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English-German Dictionary

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Bahaman swallow [Tachycineta cyaneoviridis] Bahamaschwalbe {f}
Bahamas {pl} <.bs>Bahamas {pl}
Bahamas sawshark [Pristiophorus schroederi]Amerikanischer Sägehai {m}
Bahamas sawshark [Pristiophorus schroederi]Bahamas-Sägehai {m}
BahamianBahamaer {m}
Bahamian [female] Bahamaerin {f}
Bahamian dollar <BSD, B$>Bahama-Dollar {m} <BSD, B$>
Bahamian hutia [Geocapromys ingrahami] Bahama-Ferkelratte {f}
Bahamian rock iguana [Cyclura rileyi] Acklins Grundleguan {m}
Bahamians Bahamaer {pl}
Baháʼí FaithBahaitum {n}
Baháʼí Faith Bahaismus {m}
Baháʼí Faith Bahai-Religion {f}
Bahia / Bahian nighthawk [Nyctiprogne vielliardi, syn.: Chordeiles vielliardi]Bahianachtschwalbe {f}
Bahia blackhead [Apostolepis arenaria] Bahia-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Bahia lizard eater [Elapomorphus wuchereri] Bahia-Echsennatter {f}
Bahia porcupine [Sphiggurus insidiosus, syn.: Sphiggurus pallidus] Wolliger Baumstachler {m}
Bahia rosewood [Dalbergia nigra] Rio-Palisander {m}
Bahia tapaculo [Scytalopus psychopompus, syn.: Eleoscytalopus psychopompus ]Bahia-Tapaculo {m}
Bahia tyrannulet [Phylloscartes beckeri] Bahialaubtyrann {m}
Bahia ulcer [espundia]Bahia-Beule {f}
Bahia worm lizard [Amphisbaena polystegum, syn.: Leposternon polystegum] Bahia-Doppelschleiche {f}
bahianite [Al5Sb3O14(OH)2] Bahianit {m}
Bahla Bala {n}
bahookie [Scot.] [coll.]Hintern {m} [ugs.]
Bahr Yusuf River Jussufkanal {m}
Bahrain <.bh>Bahrain {n}
BahrainiBahrainer {m}
Bahraini [female]Bahrainerin {f}
Bahraini dinar <BHD> Bahrain-Dinar {m} <BHD>
Bahrainis Bahrainer {pl}
Bahrainis [female] Bahrainerinnen {pl}
baht <฿, Bt, THB> Baht {m} <฿, Bt, THB> [Währungseinheit in Thailand]
Bahtinov maskBahtinov-Maske {f}
bahuvrihi Bahuvrihi {n}
Baiae [ancient ruins in Italy]Baiae {n} [antike Siedlung in Italien]
baicalein [C15H10O5] Baicalein {n}
baicalin [C21H18O11] Baicalin {n}
baidarka Baidarka {f}
baiji [Lipotes vexillifer] Chinesischer Flussdelfin {m}
baiji [Lipotes vexillifer] Jangtse-Delfin {m}
baiji [Lipotes vexillifer]Baiji {m}
Baikal bush warbler [Bradypterus thoracicus] Fleckenbuschsänger {m}
Baikal Mountains {pl} Baikalgebirge {n}
Baikal RangeBaikalgebirge {n}
Baikal RangeliechkeitBaikalgebirge {n}
Baikal seal [Pusa sibirica, syn.: Phoca sibirica] Baikalrobbe {f}
Baikal seal [Pusa sibirica, syn.: Phoca sibirica] Baikal-Ringelrobbe {f}
Baikal skullcap [Scutellaria baicalensis, syn.: Scutellaria macrantha] Baikal-Helmkraut {n}
Baikal teal [Anas formosa] Baikalente {f}
Baikal teal [Anas formosa]Gluckente {f}
Baikal teal [Anas formosa]Prachtente {f} [Baikalente]
baikalite [iron-bearing diopside]Baikalit {m} [eisenhaltiger Diopsid]
Baikonur Baikonur {n}
bailBürgschaft {f} [Strafrecht]
bail Haltevorrichtung {f} [Bügel]
bail Kaution {f}
bail Sicherheitsleistung {f}
bail [also bale] [semicircular handle, support]Bügel {m} [halbkreisförmiger Griff, Stütze]
bail [cricket]Querholz {n}
bail [person]Bürge {m}
bail agent [Am.] Kautionsagent {m}
bail application Kautionsantrag {m}
bail barPapierhalter {m}
bail bondBürgschaftsschein {m}
bail bondKaution {f}
bail bond agent [Am.] Kautionsagent {m}
bail bonds office [Am.] Kautionsbüro {n}
bail bondsman [Am.] Kautionsvermittler {m}
bail bondsman [Am.]Kautionsbürge {m}
bail bondsman [Am.] Kautionsagent {m}
bail enforcement agent [Am.] Kautionsagent {m}
bail fugitive recovery specialist [Am.]Kautionsagent {m}
bail hearing [Anhörung über die Festsetzung einer Kaution]
bail hearingKautionsanhörung {f}
bail money Kaution {f}
bail officer [Am.] Kautionsagent {m}
bail termsKautionsauflagen {pl}
bailable bürgschaftsfähig
bailable offencebürgschaftsfähiges Vergehen {n}
bailed gebürgt
baileeBürgschaftsempfänger {m}
baileeDepositar {m}
baileeEmpfänger {m} einer Bürgschaft
bailee Pfandgläubiger {m}
bailee Verwahrer {m}
bailee clause Gewahrsamsklausel {f}
bailerSchöpfeimer {m}
bailer Schöpffass {n}
bailer Deponent {m}
bailer Hinterleger {m} einer Bürgschaft
bailerSumpfkübel {m}
bailer Pütz {f} [kleiner Eimer]
bailer Schmantlöffel {m}
bailer Ösfass {n}
bailerSchöpfbüchse {f}
bailer Pütze {f} [kleiner Eimer]
« badlbadmbaffbaggBaghBahabailBairbakebakebaki »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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