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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 374 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
block of officesBürohaus {n}
block of programming Programmblock {m}
block of rock Felspaket {n}
block of shares Aktienbündel {n}
block of shares Aktienpaket {n}
block of stocks Aktienpaket {n}
block of stone Steinblock {m}
block of stone Quader {m}
block of stoneSteinquader {m}
block of stone Quaderstein {m}
block of twelve [stamps] Zwölferblock {m}
block of wood Holzklotz {m}
block offer Blockangebot {n}
block offer Paketangebot {n}
block parking Blockparken {n}
block parquet Stabparkett {n}
block party [Am.] Stadtteilfest {n}
block party [Am.]Straßenfest {n}
block pattern Blockmuster {n}
block pavementPflaster {n}
block plane Hirnholzhobel {m}
block plywood [spv.] [blockplywood] Stabsperrholz {n} <ST>
block plywood [spv.] [blockplywood]Stäbchensperrholz {n} <STAE>
block print Blockdruck {m}
block print Stempeldruck {m}
block printing Modeldruck {m}
block processing timeSatzverarbeitungszeit {f}
block purchase Sammeleinkauf {m}
block recordingBlockaufzeichnung {f}
block registerBlockregister {n}
block resistanceBlockfestigkeit {f}
block salt [water softener] Blocksalz {n} [Wasserenthärter]
block sampling Blockauswahl {f}
block searchBlocksuchlauf {m}
block searchSatzsuchlauf {m}
block sectionBlockabschnitt {m}
block selection Blockauswahl {f}
block seminarBlockseminar {n}
block seminarBlockveranstaltung {f}
block sequence Blockfolge {f}
block shot [e.g. lawn bowling] Blocker {m} [Bowlwurf, Rasenbowling]
block signalBlockzeichen {n}
block signalSperrsignal {n}
block signalling system Blocksignalisierung {f}
block size Blockgröße {f}
block sizeBlocklänge {f}
block sortBlocksortierung {f}
block station Blockstelle {f}
block station buildingBlockstellengebäude {n}
block statue Würfelhocker {m}
block storage Blocklager {n}
block storageBlocklagerung {f}
block storage Blocklagerhaltung {f}
block stripes Blockstreifen {pl}
block structure Blockstruktur {f}
block system Stapelsystem {n}
block table Blocktafel {f}
block tackle [association football] Pressschlag {m}
block thickness Blockdicke {f}
block train Zugverband {m}
block trainGanzzug {m}
block traingeschlossener Zug {m}
block train [unit train, trainload service] Blockzug {m} [Ganzzug]
block transferBlockübertragung {f}
block transfer Sammelüberweisung {f}
block turbo code <BTC>Turbo-Product-Code {m} <TPC>
block type tread Blockprofil {n}
block voicingBlock Voicing {n} [Harmonisierung, bes. Jazz]
block voting geschlossene Stimmenabgabe {f}
block warehouse Blocklager {n}
block wiring diagramBlockschaltbild {n}
blockable verbaubar
blockade Blockade {f}
blockade Sperre {f}
blockadeAbsperrung {f}
blockade [barrier, obstruction] Barrikade {f}
blockade lineBlockadelinie {f}
blockade mentalityBlockadehaltung {f}
blockade mineSperrmine {f}
blockade runnerBlockadebrecher {m}
blockade runner badge [WW II German Navy] Abzeichen {n} für die Blockadebrecher [dt. Kriegsmarine]
blockade running Blockadelaufen {n}
blockade tactics Blockadetaktik {f}
blockade-runner Blockadeläufer {m}
blockades Blockaden {pl}
blockading shipblockierendes Schiff {n}
blockading vessel blockierendes Schiff {n}
blockage Blockierung {f}
blockage Gruppierung {f}
blockageSperre {f}
blockageSperrung {f}
blockageObstruktion {f}
blockage Verstopfung {f}
blockage Verblockung {f} [Blockierung, Blockade]
blockage fleet Blockadeflotte {f}
blockage of funds Geldsperre {f}
blockage of the pulmonary artery Pulmonalarterienthrombembolie {f} [Lungenembolie]
blockage of the secretory ductSekretstau {m}
blockages Blockierungen {pl}
blockboardStabplatte {f} [Tischlerplatte]
« blinblipblisbloablocblocblocblocBlombloobloo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers