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English-German Dictionary

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baggage claim areaGepäckausgabe {f}
baggage compartmentGepäckabteil {n}
baggage conveyor belt Gepäckband {n}
baggage counter Gepäckschalter {m}
baggage drop-off [Br.] Aufgabe {f} des Gepäcks
baggage excessMehrgepäck {n}
baggage handlerGepäckabfertiger {m}
baggage handlingGepäckabfertigung {f}
baggage insuranceGepäckversicherung {f}
baggage loadingGepäckverladung {f}
baggage pickup Gepäckausgabe {f}
baggage porter Gepäckträger {m}
baggage rack Gepäcknetz {n}
baggage rack Gepäckablage {f}
baggage reclaimGepäckausgabe {f}
baggage roomGepäckaufbewahrung {f} [Gepäckraum]
baggage storage Gepäckaufbewahrung {f}
baggage tagGepäckaufkleber {m}
baggage theft Gepäckdiebstahl {m}
baggage thiefGepäckdieb {m}
baggage tracing Gepäckermittlung {f}
baggage train Train {m} [österr.]
baggage train Troß {m} [alt] [Versorgungs- und Unterstützungseinheit]
baggage (train)Tross {m}
baggage trainsTrosse {pl}
baggage trolley [Br.]Kofferkuli {m}
baggage trolley [Br.] Gepäckwagen {m} [Kofferkuli]
baggage tugGepäckschlepper {m} [Zugfahrzeug]
baggage voucherGepäckschein {m}
baggage waggon [Br.]Gepäckwagen {m}
baggage wagon Gepäckwagen {m}
baggage wrappingGepäckversiegelung {f}
baggagecar Gepäckwagen {m}
baggage-man Gepäckmann {m}
baggageman Gepäckmann {m}
bagged gesackt [regional]
bagged cargoSackware {f}
bagged cargo Sackgut {n}
bagged tea Beuteltee {m}
baggerEinpacker {m}
bagger Eintüter {m} [ugs.] [Einpacker]
baggie [Am.] [coll.] [Baggies ®] [transparent plastic bag, chiefly for food storage]Frischhaltebeutel {m}
Baggie [Am.] [trademark, coll.] [a small plastic bag]Plastikbeutel {m}
baggies [Am.] [coll.] [Baggies ®] [transparent plastic bags, chiefly for food storage] Plastikbeutel {pl} [Frischhaltebeutel]
baggies [more than one pair] [Am.] [coll.] [loose, wide-legged trousers]Baggy Pants {pl} [Schlabberhosen]
baggily sackartig
bagginess Aufgebauschtheit {f}
baggingSackleinwand {f}
bagging [coll.] [use of the BVM to ventilate patients]Beatmungsbeutel-zu-Maske-Beatmung {f}
bagging machine Absackmaschine {f}
bagging potato harvesterKartoffelsammelroder {m} mit Absackstand
bagging scale Absackwaage {f}
baggy ausgebeult
baggy bauschig
baggy sackig
baggyschlabberig [ugs.]
baggy schlabbrig [ugs.]
baggy schlapperig [regional]
baggyschlapprig [regional]
baggy ausgeleiert [ugs.] [Kleidung]
baggyschlotterig [Kleidung]
baggy Schlabber- [ugs.]
baggy boobs [Br.] Hängetitten {pl} [vulg.]
baggy edgebeutelige Kante {f}
baggy pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Schlabberhose {f} [ugs.]
baggy pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Flatterhose {f} [ugs.] [lange, weite Hose]
baggy pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers]schlotternde Hose {f} [Baggy Pants]
baggy pants [more than one pair] [Am.] Schlabberhosen {pl} [ugs.]
baggy pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers] Baggy Pants {pl}
baggy pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers]Baggypants {pl}
baggy pants [too big, shapeless]schlotternde Hosen {pl} [Schlotterhosen]
baggy pullover Schlabberpulli {m} [ugs.]
baggy skin schlaffe Haut {f}
baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] Pumphose {f} [weite Hose]
baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] Schlabberhose {f} [ugs.]
baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] schlotternde Hose {f} [Baggy Pants]
baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers]Schlotterhose {f} [ugs.]
baggy trousers [more than one pair]bauschige Hosen {pl} [Baggy Pants]
baggy trousers [more than one pair] Schlabberhosen {pl} [ugs.]
baggy trousers [more than one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] schlotternde Hosen {pl} [Schlotterhosen]
baggy trousers [more than one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers]Schlotterhosen {pl} [ugs.]
baggywrinkle [rope yarns wound around parts of a ship's rigging]Tausendbein {n} [seemännisches Knüpfwerk als Scheuerschutz]
bagh nakhBaghnakh {f}
BaghdadBagdad {n}
Baghdad BatteryBagdad-Batterie {f}
Baghdad boilOrientbeule {f}
Baghdad boil Bagdadbeule {f}
Baghdad by the Bay [dated] [San Franciso] [nickname coined by the journalist Herb Caen][San Francisco]
Baghdad Pact [1955-1959] Bagdadpakt {m}
Baghdad Railway Bagdadbahn {f}
Baghdad small-grain lizard [Varanus griseus, syn.: V. griseus griseus, V. scincus, V. terrestris, Psammosaurus arabicus, P. terrestris, Tupinambis arenarius] [desert monitor]Wüstenwaran {m}
Baghdad sore Bagdadgeschwür {n}
Baghdad ulcer Bagdadgeschwür {n}
Baghdadis [Jews] Bagdad-Juden {pl}
baghdadite [Ca3(Zr,Ti)Si2O9] Baghdadit {m}
Bagheera [Jungle Book] [Disney] Baghira
baghouse filter Gewebeentstauber {m}
baghouse filter Gewebefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
Baglafecht weaver [Ploceus baglafecht] Baglafechtweber {m}
« badsbadgbadlbad-bag baggbaglBahibailbaitbake »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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