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blocking valveAbsperrventil {n}
blocking voltage Sperrspannung {f}
blockish klotzig
blockishsich sperrend
blockishnessDummheit {f}
blockite Blockit {m}
blocklettersDruckschrift {f}
block-like blockhaft
blocklistSperrliste {f}
blocklist Blockliste {f}
blockplywoodStabsperrholz {n} <ST>
blocks Blöcke {pl}
blocks [functional blocks] Funktionsblöcke {pl}
blocks of flats Wohnblöcke {pl}
blocks of flats [Br.]Mehrfamilienhäuser {pl}
blocks of houses Häuserblöcke {pl}
blocks of houses Häuserblocks {pl}
blocks of land Blockflur {f}
blocks of text Textblöcke {pl}
block-shaped blockförmig
block-type thermal power station <BTTP>Blockheizkraftwerk {n} <BHKW>
block-unit power station Blockkraftwerk {n}
block-unit power station Kraftwerksblock {m}
blocky blockartig
blocky blockhaft
blockygroßstückig [blockig]
blocky blockig [z. B. Kohle]
blocs Blöcke {pl} [Staatenblöcke]
blödite [Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O]Blödit {m}
bloedite [Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O] Blödit {m}
blog Blog {m} {n}
blog entry Blogeintrag {m}
blog postBlogeintrag {m}
blog postBlogbeitrag {m}
blogger Blogger {m}
blogger [female]Bloggerin {f}
bloggersBlogger {pl}
blogging Bloggen {n}
blogosphere [coll.] Blogosphäre {f}
blogosphere [coll.] Blogwelt {f} [fig.]
blogsBlogs {pl}
blokart Strandsegler {m}
bloke [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] Mann {m} [ugs.]
bloke [Br.] [coll.] Genosse {m}
bloke [Br.] [coll.] Typ {m} [ugs.]
bloke [Br.] [coll.]Macker {m} [ugs.] [Kerl]
bloke [Br.] [coll.] [only in combination with an adj.] [pej.]Knochen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Typ, Kerl]
bloke [esp. Br.] [coll.] Bursche {m}
bloke [esp. Br.] [coll.] Kerl {m} [ugs.]
bloke [esp. Br.] [coll.] Vogel {m} [ugs.] [auffallender Mensch]
blokeish [coll.] [Br.] typisch männlich
blokes [Br.] [coll.]Burschen {pl}
blokey [coll.] [Br.] typisch männlich
Blomberg's toad [Bufo blombergi, Rhaebo blombergi]Blombergkröte {f}
Blomberg's toad [Bufo blombergi, Rhaebo blombergi] Kolumbianische Riesenkröte {f}
Blomberg's tree boa [Corallus blombergi, syn.: Corallus annulatus blombergi] Blomberg-Baumboa {f}
Blomberg's tree boa [Corallus blombergi, syn.: Corallus annulatus blombergi]Blombergs Hundskopfboa {f}
Blomer's rivulet [Venusia blomeri, formerly: Discoloxia blomeri] [moth]Blomers Ulmen-Blattspanner {m}
Blomer's rivulet [Venusia blomeri, syn.: Discoloxia blomeri] [moth]Bergulmen-Spanner / Bergulmenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Blomer's rivulet [Venusia blomeri, syn.: Discoloxia blomeri] [moth] Ulmen-Blattspanner / Ulmenblattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
blond blonder Mann {m}
blond Blonder {m}
blond hellfarbig
blond Blondschopf {m} [Junge/Mann]
blondBlondin {m} [veraltet]
blond [masculine] blond
blond [of a man] blondhaarig
blond / blonde capuchin [Sapajus flavius, syn.: Cebus flavius, C. queirozi] Goldkapuziner {m}
blond / blonde chaud-froid sauceblonde Chaudfroidsauce {f} [Sauce chaud-froid blonde]
blond / blonde rouxheller Roux {m} [auch: helle Roux {f}] [Roux blond]
blond / blonde rouxblonde Mehlschwitze {f}
blond girl blondes Mädchen {n}
blond hairblondes Haar {n}
blond manBlonder {m}
blond plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Indischer Flohsamen {m}
blond plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Blondes Psyllium {n}
blond plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Ispaghula {f}
blond psyllium [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Indischer Flohsamen {m}
blond psyllium [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Indisches Psyllium {n}
blond psyllium [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Blondes Psyllium {n}
blond psyllium [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Ispaghula {f}
blond race blonde Rasse {f}
blond titi (monkey) [Callicebus barbarabrownae] Nordbahia-Springaffe {m}
blond woodhelles Holz {n} [Möbel]
(blond) ispaghula [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Indischer Flohsamen {m}
blond-crested woodpecker [Celeus flavescens]Blondschopfspecht {m}
blond-curled blondgelockt
blonde blond
blondeBlondine {f}
blonde Blonde {f} [Blondine]
blondeblondhaarig [Frau]
blonde Blond {n}
Blonde Ambition [Scott Marshall] Blonde Ambition
blonde bird [Br.] [coll.] Blondine {f} [aufreizend, attraktiv]
blonde bombshell [coll.]blondes Gift {n} [ugs.] [sexuell attraktive Blondine]
« blitblobblocblocblocblocblonbloobloobloobloo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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