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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 376 for words starting with B in the English-German dictionarynext page »
blockbuster [smash hit]Superhit {m} [ugs.]
blockbuster bookBuchhit {m}
blockbuster drugs Blockbuster-Präparate {pl}
blockbuster movie Kassenschlager {m}
blockbustersMinenbomben {pl}
blockchain [distributed database] Blockchain {f} [dezentrale Datenbank]
blockchain-based blockchainbasiert
block-diagonal matrix Blockdiagonalmatrix {f}
block-diagonal structureBlockdiagonalstruktur {f}
blocked abgeblockt
blocked blockiert
blocked verstopft [blockiert]
blockedangezogen [blockiert]
blocked [bolted] verriegelt
blocked [target] verdeckt
blocked [with objects]zugestellt [unpassierbar]
blocked account Sperrkonto {n}
blocked accountblockiertes Konto {n}
blocked account gesperrtes Konto {n}
blocked accountsSperrkonten {pl}
blocked amountgesperrter Betrag {m}
blocked artery [coll.] [arterial occlusion]Arterienverschluss {m}
blocked bloodstream {sg}verstopfte Blutbahnen {pl}
blocked by snow [postpos.]von Schnee blockiert
blocked currency nicht konvertierbare Währung {f}
blocked drain verstopfter Ablauf {m}
blocked high pressure situation blockierte Hochdrucklage {f}
blocked marksSperrmark {pl}
blocked nose verstopfte Nase {f}
blocked oileingeschlossenes Erdöl {n}
blocked road gesperrte Straße {f}
blocked road verstopfte Straße {f}
blocked roadway gesperrte Fahrbahn {f}
blocked roadwayversperrte Fahrbahn {f}
blocked up verstopft
blocked up verrammelt
blocked-up verrammelt
blockerBlockierer {m}
blockfield Blockmeer {n}
block-frozenals Blockware gefrostet
blockhead [coll.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
blockhead [coll.] Holzkopf {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.]Schafskopf {m} [ugs.]
block-head [coll.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
blockhead [coll.]Einfaltspinsel {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.] Schwachkopf {m} [pej.]
blockhead [coll.]Knallkopf {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.]Hohlkopf {m} [pej.]
blockhead [coll.] Depp {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.]Blödhammel {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.]Dämel {m} [ugs.]
blockhead [coll.] [pej.] Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
blockhead [coll.] [pej.]Gipskopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
blockheaded [coll.] dumm
blockheaded [coll.]einfältig und verbohrt
blockheaded [coll.] stockdumm [ugs.]
blockheadedness Dummheit {f}
blockheadedness [coll.] Verbohrtheit {f} [ugs.]
blockheadishness [rare]Blödheit {f} [ugs.]
blockheads Dummköpfe {pl}
blockheads Idioten {pl}
blockheads Schafsköpfe {pl}
blockhouseBlockhaus {n}
blockhouse [fort]Fort {n} [Blockhaus]
blockhouses Blockhäuser {pl}
blockingBlockade {f}
blocking Blockbildung {f}
blockingBlockierung {f}
blockingBlockung {f}
blockingArrangement {n}
blockingEinfrieren {n}
blockingSperren {n}
blocking sperrend
blocking Verblockung {f}
blocking [also psych.]Sperrung {f}
blocking [improvisation] Blockieren {n} [negierende Antwort im Improvisationstheater]
blocking agent Blockierungsmittel {n}
blocking agentsAbsperrorgane {pl}
blocking capability Sperrvermögen {n}
blocking capacitorSperrkondensator {m}
blocking capacitor Blockkondensator {m}
blocking capacitorKopplungskondensator {m}
blocking capacitorAbblockkondensator {m}
blocking costs Sperrkosten {f}
blocking detectionBlockiererkennung {f}
blocking device Sperrvorrichtung {f}
blocking factorSperrfaktor {m}
blocking foilSperrfolie {f}
blocking force Sperreinheit {f}
blocking force Sperrverband {m}
blocking function Sperrfunktion {f}
blocking hotline Sperrhotline {f}
blocking impedanceSperrimpedanz {f}
blocking layer Sperrschicht {f}
blocking list Sperrliste {f}
« blirblisbloablocblocblocblocblonbloobloobloo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers