiebitz]
blacksmith shop Schmiede {f}
blacksmith shop [forging scythes] Sensenschmiede {f}
blacksmith tree frog [Hypsiboas faber, syn.: Hyla faber] Schmied {m} [Kolbenfinger-Laubfrosch]
blacksmith tree frog [Hypsiboas faber, syn.: Hyla faber]Kolbenfinger-Laubfrosch {m}
blacksmithing Schmiedehandwerk {n}
blacksmithing Schmiedekunst {f}
blacksmithsSchmiede {pl}
blacksmith's craft Schmiedehandwerk {n}
blacksmith's fire Schmiedefeuer {n}
blacksmith's hammer Schmiedehammer {m} [Hammer eines Schmieds]
blacksmith's hardy [rare] Abschrot {m}
blacksmith's shopSchmiede {f}
blacksmith's tongs {pl} [one pair] Schmiedezange {f}
blacksmith's tongs [more than one pair] Schmiedezangen {pl}
blacksmith's tools {pl} [collectively] Schmiedewerkzeug {n} [Gesamtheit der Werkzeuge]
blacksmith's wife Frau {f} des Schmieds
blacksmith's work Arbeit {f} des Schmieds
blacksmith's workshop Schmiede {f}
blacksnake [whip] Blacksnake {f} [geflochtene Peitsche ohne starren Griff]
black-snap [Gaylussacia baccata, syn.: G. resinosa, Andromeda baccata] [black huckleberry]Schwarze Buckelbeere {f}
black-speckled palm-pitviper [Bothriechis nigroviridis] Schwarzgefleckte Palmlanzenotter {f}
black-spectacled brushfinch / brush finch / brush-finch [Atlapetes melanopsis, syn.: Atlapetes melanops] Schwarzbrillen-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
blackspine unicornfish [Naso minor] Kleiner Nasendoktorfisch {m}
black-spined herring [Alosa kessleri, syn.: Caspialosa kessleri]Kaspischer Schwarzrücken {m}
black-spined snake [Aspidura ceylonensis] Sri-lankische Raunatter {f}
black-spined toad [Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Bufo melanostitcus] Schwarznarbenkröte {f}
blackspot / black-spot butterflyfish [Chaetodon speculum] Einfleck-Falterfisch / Einfleckfalterfisch {m}
blackspot angelfish [Centropyge nigriocella]Dreiaugen-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
blackspot anglerfish [Tathicarpus butleri]Butlers Anglerfisch {m}
black-spot chestnut [Conistra rubiginosa] [moth] Feldholz-Wintereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
blackspot chromis [Azurina eupalama] [possibly extinct]Galápagos-Riffbarsch {m} [vermutlich ausgestorben]
black-spot goby [Pomatoschistus canestrinii, syn.: P. canestrini, Gobius canestrini, G. canestrinii, G. jadrensis]Aschen-Grundel {f} [auch {m}]
black-spot goby [Pomatoschistus canestrinii, syn.: P. canestrini, Gobius canestrini, G. canestrinii, G. jadrensis]Canestrini-Grundel {f} [auch {m}]
black-spot goby [Pomatoschistus canestrinii, syn.: P. canestrini, Gobius canestrini, G. canestrinii, G. jadrensis] Schwarzflecken-Sandgrundel {f}
blackspot seabream [Pagellus bogaraveo]Rote Fleckbrasse {f}
blackspot shark [Carcharhinus sealei] Schwarzfleckhai {m}
blackspot tuskfish [Choerodon schoenleinii]Schwarzfleck-Zahnlippfisch {m}
black-spotted / blackspotted catshark [Halaelurus buergeri] Schwarzgepunkteter Katzenhai {m}
blackspotted / black-spotted longhorn (beetle) [Rhagium mordax, syn.: R. linnei, R. vulgare, Cerambyx mordax, Leptura mordax] Schwarzfleckiger Zangenbock {m}
black-spotted barbet [Capito niger] Tupfenbartvogel {m}
black-spotted bare-eye [Phlegopsis nigromaculata, syn.: Phlegopsis paraensis] Tropfenmantel-Ameisenvogel {m}
black-spotted bare-eye [Phlegopsis nigromaculata] Rotaugen-Ameisenvogel {m}
black-spotted butterflyfish [Chaetodon nigropunctatus]Arabischer Schwarzpunkt-Falterfisch {m}
blackspotted catshark / cat shark [Halaelurus boesemani] Gesprenkelter Katzenhai {m}
black-spotted catshark / cat shark [Halaelurus boesemani] Gesprenkelter Katzenhai {m}
black-spotted cuscus [Spilocuscus rufoniger, formerly: Phalanger rufoniger] Schwarzfleckenkuskus {m}
blackspotted cutthroat [Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi]Westslope Cutthroat-Forelle {f}
black-spotted francolin [Francolinus clappertoni, syn.: F. nigrosuamatus, Pternistis clappertoni]Clappertonfrankolin {m} [auch: Clapperton-Frankolin]
black-spotted horn shark [Heterodontus francisci] Stierkopfhai {m}
black-spotted horn shark [Heterodontus francisci] Hornhai {m}
black-spotted longhorn (beetle) [Rhagium mordax, syn.: R. linnei, R. vulgare, Cerambyx mordax, Leptura mordax]Kleiner Laubholzzangenbock / Laubholzzangenbockkäfer {m}
black-spotted newt [Notophthalmus meridionalis]Schwarzgefleckter Wassermolch {m}
black-spotted piculet [Picumnus nigropunctatus] Schwarzflecken-Zwergspecht {m}
blackspotted pike [Esox reichertii]Amurhecht {m}
black-spotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta]Eichen-Zangenbock / Eichenzangenbock {m} [Käferart]
black-spotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta]Großer Laubholz-Zangenbock {m} [Eichen-Zangenbock]
black-spotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta] Großer Zangenbock {m} [Eichen-Zangenbock]
blackspotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium mordax]Schwarzfleckiger Zangenbock {m}
blackspotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium mordax] Bissiger Zangenbock {m}
blackspotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium mordax]Laubholzzangenbock {m}
blackspotted pliers support beetle [Rhagium mordax] Schrotzangenbock {m}
black-spotted porcupinefish [Diodon hystrix] Gepunkteter Igelfisch {m}
black-spotted porcupinefish [Diodon hystrix] Gewöhnlicher Igelfisch {m}
black-spotted puffer [Arothron nigropunctatus] Schwarzflecken-Kugelfisch {m}
black-spotted ridge-tailed monitor [Varanus baritji] Whites Stachelschwanzwaran {m}
black-spotted rock frog [Staurois guttatus] Schwarzgepunkteter Winkerfrosch {m}
blackspotted rubberlip [Plectorhinchus gaterinus] Schwarztupfen-Süßlippe {f}
black-spotted spiny-tailed monitor [Varanus baritji] Whites Stachelschwanzwaran {m}
blackspotted stickleback [Gasterosteus wheatlandi] Schwarzgefleckter Stichling {m}
black-spotted (toothed) grasshopper [Stenobothrus nigromaculatus nigromaculatus, syn.: S. nigromaculatus]Gefleckter Heidegrashüpfer {m}
black-spotted (toothed) grasshopper [Stenobothrus nigromaculatus]Schwarzfleckiger Grashüpfer {m}
black-spotted (toothed) grasshopper [Stenobothrus nigromaculatus] Schwarzfleckiger Heidegrashüpfer {m}
black-spotted torpedo [Torpedo fuscomaculata]Schwarztupfen-Torpedorochen {m}
black-spotted wrasse [Austrolabrus maculatus, syn.: Labrichthys maculatus] Schwarzfleck-Lippfisch {m}
black-spotted yellow tit [Machlolophus spilonotus, syn.: Parus spilonotus] Königsmeise {f}
black-spotted yellow tit [Parus / Maclolophus xanthogenys] Kronenmeise {f}
black-staining polypore [Meripilus giganteus](Gemeiner) Riesenporling {m}
blackstart [Cercomela melanura, syn.: Oenanthe melanura]Schwarzschwanz-Felsschmätzer {m}
blackstart [Cercomela melanura] Schwarzschwanz {m}
blackstart [Cercomela melanura]Grauschmätzer {m}
blackstart [Phoenicurus ochruros] Hausrotschwanz {m}
black-stem aphid [Cinara confinis]Große Braunschwarze Tannenrindenlaus {f}
black-stem aphid [Cinara confinis]Große Schwarzbraune Tannenrindenlaus {f}
black-stemmed marasmius [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus] Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
blackstrap molasses [treated as sg.] Endmelasse {f}
black-streaked puffbird [Malacoptila fulvogularis]Ockerkehl-Faulvogel {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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